
Summary: Faithfulness

Text: Jude v. 20

Subject: Faithfulness

Theme: Build yourself up

Proposition: Believers must be a defender of truth and propagate the faith and resist false teaching.

Transitional sentence: We can be a defender of truth and propagate our faith and resist false teaching in four ways enlisted in….


I. By our most holy faith (Heb. 5:12)

a. holy faith - is the NT revelation handed down by Christ and the apostles (v.3)

b. Illustration: The baby must feed with breast milk of her mother.

c. Application: Study of God’s word

II. By praying in the Spirit. (Rom.8:26)

a. Spirit – to inspire, guide, energize and help us into Battle.

b. Illustration: The Soldiers is needed to wear their Armors before they can go to the Battle.

c. Application: Let us pray in the Spirit, with one’s Spirit to defend our faith to the false teaching.

III. By the sphere of God’s Love for us. (John 15:9-10)

a. Love – it involves faithful obedience to God and His word.

b. Illustration: The children is wholly Love his Father to follow his command just because he Love his Father.

c. Application: By being committed to God’s word is completely powerful to fight enemy.

IV. By longing in Christ. (Mt. 28: 19-20)

a. Longing – a persistent and strong desire.

b. Illustration: “No man is an Island.”

c. Application: Through Christ for He is over the world which able to help us in the midst of trials and He is ready to fight for us to resist the false teachers.


my fellow brethren let us become faithful, in PRAYING in the Spirit, Sphere in God’s love for us, and be longing in Christ to win, and to resist the false teaching with this filthy world.

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