
Summary: This is the 47th Sermon in the Series Action. This series began during the COVID 19 pandemic and is a call for the Church to be the Church.

Series: Action [#47]


Acts 16:16-40


Today, we celebrate Palm Sunday. This was the day that had been prophesied in Zechariah 9:9.

John 12:12-15

This happened on Sunday; but by Friday, these same people were yelling “Crucify Him”. That’s fickle and it still happens today. You may ask, “What is fickle”? Being fickle is when you change your mind often and quickly. Are you fickle?

Acts 16:16-18

Don’t be fickle, focus on…

1. The saving power of Jesus.

The possessed woman was following Paul and the others; and was proclaiming that they were telling people how to be saved. It is interesting how God used this enemy of the Gospel to proclaim the truth of the Word. Paul was agitated that she kept following them around; so he cast the evil spirit out of her in the name of Jesus.

Even when it appears that evil is winning; don’t take your eyes off of Jesus. It is through Jesus that we are saved. When God puts you in front of people that need to hear the truths of God; be faithful to tell them about salvation through Jesus. Stay focused on Jesus.

Acts 16:19-21

Don’t be fickle, focus on…

2. The love of Jesus.

The owners of the girl were angry and wanted Paul and Silas to suffer. Their issue wasn’t the condition of the girl; but the fact that they were making a lot of money from her fortune telling; and now that was gone. Their anger was about money, nothing else. Remember, the love of money is the root of all evil. You cannot love money and God at the same time. You will never have enough money and possessions to satisfy your needs; but you will always have Jesus’ love. You love God by obeying His commands and by loving others.

Acts 16:22-24

Don’t be fickle, focus on…

3. Pleasing God, not man.

The owners of this female slave stirred up everyone in town, including the city judges. Notice that the crowd of people joined in the attacking of Paul and Silas. This points out that people can easily be swayed by what others are doing.

This is exactly what happened at Palm Sunday to the crucifixion of Jesus. The people went from praising to condemning. Do not be trapped by being popular. You need to focus on pleasing God, nothing else.

Acts 16:25-26

Don’t be fickle, focus on…

4. Prayer and praising God.

Paul and Silas had just been severely beaten and thrown in prison. They had plenty of reasons to have self-pity and just lay down and sleep. Instead, they were praying and singing songs of praise to God. Regardless of your situation, pray and praise.

Acts 16:27-33

Don’t be fickle, focus on…

5. Being a witness in word and action for the Lord.

The punishment for losing prisoners was death and the jailer was going to take his own life; because he thought he had lost all of his prisoners. Instead, Paul stopped the jailer from taking his own life; and let him know that no one had left. They could have fled; but they chose to stay and lead this man to Jesus. Notice, the jailer asked them how to be saved. One of the first things the jailer did was to doctor their wounds.

Acts 16:34

Don’t be fickle, focus on…

6. Forgiveness.

Paul and Silas could have said no. They could have told the jailer that they were done with him. Instead, they forgave him and went to his home. You must forgive those who have hurt you.

Acts 16:35-40

Don’t be fickle, focus on…

7. Standing your ground.

There are many who say that politics and your Christian faith should never collide. They talk about separation of Church and State; but we see here that Paul holds the Government accountable for what they did.

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