
Summary: Four points in this passage that Pauls points us to which will allow us to get through the storms of life.

“Four Anchors in the Mist of the Storm”

Acts 27:18-31


~People every where in every corner of the world struggle with storms in there life, no one is exempt from them. Some storms are daily, some are for life.

~They very from health, to money, to family, to work, to unruly kids, and those that run away, to car problems, we all have them. I know, no ones struggles but my own, and I can honestly say, that sometimes they seem overwhelming.

~But by the Wonderful Grace of God, we can and will make it.

God in His great wisdom speaks to Paul, to speak to us, and provide help in the mist of these storms.

~That doesn’t mean that there won’t be scars, memories, losses or pain. It does, however, mean that we will be stronger in the end if we place our faith in God to make it to the other side of the storm.

1. “WHOSE I AM” (23)

*Paul recognized that he belonged to God.

*We must know that we belong to God (I know that I know)

*Recognize that it’s just a storm, that fact still remains God is in full

control. And we will get through it!

*You and I must look at that storm and say….

“I am a child of God, I belong to God and you cannot destroy me”.

(Have the congregation to repeat this after you).

Romans 8:35-39 read

*Let the devil know that you are God’s and that God will protect what

is His.

*Verse 27 says that the storm lasted 14 days. Remind the devil, you in this for all eternity, no matter how long or hard he beats upon us.

2. “WHOM I SERVE” (23).

*Even though it appeared that the storm held a death grip on the

Apostle Paul and all of those with him, he knew that he was serving A

Living, Loving, God.

*He knew that he was a servant of God, and that God was not finished

with him yet.

*He knew that there was still a work to do.

*There are times and still are times when the only thing that sustains

me is the fact that God has called me.

I am His servant, and knowing that I am in His will is enough to me,

even through the storm.

*There are many times I have wanted to stop what I was doing, but

faith would rise up and I would declare to the enemy,

“I am called of God. I know whom I serve. I know I am in His will and I know that He will see me through.”

*There are times when you are working in the kingdom that you will

go through a storm and be tempted to loose hope. Remember that

you are a servant of God and he will enable not only to do the work

He has called you to do but He will enable you to make it through the

storm so you can finish what He has for you to do.


*Paul trusted in the promise of God.

*That’s all he needed to make it through was God’s word.

*Listen, God’s promise, God’s Word will is always an anchor during the


4. “I BELIEVE GOD” (25).

*Not only did he have God’s Word, but he chose to believe God’s


*What good does it do us to have God’s Word if we don’t believe it?

*What good does it do us to read God’s Word if we don’t believe it?

*What good does it do us to quote God’s Word if we don’t believe it?

*It is in those dark bleak moments that we must stand and say with


*There have been times the storm was very boisterous and almost

overwhelming in my life, but I have had to look that storm in the eye

and say: “I BELIEVE GOD”. (Say that with me.)

*Whatever storm you and I are going through we need to know God

understands what we are facing, and God knows everything about

that situation. He is in full control.

*We must know and believe that God has our best interest in His

hands, and that He will not let us down.

*Have you ever been trying to get a child or someone else to do

something you said: “Just trust me.”?

*That’s exactly what God wants us to do.

*Just trust Him, He is in Full Control.

*Verse 20 says they had given up hope that they would be saved.

*Friends HOLD ON to the un-changing hand of more than ever in the

MIST of the storm

Pastor Jerry Stepp

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