
Summary: 1 of 2. The circumstances surrounding Peter’s reinstatement made much of the commitment needed to fulfill his station in life. Fulfillment hinges upon a commitment to love. Your commitment to Love brings fulfillment to...

FULFILLMENT From LOVE-I—John 21:15-22


Poor Bill Jones

In a coastal church one Sunday morning, a bespectacled minister glanced at the note that Mrs. Jones had sent to him by an usher.

The note read: "Bill Jones, having gone to sea, his wife desires the prayers of the congregation for his safety."

Failing to observe the punctuation, he startled his audience by announcing:

"Bill Jones, having gone to see his wife, desires the prayers of the congregation for his safety."

Neither Bill Jones’ wife nor Mr. Jones himself experienced the fulfillment of their desire.


All of the ills of mankind are directly or indirectly related to personal fulfillment.

If I am unfulfilled, I seek avenues by which it can be obtained. I am driven to reach a point of equilibrium of fulfillment...

If my job is unfulfilling, I seek employment elsewhere.

If my career is unfulfilling, I will seek a different path.

If my marriage is unfulfilling, I seek the return of satisfaction.

If my relationship is unfulfilling, I will seek relationships which meet my desire.

All of these problems are answered thru Love.

The circumstances surrounding Peter’s reinstatement made much of the commitment needed to fulfill his station in life.

The circumstances of Peter’s reinstatement made much of his personal commitment to love.

Fulfillment hinges upon a commitment to love.

How does love bring fulfillment to our lives?

4 commitments to love that bring fulfillment.

1— Your commitment to Love brings fulfillment to...

Your MISSION(:15-17)

Explanation: (:15-17) Others

:15—“So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs.”

Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James & John + 2 other disciples went fishing & had a breakfast of fish & bread with the resurrected & otherwise unrecognized(:4, 12) Jesus, by the Sea of Galilee(:1-14).

Upon eating breakfast, Jesus directs a question to Peter which takes him aback. He addresses Peter’s personal relationship to Jesus. Jesus approaches Peter as the “son of Jonah.” ?Would this cause Peter to focus upon his background as ?a fisherman? ?Would this make him realize his weaknesses as a man in contrast to the potential high-mindedness of his position within the now 11 disciples?

Regardless, Jesus desires that Peter openly voice his “love” for Jesus. Jesus not only wants Peter to reckon with such “love,” but wants him to qualify(“more than”) it & contrast(“these”) his love with that of the disciples that are present(7 in number—See above :2).

The contrast could also be with the things(“these”) of Peter’s livelihood as a fisherman, to which he(& the others) reverts in :3-8.

Peter’s response is an unhesitating, “Yes.” However Peter does not directly state that his “love” for Jesus is “more than these.” He merely states the fact with the added fact that Jesus Himself, indeed “knows” that Peter “loves” Him.

In response to Peter’s affirmation of love, he is then commissioned or re-commissioned(See Lk. :60-62) by Jesus at this moment. Peter is commissioned to personally supply nourishment(“Feed”) for those “lambs” which are Jesus’. This could also infer that “these”—the present disciples— are to be included as “lambs.”

Lk. 22:60-62—“But Peter said, “Man, I do not know what you are saying!” Immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. And the Lord turned & looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” So Peter went out & wept bitterly.”

Confession of “love” for Christ is sufficient to warrant one’s responsibility for sustaining those who are very young—even infantile—in Christ & which belong to Him. The “lambs” are Christ’s possession & that possession is precious to Him. However, Jesus’ responsibility for them is now transferred to such as are under-shepherds(1Pet. 5:2-4) in Peter’s likeness. A grave trustee-ship at best.

This is the first of three questions regarding Peter’s “love” for Jesus, which is probably in answer to the three open denials which Peter declared at Jesus’ arrest outside the high priest’s house(Lk. 22:54).

The interplay of agapaw & filew may be inconclusive, however there is much indecision regarding it.

Hendriksen sees this as Peter’s awareness of personal sin. Formerly being one who spoke before he thought but after the resurrection, realizing his weakness. Thereby he is guardedly unwilling to declare his “love” in the terms Jesus seeks.

“Eaten breakfast/Dined/Finished breakfast/Finished eating”—aristaw—V.—1) To breakfast; 2) by later usage, To dine. Strong—To take the principle meal. Used 3X.

From—ariston—N.n.—1) The first food taken early in the morning before work, breakfast. Strong—The best meal [or breakfast; perhaps from hri ("early")], i.e. Luncheon.

“Simon”—Simwn—From Hebrew—Nwemv Shim`own—Simeon or Shimeon = “Heard”

“Peter”—Petrov—Peter = “A rock or a stone”

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