
Summary: The typical Funnel as a type of Salvation and the way of Blessings from God.

In the Gospel according to Matthew, in ch.7, the Lord Jesus talks about the strait and narrow way, and also the wide and broad way. He also says in John ch.10, that He is The Door, and that they might have life More Abundantly.

In looking at the typical funnel, one can see there is a wide opening, and a narrow opening.

1. The Broad Opening...many go in thereat....

a. the popular way...( according to the world )

( well if all are doing it, is it right )

b. the personal way...( all have sinned )

( thru the flesh, rituals, regulations, works )

c. the pleasurable way...( the pleasures of Sin..)

2. The Narrow Opening...few that find it...

a. the scriptural way...born of The Word...

b. the spiritual way...except a man be born again...

c. the Savior’s faith in Christ Jesus...

3. The Only Grace thru Faith...

a. the door to the sheepfold...John 10...

b. the dependance on the Sacrifice...2-Corin.5:21..

c. the deliverance from Sin..Matt.1:21...2-Corin.5:17.

4. The Way of me if any man enter in he shall go in and....

a. from a sinner to a Saint...Rom.8:12-18....

b. from silence to shouting...Rom.10:11...

c. from sitting to serving...Rom.6...servants of God..

When one is born again, he has endless possibilities with the Lord...Philipp.4:13-17..., one is brought out of darkness into His Light..., one can walk in Faith and not by sight.

When you enter by the wide way, eventually all will meet at the same portal, standing before God...Rom.14:12...

Have you went in , are you really in, the narrow way of Christ, or have you entered in the Wide way.....many will say to Me in that day, Lord Lord have we done many things....I NEVER KNEW YOU!!!

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