
Summary: God has a purpose for you. You are not on this planet by accident and God has a plan that will give you happiness, joy, and prosperity.


God is a God who reigns always. This God says you are a man of destiny. In Jeremiah 29:10-11, God says He has a plan for you to prosper. Today, as you read this message, you are fulfilling your appointment with destiny.

God says for a moment, He might have forgotten the Israelites because of their disobedience, but that was for a moment. Some of us are in our problems because we have not always done the right thing. The Spirit of the Lord came over Jeremiah and He said to the Israelites that after 70 years, He will visit His people once again as He used to. God knew the thoughts He has for His people and they are always positive plans.

You are a child of destiny. You do not belong where you are. You belong to the good place God wants you to be. In likewise manner, the devil has a negative plan for you. His plan in John 10:10 is to destroy things, including you! Thank God that Jesus came that you may have life and have it abundantly. I want to tell you that God’s plans for you will surely come to pass.

God has executed His plans for you. It is up to you to enjoy that plan. The devil cannot stop you from enjoying that plan. That is why you are reading this document; to learn how to enjoy His plans. All you need to do is to make up your mind. You know what; God has pleasure in your prosperity. That is why Moses prayed in Psalm 90:15. The Psalmist knew the prophecy of God about Israel. He knew God’s plans about His people, so he asked for it. Where you are now is not your place. Your place is to know peace, joy, financial breakthrough and abundance.

As you serve the Lord, no weapons shall rise against you and any tongue that rises in your condemnation, you shall destroy; this is because God wants you to get the best.

However, this blessing is not automatic. You don’t fold your arms for them to fall on you. You need to follow God’s principles and apply them before you can enjoy them. If you believe these principles, you will fulfil your destiny and get into your breakthrough.

I want you to open your spirit for this word coming. That word is ‘DETERMINATION’; you must be determined in all what you do for God. As with faith, nothing can stop you from breaking all barriers. In Matthew 6:33, The Bible says ‘seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all other things will be added onto you.’ The word ‘seek’ means to crave to do something with strong determination, shamelessness and fight with shameless perseverance.

Champions in the Word of God were determined champions. This tells us that champions are always determined. In Luke 11:5-8, there was a champion there in the parable. Jesus was telling us how to get what we want to get. It does not matter the time. Champions will always win because they are always focused and ready to fight.

All you need is to be determined to get to the spot God has set for you through Jesus Christ and you will surely fulfil your destiny.

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