
Summary: God loves Israel but only a remnant will be saved!

You know, what I just said in over 20 verses, God summarized in 3 verses in Romans 9:6-9. Of course the Jews in Rome knew exactly what God was talking about.

Similarly in Romans 9:10-15, not all of Isaac’s children trusted God. But because God loved the people of Israel, God made a commitment to Jacob.

Look again at v17….

Here’s a powerful truth: God is All Powerful but will give mercy to whoever He desires! But another question arises from this truth. Look again at v19….

God immediately gives an answer in v20-21!

God is in control of everything but God loves people, and He especially loves Israel! And God gives a commentary on this awesome truth in v22-33 of Romans 9.

Look again at verses 22-26. What descriptions are given about God in these 4 verses??

God can:

• show His wrath!

• make known His power!

• have great patience!

• make the riches of His glory known!

• prepare the future!

• call whoever He wants to call!

God is all mighty and is in control!

And what can we say about God from v27? God will allow Israel to grow in spite of their unbelief of the Messiah Jesus Christ. And God will judge Israel but He will save a remnant! Look again at v29……

Israel should have been judged already like Sodom and Gomorrah but God decided to preserve Israel!

God loves Israel but not all will be saved! Why?

Look again at v32-33 with me….

Who will be saved from Israel? The only Israelites who will be saved are the ones who will not stumble over Jesus Christ but trust in Him alone!

We will learn more about Israel in Romans 10-11 in the next few weeks and be able to appreciate God’s love for Israel and relate to those of the Jewish heritage and faith. But what can we apply to our lives today from Romans 9?

First of all, not all Israel is saved because many refused and many are still refusing to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and God. How about each one of us?

1. Do I fully trust Jesus Christ as my only Savior and God?

Secondly, we noted that the apostle Paul was willing to die for the people of Israel because they were spiritually lost. And so, for us Christians: 2. What am I willing to give to those I know are spiritually lost?

And we noted,

God can:

• show His wrath!

• make known His power!

• have great patience!

• make the riches of His glory known!

• prepare the future!

• call whoever He wants to call!

God is Almighty and is in control of everything!

And so, we need to ask ourselves,

3. What is my view of God on a daily basis?

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