
Summary: God wants us to share our faith

John 15:16

God’s Will: Personal Evangelism


A. Show Evangelism Linebacker video

B. Review last week’s sermon – we talked about God’s will

C. While our efforts at leading others into a relationship with Christ may not look like the video, God is clear about us sharing our faith.

D. Read John 15:16 – discuss what the fruit of a disciple is and is not. We have been commanded to make disciples: Jesus followers. That is the fruit of a disciple.

E. Every believer is to be leading others to Christ: 2 pleas I make today

I. Learn to view your life differently – you’ve been called to ministry

A. 2 Corinthians 5:17ff – you have been called. It is expected. Like begets like. Accept this as your life calling.

B. Kitty Genovese story – how many will go on in darkness because we don’t want to get involved?

C. Sunbather story – we have a legal right to mind our own business – to turn a deaf ear. We are not obligated. Indifference may not be illegal

D. It’s not about getting a profession – but about moving someone closer to God

1. Actions

2. Attitudes

3. Speech

4. Concern

II. Seek the Lord of the harvest

A. Matthew 9:36-38

B. We’re living in the midst of a ripe field, but for some reason we’re not harvesting it.

C. Jesus taught us that the two needs were prayer and workers. The more prayers we offer the more workers we’ll see. The more workers there are, the greater the harvest.

1. Why aren’t we harvesting? Because there are too few workers

2. Why are there too few workers? Because there are too few prayers

3. Why are there too few prayers? Because we lack compassion

4. Why do we lack compassion? Because we don’t see the people

5. Go to John 4:35 – that’s why Jesus said to look…


A. The answer is not an evangelism linebacker to “knocks the pride out”

B. We can learn a lesson from the apostle Paul: 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1

1. Live for the glory of God – make this first and foremost

2. Live with a concern for the salvation of others

3. Follow Christ and others who are following Christ (don’t just go to church – follow Christ).

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