
Summary: Message about Transfiguration Sunday


God Watch

Mark 9:1-12

Man climbs to top of a mountain

Is God really up here?

“God, what should I do with my life?”

“Feed the hungry, strive for justice, work for peace.”

“Oh, I was just testing to see if you are real.”

“So was I.”

Have you had mountain top experiences?

I have

First at De Baca ranger camp in Lincoln, NM

Hiking alone I suddenly knew God was there – so powerful started to cry

Next time at Scout Camp in Sacramento Mountains

By the wowser cage

(A wowser is a mythical monster half bear and half lion)

Found God among the skunk cabbage

Peter, James and John had a mountain top experience

We all know the story. Jesus shining and talking to Moses and Elijah – the law and the prophet

Peter wanted to build three tabernacles (little booths)

He wanted to stay there forever

Jesus had business in the valley

Peter did not understand the business

Jesus dying on a cross like a criminal

He wanted to stay where he felt good

I did too

I was a boy or young man

Other people told me what to do

Just like Peter

Have you ever had a mountaintop experience?

Many happen someplace other than mountains

Reading a book – Singing a song

Watching birds, animals, people

Driving a tractor or car

Reading something from the i-net

Suddenly you just begin to worship

Suddenly you know God’s presence

Suddenly you know things will be okay

Suddenly you know peace, joy, love

Suddenly . . .

The disciples did not understand

They thought they met the transfigured Christ on the mountaintop

They did not realize they had been with the transfigured Christ for the last three years

There are times when the spiritual world seems closer – when the “suddenly’s” happen

But God/Christ/the Holy Spirit are always “there”

Always with us

They are easier to experience sometimes

At times, we expect to feel “suddenly”

It is my desire to bring you to those moments every Sunday morning

Moments when the transfigured Christ becomes very real to you

I hope, and pray, that occurs to some of you every Sunday, and to all of you on occasion

But mountaintop experiences are not where we live

Monday follows Sunday every week for six and one half thousand years of recorded history

“Normal” people do not feel the “suddenly’s” on Monday

God may be there, but we are too busy to notice him

In 1 Kings 19:11-12 Elijah was sent out to a mountain

First = wind – Lord not in the wind

Next = earthquake – Lord not in quake

Next, fire – Lord not in the fire

Last still small voice = THAT was the Lord

The Rev Marilyn MacDonald sent a piece of prose out to a number of other preachers. It goes like this:

"A person whispered," God, speak to me" and a meadowlark sang. But, the person did not hear.

So they yelled, "God, speak to me" and the thunder rolled across the sky.

But, they did not listen.

The person looked around and said, "God, let me see you" and a star shone brightly. But, the person did not notice.

They shouted, "God show me a miracle" and a life was born. But, the person did not know.

So, they cried out in despair, "Touch me God and let me know you are here." Whereupon God reached down and touched them.

But, they brushed the butterfly away, and walked on.”

Wednesday begins the period of Lent

Some will fast – some will ignore it

I would like us to resolve to look for God – in the little things

I would want you to keep a journal of your God Sightings

Every Sunday we will have time to share our God sightings with each other

You can read them from your journal

No pressure, only if you want to

When you know how others find God, it will help you look deeper

After forty days, it will be a habit to see God all around you

Won’t that be cool?

Think about it

To read more go to

Rev. O. K. Neal

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