
Summary: This is the second part of the Genesis survey

Have you ever felt like you were here alone? Well I am here to tell you that you are not here alone forever. God will never leave you alone, and he will send someone to you. All we have to do is be willing to wait on God. Are you willing to wait on God?

When God created Adam it was just him all by himself. Adam was created by God to look over the land. Adam was also created to name all of the animals among the land. He was the only human upon the earth at one point and time.

I am pretty sure that Adam felt like he was alone at times. Like he did not have anyone to really talk to here on earth. I can also imagine that Adam asked God to send him someone to walk among the land with him. Once Adam might have done this, he waited on the God to answer his prayer.

God answered Adam' prayer by sending him someone. God took a rib from Adam to create for him a mate. This person that God was creating was the person that would become Adam' helper and friend. She would also become Adam' wife. Her name was Eve, once Eve was created Adam was not alone anymore. He was not alone because now he had Eve there on earth with him from day to day.

The same way God created Eve for Adam, he is creating someone for you. You just have to wait on God to create the person. Remember though that our time is not God' time, and God knows when and at what time we can handle that special someone. So just keep on waiting for your mate, and pray to God. Your time will come, and God prepares you fully for that time...AMEN!

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