
Summary: an exposition on Mahh ch 28


Matthew 28 v. 16 - 20, & Mark 16 v. 15 - 20,

v. 15 "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature"

1. The Plan for Preaching is Perfect v. 15, Note:-

(a) Its source v. 15 "He said"

(b) Its scope "to every creature"

(c) Its significance "his last command" v. 19

(d) Its suitability i.e. for the dispensation of grace

(e) Its summons is as binding as ever - not to civilize the world, modernize it, or even catechize it, but to evangelize it with the gospel

"The church of every generation is commissioned by Christ to evangelize the world in its generation - to evangelise the world is to present Christ as the only Saviour and Divine Lord, that every human being will have a fair opportunity intelligently to accept or reject Him. Isaiah 45 v. 22 "look unto me, and be ye saved all the ends of the earth; for I am God and there is none else" - look where? to"God", when? "now", why? "be ye saved" , who? "all the ends of the earth"

2. The Performance of Preaching is Personal v. 15 "go ye"

i.e. A personal responsibility

(a) It is binding

(b) It is beckoning - to preach as :-

(1) Soon

(2) Sincerely

(3) Sympathetically

(4) Systematically (to every creature), and

(5)As steadfastly as you can

(c) Its blessing

(1) To you (in obeying the command), and

(2) Through you (in others hearing also)

3. The Priority of Preaching is Plain - the need is greater today because the :-

(a) Population is greater

(b) Perplexity is greater (cults)

(c) Prejudice is greater (ungodly influence)

(d) Perversion is greater, and the

(e) Pitfalls are greater - drink, drugs etc.

4. The Period for Preaching is Passing

Jesus said "I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day, the night cometh when no man can work" John 9 v. 4, and Paul says "the time is short"

1 Corinthians 7 v. 29

(a) Dispensationally James 5 v. 8 "the coming of the Lord draweth nigh"

(b) Politically - doors are opening and closing

(c) Spiritually - so little time, so much to do.

5. The Procedures for Preaching are Proposed - we can fulfil the commission by:-

(a) Praying - Matthew 9 v. 38 "pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers"

(b) Giving Acts 11 v. 27 - 30, v. 29 "then the disciples every man according to his ability determined to send relief unto the brethern in Judea" It was :- systematic (saved), sensible (ability), and sacrificial (also they did)

(c) Going or being willing to go - have you ever said as Isaiah - "here am I; send me"

6. The Promises for Preaching are Profound

Matthew 28 v. 20 "lo, I am with you alway" Here is :-

(a) The promise of the Divine provision for us i.e. "bread from heaven"

(b) The promise of the Divine process in us i.e.through a transformed life

(c) The promise of the Divine presence with us i.e. "lo I am with you always" - not only over us, or for us, or in us, but also with us

7. The Power for Preaching is Provided i.e. The Holy Ghost

Acts 1 v. 8 "but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me"

The Master comes He calls for thee, go forth at His Almighty word, obedient to His last command, and tell to those who never heard, who sit in deepest shades of night, that Christ has come to give them light.

Are you willing to go where God wants you to go?

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