
Summary: A look at God's hand on the paddle; those He loves He chastens.


Part 1

I. Background

A. The Man

1. Not much documented facts concerning Habakkuk.

2. His name means “embrace” or “ardent embrace”

a. Appropriate in light of 3:16.

b. Habakkuk determines to hold on to God even in punishment.

c. He embraces God’s plan.

d. Can we? Do we?

e. We’ll see God’s hand on the paddle

3. Some believe that he is the son Elisha promised the Shunammite

woman in II Kings 4.

4. Some believe he is the watchman mentioned by Isaiah in

Isa. 21:6. Ref. Hab. 2:1.

B. The Times

1. 612-606 BC

a. Nineveh has fallen.

b. Assyria is on the decline.

c. God is raising up the Chaldeans.

2. No real dominant world power; none on the horizon. Babylon

was a tributary to the rapidly declining Assyrians.

3. Not unlike today.

C. What Good are the Prophets to us today?

1. Rom. 15:4 & II Pet. 1:12-21

2. They verify God’s intent from the beginning to send Christ.

3. What else can we gain from them?

a. There was God’s impending judgment on Judah for wrong-


b. Deut. 8: 19-20

c. Israel as a whole was punished many times for disobedience.

d. I believe we may face like times in the US for leaving God as a whole.

i. We will get to that shortly.

ii. Question is, “Do we truly think it can happen today?”

iii. Application in light of today is important.

II. Part I

A. The Book is Different from Other Prophetic Writings

1. Flow of conversation is backwards.

2. Habakkuk talks to God for the people.

3. Habakkuk questions God.

4. Habakkuk questions God’s answer.

B. Chapt. 1:1-4 Habakkuk’s Question

1. The “oracle” or “burden” – a term that was synonymous with a

“revelation of impending judgment (prophesy) on a nation”.

a. Indicates a heavy nature

b. Habakkuk was bringing news of devastation.

2. How long will this go on?

a. These are Jews mistreating other Jews.

b. God is accused of not listening. Is this true?

c. God’s longsuffering was not indifference nor was it evidence of His condoning wrong.

C. Chapter 1:5-11 God’s Answer

1. Not one Habakkuk expected I’m sure.

2. God didn’t pick a bunch of pansies.

a. A law unto themselves

b. Have horses which were a sign of power

c. Gather prisoners like sand

i. vs 10 – Read

ii. The earthen ramps were built by prisoners to allow the Chaldeans access to a city. If they were injured or killed the others just covered their bodies and used them for fill.

3. God didn’t sugar coat His answer either.

4. Rev. 3:19 – God says He rebukes those He loves.

Heb. 12:6 - Read

D. Chapt. 1:12-17

1. Habakkuk tries to use reverse psychology.

a. Using the Chaldeans was not unholy.

b. This would be hard for us to stomach today.

c. Would/do we question God?

d. Are we too good to be punished by a less “Christian” nation?

2. The reference to hooks, nets, and dragnets indicates total

ensnarement by the wicked.

3. The wicked continue to prosper and the good continue to suffer.

E. Chapt. 2:1

1. Vs. 1 – “I will stand and watch”

a. Refer back to 1:5

b. Habakkuk was waiting on God.

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