
Summary: Let us not wait until we are blitzed to turn to God, before the flood ravages us, can we hand over our lives to God please?

Hand it over!

Ruth 1:16”But Ruth said: " Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God.”

‘Ouch be careful’, ‘not now’ or ‘it would pain’ would be the comments when I want to cut the nails of my children when they were small. It would be an exasperating time of chasing and pinning them down while on the job. In contrast, my Abide Angel Home kids would run towards me and hand over their fragile, small fingers to me and watch me cut their nails. My heart would skip a beat when I find them trust me so whole-heartedly; it would be my turn now to be very careful so that I don’t harm them; one by one all the kids would gleefully jump and come to me. Never ever have they given me a glance of doubt! As I held their tiny, soft hands safely, I felt God would do the same to me! He is never ever going to harm me! What makes us ever think that our God who loves us colossally would ever harm us? When we trust Him wholly and handover our life, kids, job, dream, vision and future into His Hands, mark it, He would never let you down!

We live in an era of ‘I know’, ‘I will do it’, ‘I can handle it’ and ‘I can manage’; but when the floods sweep us like in the case of Uttarakhand then we are ready to swing on ropes for safety, we are ready to trust the army jawan to carry us over the rough waters. Let us not wait until we are blitzed to turn to God, before the flood ravages us, can we hand over our lives to God please?

This woman Ruth from the Bible never ceases to amaze me! She just simply floors us all with her astonishing faith in Jehovah by walking away from everyone during the most devastating time of her life. None would want to leave the folks at home, home town and friends to walk behind an old woman Naomi who had lost everything; are you hearing me? Ruth may not have attended prayer seminars, worship festivals, revival crusades or fire camps as many, many attend today, but her faith was out of her personal relationship with God. Glory to Jesus! Are you listening to me? Ruth was committed in following God wherever He leads! She was confident of His Presence with her!

Friend, before I took the gigantic decision of resigning my job with a multinational bank, I developed a very close relationship with Him. I would be deeply lost in reading His Word for several hours through the night, I had a diligent way of fasting several days and praying. After a couple of years, when God finally spoke to me to work full-time for Him, I didn’t have to run around with frustration for confirmation, I simply knew one hundred percent that He had called me. Many call it a ‘bold decision’, never, I would say it was just obedience to His call. I handed over my weak hands into His like the way my Home kids hold mine! He has never let me down!

My son was four years old and my daughter was 13 when I resigned my job to work as full-time servant for God. I had to sell my apartment and move into a rented place, within six months my husband closed his business to join me in the Lord’s work. Does it sound scary? I bet it would! My daughter has now completed her B Tech in computer engineering this year and my son is now in standard nine. The storms were there but they stood no chance before our powerful God!

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