
Summary: The importance of seeing Heaven through the eyes of Christ is too good to miss! Christians need to dispel the rumors and get down to what IS, and isn't, going to be in Heaven straight from God's word.

Heaven is … (Part 1)

Revelation, Part 31, Revelation 19:11 – 21:27

Ω Introduction

- Today gives us 7 things to see in the final days of this historic battle

-- Good vs. evil began on the Earth in the Garden of Eden

-- Today’s scripture gives us the “final blow” to the ways of wickedness

- Be sure we don’t get caught up with the end and miss the “main thing”

-- The main thing is that people need Jesus; it is our calling and mission

- Read Revelation 19:11 – 20:15

Ω Point 1 – Jesus vs Satan (v11-21)

- Jesus:

-- Revelation of Jesus in full authority, splendor, and majesty

-- Eyes of fire; many crowns on his head; a sacred name known only to Him

-- Dressed in white robe dipped in blood (demonstrating His sacrifice)

-- See the disclosure of His sole purpose: John 1:1 (In the beginning …)

-- His authority is supreme (Psalm 2:9 prophecy fulfilled: “You will break them with a rod of iron; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”)

-- IMP: Without apology, He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

- Contrast to Satan:

-- Beast, gathering armies to stand against God, waging war

-- He is the great deceiver, a creature bent on destruction of God

-- One who deliberately stands opposed to God out of pride and rebellion

-- Remember he asked: “… did God really say …?” - APP: We bought it!

- APP: All will answer to the judgment of Jesus Christ (even Satan himself)

-- Killed/captured; God is in control (Satan’s delusion of power: temporary)

-- IMP: (again) We must not spend our time focused ONLY on the end

Ω Point 2 – Satan has no power (v1-10)

- God’s authority binds Satan for 1,000 years in the Abyss (hell)

- His authority binds Satan NOW! (Job 1:12, Satan is granted authority …)

-- Satan was under God’s control then, and that has never stopped

- We give him what he needs; not vice versa (IMP: cannot take it from you)

-- IMP: Satan has taken enough from us … don’t give him anymore!

-- Bring him under the authority of Jesus Christ; through power of the HS!

-- Jesus died to redeem; ought to act like it and stop surrendering to enemy!

Ω Point 3 – Salvation is vital (v11-15)

- Worst verses in bible for the believer – it signifies the end of the unsaved

-- God’s judgment is inevitable: Death is certain (this is the SECOND death)

- Great White Throne (it is a sight of horror and fear for the unsaved)

-- No more mercy given by God … its only judgment for sinners

-- IMP: Nothing and no one will be able to hide from God’s judgment

- All are brought before God’s Throne, before God’s Son: Jesus Christ

-- The cremated; drowned; destroyed: God knows where each part is

-- APP: If God made it, he can bring it all back together for His purpose

- Death and Hades (the holding place) are thrown to lake of fire

-- The power and place where all separated from God are today is destroyed

-- Picked up like a rag doll: only the Creator can do something like this

- V15 application to consider: “Are you in the Book of Life?”

-- First for you: Just saying a prayer is not where salvation comes from!

-- If so, the cross was a trinket of affection from God which is minimized

- Jesus died so we would make Him LORD (supreme master) of our lives

-- Word used by Jesus in Greek is that we’d be slaves (doúlos)

-- Luke 6:46, “Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?”

- Once you take care of you, is your Family? Friends? Co-workers?

-- The Gospels repeatedly show Jesus encouraging us to bear fruit (John 15)

-- Is there fruit coming from you? Are you witnessing and telling?

-- IMP: Works are not fruit … fruit is of the Spirit of God demonstrated

-- v15 is final: there is no escape & no redemption for any at this place

- TRANS: We can spend forever on this, or we can read it and live it

-- Jesus is triumphant and we need Him to survive: the choice IS simple!

- Read Revelation 21:1-27

Ω Point 4 – Heaven is ruled by One

- God created the world (Gen 1:1), and He sustains it to the very end

-- His delivery of this world is our hope forever (Jeremiah 29:11)

- Great examples for the believer to look forward too given by God

-- Verse 3: refers to 2 Cor 6:16, “What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.”

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