
Summary: How God, Paul and Silas, and a family in Philippi all played their parts in a story of salvation.


Text: Acts 16:25 – 34


· What is the most important event that has happened to your family?

· For a family in Philippi, it was the day that Paul and Silas preached to them and they all got saved.

I. God set up the situation.

A. He caused Paul and Silas to go to Philippi. (16:6 – 12)

B. He caused Paul and Silas to cross paths with a slave girl and her masters. (16:16 – 24)

C. He caused an earthquake to get the jailer’s attention. (16:26)

II. Paul and Silas were faithful in their witness for the Lord.

A. They witnessed in the streets. (16:17)

B. They witnessed in prison. (16:25)

C. They witnessed in the jailer’s house. (16:32)

III. The jailer and his family met the conditions of salvation and were saved.

A. They listened to the Word. (16:32)

B. They believed the Word. (16:34)

C. They responded to the Word. (16:33)


· A good soul winner will allow God to put them in the right place at the right time.

· How you respond to negative circumstances says a lot about your testimony.

· You can be saved if you meet the conditions of salvation.

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