
Summary: This sermon is a continuation on how we as believers face oppositional giants with biblical principles and strategies.

“Facing Giants”

I Samuel 18:5-9

How to Kill a Giant: Part 2 or How to Handle Haters

(Use a Can of Raid)

Introduction: Giants. We must face them. Yet, we need not face them alone.

Max Lucado’s book, Facing Giants, takes a profound look at the life of David and digs deeply into the defeats he suffered, and the victories he won, as he faced the giants in his life. When David focused on God, giants tumbled. But when David focused on giants… he stumbled.

Giants, they are still coming. It seems like they keep coming in our lives. Seems when we get rid of one, here comes another! The purpose of this sermon is to share strategies and principles that we can use to help make it in this life while we face these giants.

I. Know that some Giants (Haters) are Internal (9)

• David had gained much attention after his victories over the Philistines (5-7)

• Some giants can be unidentified haters (8-9)

• Some of the internal giants want to get rid of you (10-11)

II. There are Some Giants (Haters) we have to Avoid (19:10)

• This is the 2nd time David has to avoid being murdered by Saul

• It is not a sign of fear because you walk away from some fights

III. If you get the chance to do people (haters) like they do you, Don’t (24:1-8)

• The enemy landed right into his hands, but David did not harm him.

• He did confront his giant (24:9ff)

Conclusion: God will give you Victory (26:16-20)

• God gave David victory!

• (illustration: the goat and the ditch and the enemy who tried to get rid of him…the goat shook it off) This is what you do with the giants (haters) shake them off.

• Jesus shook death and the grave off. See ULTIMATE LIFE cannot be handcuffed by death, Jesus said he was the resurrection and the life.

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