
Summary: Enoch was described as a man that "pleased God." Wouldn’t you like to have this testimony?


Text: Hebrews 11:5


· Enoch mentioned 9 times in Bible, 6 in Genesis, 1 in Luke, 1 in Jude, 1 in Hebrews

· Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him

· Hebrews 11:5 he had this testimony, that he pleased God

· Wouldn’t it be nice to have that type of testimony?

· Bible gives 6 ways to please God

A. You can please Him by trusting Him (Hebrews 11:6)

· For salvation

· For living the Christian life

i. Ministry

ii. Trials

iii. Temptations

iv. Prayers

· What is God asking you to trust Him for today?

B. You can please Him by praising and worshipping Him (Psalm 69:30, 31)

· Singing

· Reading Psalms orally; write your own

· Prayers of thanksgiving

· Praising His attributes

· Recognizing His work

C. You can please Him by respecting and obeying your parents (Colossians 3:20)

· Parents are accountable to God

· Your behavior and willingness to obey can make it a joy or a nightmare for them

· Submission to parents teaches submission to God

· Adds to your testimony

· “well pleasing”

· Next time parents seem unreasonable, take moment to consider why and resolve to obey

· Respecting parents lasts a lifetime; take care of them and their needs

D. You can please Him by living like a Christian should (1 Thessalonians 4:1)

· List of Christian dos and don’ts

i. Abstain from sexual sin

ii. Don’t be dishonest to or cheat others

iii. Be holy

iv. Receive correction with a good spirit

v. Love others

vi. Mind your own business

· Why? Because non-Christians are watching

· What they think about God depends upon you

E. You can please Him by separating yourself from worldly things (2 Timothy 2:4)

· More focused on things than on God

· Bigger house, better car (or 2 or 3), make the most money, best vacation, designer clothes

· Nothing wrong with these as long as they take back seat to God and don’t distract you from serving Him

· Pray about next big purchase…how can I use this to glorify God?

· Rich young ruler, rich fool

F. You can please Him by telling others about what He’s done for you (Hebrews 13:15, 16)

· Greek word “communicate” can mean fellowship, generosity, sharing, or contributing

· Share the good news about Jesus

· Share the things He has blessed you with to help others (opportunity to witness)

· Take someone to dinner and tell them about what God has done for you

· Help them with a problem and share how God has helped you with a similar one


· Enoch pleased God before there was a church, before there was a Bible, before there was the indwelling of the Holy Spirit

· If he could do it, surely we can too

· Romans 8:8 – can’t please God as long as unsaved

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