
Summary: The gospel is The Good News of Jesus Christ. It has been around for over 2,000 years. Literally millions of messages have been preached about the gospel. It has been shared in the dark cold streets to the beggar and in palaces with all their gl


The gospel is The Good News of Jesus Christ. It has been around for over 2,000 years.

Literally millions of messages have been preached about the gospel.

It has been shared in the dark cold streets to the beggar and in palaces with all their glory to Kings and noblemen.

The gospel is intertwined though out the Holy Scriptures, we call the Bible.

It is composed of 66 books with 40 difference authors spanning over several years.

Many of the authors never met each other.

But when you put it all together, it makes the most complete book ever known to mankind.

Mankind had tired to destroy it, change it, and make fun of it.

There has never been anyone find any fault in it. For all attempts have been refuted.

There has been many try, but all have failed.

If you would please join me as we read from God’s Holy Scriptures our text for today. Please stand and honor God’s Word as we read from Romans 1:16.


For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. Romans 1:16


What is “The Gospel”?

1. Life’s Living Water

I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is Life’s Living Water to me.

Can anyone really declare that they are ashamed of the Gospel?

2. It will Set You Free

I am not ashamed of the gospel because the Gospel can set me free.

Free from the bondage of this world.

3. It is All to You

I am not ashamed of the gospel because the Gospel is all to me.

We should we live daily with it present in our lives.

4. Power of God unto Salvation

I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the Power of God unto Salvation.

Salvation is the only gift that you would ever afford to purchase for yourself. It is a gift that is more precious the all the riches of all the great people of the world.

However, some people have tossed around it as if it was no more than a pair of old boots.


Remember! “The medicine prepared will not cure the patient if it is not taken.”

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