
Summary: Sermon 1 in the Series "I am..." This sermon I am the Bread of Life - We depend on food to substain us physical we need to depend on Christ to substain us spritaual.

I am the Bread of Life

John 6:35

Bro. Rodney A. Fry


The “I am” Series

Moses and the “I am” Revelation (Exodus 3:14)

Jesus shocks His hearers

“Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58)

His enemies then wanted to stone Him

The Eight “I Am” Statements by Jesus

Seven in the Gospel of John

One in the Book of Revelation

The First “I Am” Declaration: I am the Bread of Life

The Light of the World

What does this “I am” statement mean?

How does it apply to us today?

I. Jesus is the Source of Life

a. “All things were made by him” (John 1:3)

i. All plan and animal life

ii. All human life (Gen. 1:26-31)

iii. “In him was life” (John 1:4)

b. The high regard for life in the Bible

c. Today’s departure from that position

i. Abortion: ending life before God’s time for birth

ii. Euthanasia: ending life before God’s time for death

d. Life is from the Lord and should be sacred

II. Jesus Is the Sustainer of Life

a. Bread (Food) is vital to sustain life

i. No one strong enough to live long without food

ii. When food runs out life soon ends

iii. Anorexic victims die because they refuse to eat

b. God provides food for life

i. Israel given manna in the desert

ii. Elijah sustained by a widow during a famine

c. Jesus gives and sustains eternal life

i. Born in Bethlehem, the “place of bread” (Micah 5:2)

ii. Communion bread symbolizes His broken body (I Cor. 11:24)

d. How to receive this bread of life

i. “He that cometh to me”

ii. All who come to Him receive salvation

III. Jesus Gives Satisfaction in Life

a. “Shall never hunger”

b. Christ satisfies all inner desires

i. All other sources fail to satisfy

ii. Wealth, fame, success all fail

c. Jesus also satisfies inner thirst (Shall never thirst)

i. Inner thirst sends some to alcohol and other drug

ii. Inner thirst sends some to lust and greed

iii. None of these satisfy

d. True satisfaction is found only in Jesus

Coming and Believing

Easy to understand

No complicated religious ceremonies

Come to Christ and Have Life

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