
Summary: John 3:16

Jesus came into the world to save the world and the things that Jesus went through was more than you and I will ever go through.

1. Jesus was beaten until his flesh was coming off of his body. Jesus was beaten for the sins of humankind.

2. Jesus was nailed to the cross after he was beaten until exhaustion. He was even tested to come off the cross, but he did not.

3. Jesus stayed on the cross to die for our sins. Before Jesus died he said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

4. Jesus laid in the tomb 2 nights and 3 days, but early on the third day Jesus rose with all power in his hands.

5. Jesus rose to go back to heaven to prepare a place for and I.

6. It is because of these selfless acts of Jesus Christ that you and I have a chance of eternal life in heaven!

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