
Summary: Our hope is not built on opinions, but upon facts. For the facts see v. 1-11. Paul wrote to “refute” those who would “dispute” the resurrection.



INTRODUCTION: Our hope is not built on opinions, but upon facts. For the facts see v. 1-11. Paul wrote to “refute” those who would “dispute” the resurrection. When you strike at the resurrection you are striking at the heart of Christianity. No resurrection means no redeemer which means no redemption which means no reward which means no reason (to trust or believe).

Consider the idea “If Christ be not risen.”

I. Our Preaching Is Purposeless (v.14-15)

We are just wasting our time. Our message is in vain = useless, empty, false, no purpose. Everyone has lied to us.

II. Our Faith Is Futile (v.17)

We are still in sin, still in need of forgiveness. A dead Saviour has no power to save. If He’s dead how can He give you life? Our faith rests on what never happened. If He is dead then God is not in control. If He is dead throw your Bible away. Those who preached the resurrection, Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul are all liars.

III. Death Is No Deliverer (v.18)

Easter is a myth. Take a long look at that loved one in the casket because that’s the last glimpse you’ll ever get. How can believers be raised if the one in whom they believe did not overcome death?

IV. Our Service Is Senseless (v.19)

It’s good for this life only.

CONCLUSION: If Christ be not risen there is no forgiveness, no new birth, no Heaven, no hope. Everything about Christianity is the dream of fools.

But He is alive! In His birth He defied the laws of life. In His resurrection He defied the laws of death. Because of that our preaching has a purpose, our faith has a future, death is defeated, and our service is not in vain! Live for Him who died for you and serve Him with all your might!

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