
Summary: WHERE IS JESUS? He is in our presence, through His Spirit, and something wonderful happens! Listen!

John's Gospel introduces Jesus making an entrance into the world with these words, "And the Word was made flesh and He dwelt among us and we saw His glory and truth!" (John 1:4) Jesus came into our world! He is that babe lying in a manger. As a boy, He is the midst of the Jewish elders teaching.

Years later Peter is preaching to the crowd and said, "After the resurrection, this same Jesus of Nazareth approved of God, and you saw Him, His miracles and signs and wonders, He was in the midst of you and you yourselves knew; you knew Him as the Man of Israel and He was in your midst!" (Acts 2:22)

Then John tells us (19:18) "They crucified Him; one on one side and the on the other side," Jesus was in the middle dying for all mankind. What does the word 'midst' mean? It could be surrounded by or being totally involved. It could also mean 'in the thick of things'. Such as when used in the midst of the battle, in the very depth of the battle.

In the OT, we see God being in the midst of His people, for example Exodus 8:22, "I am the Lord in the midst of the earth." Then Deuteronomy 23:14, "For the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of the camp, to deliver thee." Then Jeremiah also speaks of His midst in His prayer. " Thou, O lord, art in the midst of us." (Jeremiah 19:9)

The one I love is Daniels being in the lion's den. "Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire and they have no hurt; and the fourth is like the Son of God." (Daniel 3:25) Jesus is the Son of God and He is in their midst.

The NT now continues with God's presence in His Son Jesus coming to earth. When he was in their presence many things happened. Let's recall a few examples when Jesus did this. His standing in the midst of the disciples in the upper room, He stood in their midst and said ,"Peace be still!" They very happy to see Him. They were more confident in Jesus' coming, and Jesus said "Receive the Holy Spirit!" He then said I am now sending you! (John 20:21)

GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN JESUS IN OUR MIDST! Jesus told the disciples encouraging words about our gatherings together that we are familiar with. "When two or three people are gathered together, there I am in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20). Some believers believe this talking about praying with 2 or 3 people, Jesus is present and listening. Others say, no, it when you are agreeing with each other.

CONCLUSION: Years ago, when I attended my church camp we would gather at night for a prayer circle. I remember it would start small, and then others would join in to make a huge prayer circle, and almost everyone would say brief prayer as it went around. Sometimes the prayers would be low and faint, unable to hear from the other side. But someone said to us, "Jesus is standing in the middle of our circle and He hears every word we are saying in the prayer!

JESUS IS IN OUR MIDST! He is leading us! He is comforting us! He is giving us His Joy and Peace that every thing is going to alright. When all of our days are done here on earth and we go to our eternal reward, The first person we will see JESUS IN OUR MIDST! Amen.

Presented By Larry L. Vollink, Retired Chaplain/Pastor, (616) 655-4129

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