
Summary: Each one of us has different talent and gifts that God has blessed us all with to enhance the work of His Church

As memebers of God’s Church; three things we must pay attention too:

1. We must KNOW Jesus calls us to be part of the body of Christ

2. We must FEEL excited about being needed by our church family

3. We must RESPOND by agreeing to take respondsibility when asked

A disciple of Christ is someone who lives every day to love Jesus and to bring others to Him.

When Jesus prayed, His wish was not only for the disciples, but for every one that comes to believe in His Mighty Name, will be blessed and be annointed by the Holy Spirit, and thy will all become in one unity with love and grace.

Imaging with me, if Christ was here today in the 21st centuries, I wonder what He will write down for a Christmas gift? Unity! perhaps!

Two Key Points


a) Acts 12:5 - The Church Prays Together

The More we connects to God, the more we can achieved our purpose. Prayer is the only path way to communicate to our Heavenly Father. We will eliminate disunity within us all if we learn to pray for each other. My kids loves to sing ’I’ve Been Redeem’ it is one of their favourite song during worship in our home. I love the last verse of it;

’You can talk about me

Just as much as you please

You can talk about me

Just as much as you please

You can talk about me

Just as much as you please

I talk about you right on my knees’

prayer is our source of strength, Jesus gain a lot of strength in His time on earth through PRAYER. The Church can too...

b) Matthew 18:17-17 - The Church Helps Heal Relationships

The Bible tells us to help each other live for Jesus. When members refuse to live for Jesus, He wants us to treat them like someone who doesn’t know Him. And how do we treat someone who doesn’t know Jesus? WE REACH OUT TO THEM, TRY TO TELL THEM ABOUT JESUS, TRY TO HELP THEM GET TO KNOW JESUS, etc...

c) Acts 15:22 - The Church sends Missionaries

Believers must understand and know that the Church sends missionaries to share the Good News of Jesus. And it is our duties as believers to support and pray for them.

d) Romans 12:4-8

The Church encourages us to use the gifts God has given us and helps to grow those gifts


a) Hebrew 10:25 - Meet Together; Encourage Each Other

The Disciples never recieved the gift and anointment of the Holy Sirit, until they were one in heart, prayed together, and were together in ONE ACCORD.

b) John 17 - Bring Unity Among Believers

Jesus pray for His Church to be ONE or UNIFIED. We each have a responsibility to bring UNITY to our church. How do we become unified? Every church members needs to remember something very important;


Our Unity comes by Recognizing Jesus as the Head of the Church and following what He SAYS...

Because, Jesus calls each one of us to be an IMPORTANT PART of the Church.

Robert Faatoia-Collins

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