
Summary: This messages deals with our personal meeting with God in our devotions or quiet time. Meeting with God is our life’s foundation.


Exodus 24:1-11

Prepared by Ptr. Glenn Narvaez March 5, 2006


The church is experiencing a fire of revival these days. We have a high level of expectation in our midst. We are experiencing holiness and love like never before. We are also experiencing the presence of God in our worship. We have seen the move of God. This is very important. However, we have the tendency to forget and wane on these experiences. Because of this, we must know how to keep the fire burning and ensure a continuing revival in our lives. We must know how to lay stones on this foundation to be able to build a strong tower of growth in our lives.

1. MEETING WITH GOD, What is it?

God started and initiated the relationship with man. He thought and planned about it. God was the initiator. Man must respond with excitement and anticipation.

I would like to share two types of meeting with God in the bible: Convocation and the Tabernacle


• A sacred tent, a portable and provisional sanctuary, where God met His people (Ex. 33:7-10).

• The tent was the dwelling place of a nomadic (traveling) person.

• The "tent of meeting’’ was a temporary (not permanent) place of worship prior to the tabernacle. The tabernacle came to be identified as the tent of meeting (Lev 1:3).

• It was the place where the God of Israel revealed Himself to and dwelled among His people.

Moses sees the importance of meeting God regularly and everyone who wanted directions would go there at any time - "It was Moses’ custom to set up the tent known as the Tent of Meeting far outside the camp. Everyone who wanted to consult with the LORD would go there." (Exo 33:7 NLT)

• Moses set up his personal tent of meeting with God.

• Moses expressed his desire to know God deeper – Exo. 33:12

Established a personal tent of meeting where you will meet me, worship me, seek me and I will be found by you.


Sacred assembly; a time of rest, a time of worship, a time to give offering; this was practice by the Israelite in many occasions. Sometimes during the Sabbath day, sometimes during the first day of the week, other times they practice it during the celebration of their feasts.

"’On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall not do any laborious work." (Lev 23:7 NASB)

"’But for seven days you shall present an offering by fire to the LORD. On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall not do any laborious work.’"" (Lev 23:8 NASB)

"And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near." (Heb 10:25 NLT)


Meeting with God is not only a place but also more importantly an attitude of the heart

a. A place of seeking - The people could all go to the tent of meeting to seek the Lord (Ex. 33:7) either in looking for God’s answer to a judicial case, in petition, in worship, or for a prophetic word. Apparently, Moses acted as the prophet who took the people’s questions to God and received an answer.

b. A place of direction & instructions – This is where Moses met with God face to face – v. 11. This is where Moses heard God’s direction

c. A place revelation - Num 11:16-29

d. A place of impartation - God made the impartation of the Spirit here – Num. 11:16-29

e. A place of wholeness & satisfaction – Ps. 42.1 & 84.1, 10

o God put importance of the tent when he installed Joshua as Moses’ successor at the Tent – Deut 31.14-15

o Moses face was radiant after meeting with God

What are the disadvantages of not meeting with God?

• We will miss out God’s direction

• We will waste our time and opportunities

• Your life will be a hit and miss

3. MEETING WITH GOD, What to do? Exodus 24:1-11

a. Pray & Worship God – vv. 1, 4-5

b. Read the Word of God – v. 7

c. Listen and Obey – vv. 3, 7-8

d. Write the instructions of the Lord – v.4

e. Enjoy God in fellowship – v.11

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