
Summary: This message describes the prevailing attitudes and actions in the last days.

Life In The Last Days

2 Timothy 3:1-15

I. The Caution That Is Delivered. V1

In 1988 There was a full-page advertisement in the Los Angeles Times that heralded in large black print, "Christ Is Already Here." The ad went on to say that Christ is now in some secret place on the earth, and that within two months a worldwide announcement as to where he is will be made over television and radio. Not only that, but this Christ will also be revealed as Buddha and several other major religious leaders of the past.

How many of have heard someone preach on the last days ? Have you ever heard someone say..."I believe we’re living in the last days." the 27 years that I have been in the ministry, I have heard many, many sermons, and people speaking about the last days. The question arises...what is the last days ? There are various opinions. Some people say that the "last days" refer to the entire period between Christ’s ascension, and the rapture of the church. Others say that the last days speak of the time following the rapture of the church ! My personal opinion is that the last days here in our text is speaking of the time just preceding the rapture of the church.

II Thess 2

Paul is about to describe what shall be the prevailing attitudes prior to the rapture of the church.

This know also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come.

II. The Conditions That Are Described.V

a. Love shall be misdirected..Vs. 2-4

Love the Lord thy God, and thy neighbor as of many shall wax cold. Love towards God, and fellow man shall grow cold, and selfishness will abound.

1. Love of Self

Isn’t self-love a good thing ? Only as it relates to the love that God has for us ! Have you ever thought about how dangerous self-love can be ?

A person who is full of themselves is a dangerous person. Because that person will do whatever it takes to get what they want at the expense of other people !


People filled with self love will manifest this by being covetous ! The word "covetous" here describes the love of silver ! A person who loves themselves is a person of greed ! Let us remember that is was the combination of pride, and greed that caused Satan to rebel against God, and it was that same combination that caused the fall in the garden. I was speaking to someone this week who described to me a situation that is all to common. The death of a love one....and the descent of the vultures. The casket hardly covered with dirt, and folks fighting over what is left behind ! That is pure and simple one of the greediest acts to me that I know. It is absolutely despicable ! The closer that we get to the Lord’s return the more that selfishness will reign.

covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy

I had a little tea party this afternoon at three. Twas very small three guests in all, just I myself and me. Myself ate us the sandwiches, and I drank up all the tea. Twas also I who ate the pie, and passed the cake to me.

"boasters" braggarts

"proud" appearing above others

As Christians, we should never appear above others, but rather we are not highly esteem one another. And view others above ourselves

"blasphemers" Containing low indecency or abuse; mean; foul; vile; obscenely jocular; as scurrilous language.

"disobedient to parents" unpersuable


"unholy" wicked

2. Without natural affection.

"promise breakers"

"false accusers" lie against others as Satan

"incontinent" lacking self control

"despisers of those that are good" Hostile to virtue

"traitors" betrayers remember Judas

"heady" rash in decision making

3. Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.

b. Looks shall be misleading.. Vs.5-6

1. Look the part.

2. Lack the power.

c. Learning shall be misguided V.7

1. Ever learning

2. never learning the truth

III. The Committment That Is Desired

The last days will be perilous days for believers, and times of persecution V.12

There will be tremendous pressure upon believers to abandon the faith. There will be a great falling away such as has never been seen before. To remain faithful we as believers must......

a. Avoidance V5 from such turn away

b. Abide V.14

c. Adhere V.16-17

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