
Summary: Women Of God should be: 1. Peaceful 2. Joyful 3. Thankful 4. Content • It has taken me years to get to where I am in my walk. •These are the main areas that many women struggle with in their Christian Walk.

Sermon: Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

Jennifer Mears 4/5/2007

Text: Philippians 4:11 NKJV

“…I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content”

Paul said to them as he was explaining his persecution and where he was in his Love Walk – he said that he had learned how to be content…

“11 …I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.”

Women Of God should be:

1. Peaceful

2. Joyful

3. Thankful

4. Content

• It has taken me years to get to where I am in my walk.

• These are the main areas that many women struggle with in their Christian Walk.

The Amplified Bible defines Content in verse 11 as being satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.”

After messing things up enough…I paused for a moment and realized how fed up I was…and that is when I came to a point in my life where I wanted to KNOW what…

1. Being at peace…

2. Being full of joy…

3. Really being thankful and happy

4. Being content and satisfied

….what ALL that truly meant! And, I decided that I wanted those things for my life!

I was tired of living up in the air…

I was doing things on my own many times and I would give The Lord my cares, but then I would pick them back up again and try again and again to do myself and I would fail and fail time and time again…

I was living in a state of confusion – and we all know who the author of that is!

I had to begin FIRST to depend on The Lord and WALK IN LOVE!

L.O.V.E!!!! (Jennifer’s Acronyms)

L. – Loyalty To The Word of God

O. – Obedience To The Word of God

V. – Virtuous Actions and Thinking According To The Word of God

E. – Expectation of Manifestation of God’s Power and Promises Through Applying God’s Word To My Life

I was being loyal and obedient to my flesh…and my actions and thinking was rotten and spoiled because of it. I was still expecting God to move in my life and through my life and on my behalf, but I was not doing things His way----I was doing it my way (sing,,,,”I did it my way”) and He WAS NOT pleased with me…

God will chastise you and try to get our attention – He wants to help us “get it” but so many times we are so busy working out our own plan that we forget to even ask Him what His may be…

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