
Summary: This message focuses on some important truths about the storms we face in life.

“Lord in the Storm”

Mark 6:45-52

As we come to these verses, I am confident there are people here today who are in the midst of a storm in their lives. We all face storms at times – storms of health, employment, family, faith, etc. No one gets through this life without facing storms. But we can lift our gaze above our circumstances to see that Jesus Christ is Lord in the storm, because He is Lord of All. Let us see from this passage some important truths about the storms we face:

I. The Lord Sent Them into the Storm (6:45-46).

II. The Lord Saw Them in the Storm (6:47-48).

III. The Lord Came to Them in the Storm (6:49-51).

IV. The Lord Taught Them in the Storm (6:52).

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