
Summary: Moses had a burning bush experience with God and had no excuses that would be acceptable to God for not doing what He was called to do.

No Excuses

Exodus chapter 3:1-10


I want to talk to you about a God that desires to communicate with us every day.

We live in a society that believes that God is distant and uncaring and not wanting to be involved in our lives. That is not the God of the Bible.

The text in Exodus 3 is a familiar passage about Moses having an encounter with God.

We all say that if God showed up face to face with me, I’d do this or say this.

I want you to know that unless the Lord let you talk, you would not be able to say anything.

Exodus chapter 3:1-10

For Moses, this may of started out as an ordinary day, but it will not end up being ordinary.

Moses spent 40 years tending the sheep of his father-in law Jethro.

I am sure that it felt like any other day…..until God showed up.

He is in the field and notices that a bush in the distant is burning but not consumed. It was so unusual that he leaves where he is at and goes to check it out.

He approaches the bush and God calls him by name….Moses, Moses!

Moses acknowledges God- “Here I am.” Now every true prophet is called by God, but really, here I am? God in all his wisdom couldn’t see Moses? God could have said…No, kidding Sherlock! Here you are- todays language probably would be duh!

I am guessing that the bush speaking to him caught him a bit by surprise, and about the time that he is trying to get a grip on it, God speaks from the bush again and says, “Do not come any closer, take off your sandals for the place that you are standing is holy ground.”

I have to tell you when God speaks to you, it is a God moment!

It is life changing!

I said a while back that when you truly experience Christ and surrender your life to Him, you are never the same again!

Ordinary just became extraordinary.

The usual just became unusual.

All the preconceived ideas of what you are going to ask or tell God will be gone.

His presence dominates and you will be in awe of God.

(6)”At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.”

For Moses everything changes because his encounter with God is a revelation of God Himself. The God he sees for the first time can only be described as a God of fire.

The bush that burns just keeps burning.

The God of the universe speaks from a bush and gets Moses attention.

By this time I expect Moses face down fearing for his life that a God of that power has just spoken to him.

The Lord identifies himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses would have understood that.

Says that he sees the captivity and crying out of the Israelites in Egypt.

That God Himself has come down to rescue them and is concerned about them and He is going to bring them out and give them a land flowing with milk and honey

(9) “ And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now Go, I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.

Go Moses! You are going to be the one that I use to bring the Israelites out of bandage and receive the promises that I have for them.

God will often get our attention by causing uncommon events to occur. (coincidence) we know that we have no coincidences in kingdom work. It is God’s Spirit moving, it is not chance events.

I believe that God has chosen to move upon this body of believers and desires for us to make an impact in the community that he has called us too.

God has a way of getting our attention.

God has a way of showing us it is a God moment and not a man made manufactured moment.

40 years Moses was content being the shepherd for his father-in law and God shows up.

40 years God was preparing Moses for such a moment as this- you are going to be the tool to do something that seems impossible. 400 years in bondage and you are going to the pharaoh and tell him to let God’s people go!

What does the burning bush mean to Moses? What does it mean to each one of us?

It means that God wants to get our attention. He wants each of us to break out of our comfort zone and do the work that we were destined to do. (repeat)

Moses was never the same. Ever!

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