
Summary: It is of vital importance that we all realise that by the finished works of Jesus for us on the cross, he has justified us- i.e declared those that believe in him, as NOT GUILTY ( of every accusation of the devil and his cohorts)

Rom 8:1-2

What is condemnation?

It is an expression of great disapproval, a verdict given by a judge when someone is judged guilty of an offence, with a suggestion of a severe punishment following.

The bible tells us in Ro 5:12, 18-19

In other words, through the fall of mankind in the garden of Eden not only was Adam guilty of sin, but as the first man he also became a door or channel by which sin (as a nature) came into God's creation and was transmitted to the entire human race.

And because sin always attracts condemnation and death ( death being the consequence of sin, as supervised by the controlling power of sin which is the devil) all humanity , even those yet unborn, where all born into the world with the nature of sin, as sinners from birth , and hence

-came under condemnation,

-were all sentenced to death, and

-were in bondage to the controlling power of sin i.e the devil all their lives, from generation to generation.

Not a good picture at all Ro 3:23

But thanks be to our Lord Jesus who by his death on the cross, dealt a heavy blow on the power of sin and death,

it is so important that we understand how terrible sin is Ro 6:23, because Sin in a man automatically like a magnet brings or attracts condemnation ( the punishment of death), and brings one under the controlling power of the devil.

And death or the shadows or appearances of death ( like sickness, disease, oppression, poverty, lack, failure, bondage or addictions to drugs, porn, alcohol, etc, retrogression, stagnation, rejection, inability to achieve, frustration, disappointment, untimely death, disfunction, confusion in life, chaos etc) are all fall outs, or evidences of one being under condemnation.

And in the garden after the fall, Adam hide himself. When a man is guilty and condemned he can not take charge. The devil when he wants to bring one down he makes him to sin, feels his heart with condemnation- with that he can not walk by faith, or express the gift and graces in God.

He or she begins to feel bad, and is unable to showcase himself as a son.

Jn 3:17-21

Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved, he does not desire that any perish but is saved.

So haven found your self in Christ Jesus, you now need to walk in him with the understanding that you are not guilty.

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