
Summary: God doesn’t want us to merely tread water, He wants to rescue us as we place our faith in Him and cry out for His help.

Too many Christians settle for simply treading water

-In their physical lives

-In their spiritual lives

-Treading water may keep you safe (at least for a while), but it will never get you anywhere

-Peter learned a bit about this truth

-Matthew 14:22-33

-Let's look at Peter's progression

I. Obedience

-Matthew 14:22

-The disciples obeyed even though it made no sense

-Q: Why wasn't Jesus going with them?

-Q: What was He going to do?

-Q: How would he get to the other side?

-It seems Jesus needed to coerce them to obey, however

-Sometimes we need convincing to do His will

II. Trouble

-Matthew 14:24

-Circumstances had gotten out of their control

III. Fear

-Matthew 14:25-26

A. Of the storm

B. Of the ghostly figure

IV. Uncertainty

-Matthew 14:28

-They had heard Jesus' voice

-Peter sought confirmation

-Not a bad idea

V. Faith

-Matthew 14:29

-Imagine this / get the picture

VI. Fear

-Matthew 14:30a

-Whenever we look at the troubles around us, we get ourselves into those troubles

VII. Helplessness

-Matthew 14:30b

-He realized that his human effort would never be enough to get him out of his situation

-This is somewhat of a natural progression

-Many of us tend to go through the same things

-Yet, Peter knew he could not stop there

-He knew there was more for him than simply treading water

-He looked up and saw the Lord

-There are 6 things Peter knew that we must also come to know in regards to treading water

1. His knew his current situation was not what God had intended for him

-And not where God wanted him to stay

-God NEVER wants us to just tread water

2. He knew he had experienced better before

3. He knew who could raise him up

-Only Jesus

4. He knew he had to call for help

5. He knew he had to reach out in faith

6. He knew he had much to learn from His experience

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