
Summary: Principles that will guarantee open reward

Beloved are you looking to the Lord to prosper you in your endeavour in this year 2009; then you need to put into operation the three principles outlined by the author and the finisher of our faith.


A long time ago, there was a period of boom in a particular country's economy, but alas, these boom years came to an abrupt end, and a downturn quickly followed it in the economy. However, a young guy whom his God gave favour to and within a twinkle of an eye rose to prominence (open reward). The guys' name was Joseph. (Read Gen 41).

Beloved only the phrasings have changed; in biblical times it was called famine, now it’s called credit crunch, the year of plenty is replaced with economic boom, but God name has remained unchanged, he remains God, Alleluia!!. I am the Lord I changeth not (Malachi 3:6). Beloved God is still in the business of blessing people, and he does it best in wilderness situations. Why? So that man will not be able to share in his glory.

An open reward beloved is a reward that cannot be hidden no matter how much you might try. If the lord fills your cup and it is running over, please tell me how do you conceal such?

Principle 1: Matthew 6 vs 4: Give alms to the needy. Aggressively give to the needy this year, help the hopeless and the helpless and your father will reward you openly. Remember the scripture cannot be broken. The children of the bondwoman practise this principle to perfection, and they are openly rewarded.

Principle 2: Matthew 6 vs 6: Pray, Pray, Pray. I watched President Obama's inauguration on telly the other day, and a commentator said ‘Here comes the most powerful man on earth’. How wrong, I thought. The most powerful men are these on their knees. With prayer, a man or woman can direct the heart of Obama wherever he wishes. After all, my bible tells me that the Kings' heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. (Prov 21vs 1). A friend of mine was going for an interview for a plum job, and he stood on this word, and he prayed, my father and my God, the Kings' heart are in your hands, therefore turn the heart of my interviewers to favour me. Beloved, out of the 21 that was interviewed he was the least qualified to make matters worse, he forgot to submit the maths test that they gave them, only noticing after he was in his car. Three days later he got a letter through the post that the job was his. I am the Lord I changeth not.

Principle3: Matthew 6vs18: Fasting brings deliverance and breakthroughs because through fasting God causes us to enter into his house of mercy. This year, fast and pray before you make major and even minor decisions. In Isaiah 58 vs 6, God gave reasons why he wants you and me to fast.

In conclusion, beloved, for us to break forth this year, we must give, pray and fast and of course with the right intentions.

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