
Summary: By obeying the commands of God for organization the Israelites became more effective.


The books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers present a striking contrast between how much we can accomplish when we obey God and how little we can accomplish when we don’t. The organization of the Israelite camp was ordered by God. By obeying the commands of God for organization the people became more effective. When a group disintegrates into a collection of individuals, each going his or her own way, its ability to be used by God is diminished. But if the group unites and looks to God for direction and organization, its effectiveness will be enhanced.

The nation of Israel was organized according to tribes (v. 2) for several reasons:

1. It was an effective way to manage and govern a large group.

2. It made dividing the Promised Land easier.

3. It helped them to keep their identity and heritage as the people were not known by their last name but by their family clan and tribe.

4. It made it easier to keep detailed genealogies and genealogies were the only way to prove membership in God’s chosen nation.

5 The people followed the tribe’s standard (a flag) and thus they stayed together and it keep them from getting lost.

This must have been one of the biggest campsites the world has ever seen (v. 34). It would have taken about twelve square miles to set up tents for just the 600,000 soldiers, not to mention the women and children. Moses must have had a difficult time managing such a large group. In the early stages of their journey the people were generally obedient to both God and Moses. But when the people left Mount Sinai and traveled across the rugged wilderness, they began to grumble and disobey. Problems erupted and Moses could no longer manage the Israelites.


Are you an organized person? If not, just think of the things your might be able to accomplish for His glory if you were. This is true in your personal life as well as in your business. We are told to be redeeming the time because the days are evil.

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