
Summary: The major thrust of David’s life that we are examining is his tremendous leadership ability and the depths of his emotion as we read from the Psalms the true expressions of his heart to God.


(The Leader’s Endurance)

Dr. Dennis Deese

1 SAMUEL 22:1-5, PS. 57:1-11, 142:1-7

The major thrust of David’s life that we are examining is his tremendous leadership ability and the depths of his emotion as we read from the Psalms the true expressions of his heart to God.

David is at the lowest point he has ever experienced in his life. He’s at the breaking point, but he doesn’t break. All of his mental, physical and spiritual strength has been depleted. He is at the end of his rope. If you haven’t ever found yourself in that type of situation, count yourself to have truly been blessed with an extra measure of God’s mercy and goodness.

Three things that led to his endurance:

I. PRAYERS TO THE LORD 57:1-2b a prayer of:

A. Mercy "Be merciful" (He didn’t deserve God’s intervention or help)

B. Trust "for my soul trusteth in thee" (He could count on God)

C. Confidence "in the shadow of thy wings" (God loved him)

D. Faith "until these calamities be overpast" (God would come through)

II. PERCEPTION OF THE LORD 57:2c-3, v-7a he understood the Lord’s:

A. Position v:2 "God most high"

B. Power v:3 "who performeth all things"

C. Plan v:3 "for me"

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose." (Romans 8:28)

D. Provision v:3 "God shall send forth"

III. PURPOSE IN THE LORD 57:4-11 (SEE Colossians 1:15ff) (Glory of God)

A. It was his priority v:4-5 (more important than his situation)

"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." (Colossians 3:17)

B. It was his desire v:5 (it came from his heart)

C. It was his commitment v:7-8 (it was determined in his life)

D. It was his proclamation v:9 (it was declared by his life)

E. It was his life v:10 (if it had not been for God he would have been nothing)

Conclusion: The purpose of this study is to motivate us all to aspire the best in our given areas of responsibility. Regardless of the area in which you serve, you can lead it to be its best by enduring the difficult blows that you will encounter.

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