
Summary: “As the prophecy of Revelation unfolds, the events concerning the kingdom rule of Christ over all nations are true. All peoples will worship, and those who desire to obey the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20) may experience a glimpse of what eternal worship will be.”

I. The Lamb Alone Can Open the Book of the Seven Seals (vv.1-4)

II. The Lamb Has Authority to Judge (vv.5-7)

A. He is the Lion of Judah (v.5)

B. He is the Root of David (v.5)

C. He has Overcome to open the Book (v.5)

D. He Has Received Authority from the Father (v.7)

III. The Lamb is Worthy (vv.8- 10)

A. Worship from Angels and Elders (v.8, 11-14)

B. Worship from All Peoples and Rule Over All Peoples (v.9-10)

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