


MAIN TEXT: PSALMS 8:2 “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies to silence the foe and the avenger.

PSALMS 22:3 “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabits the praises of Israel.

The children of Israel in their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land always needed God’s presence. Be it in their times of fear, worry and confusion facing the red sea, or in their times of hunger or thirst or even in battles and wars against their enemies. It was God’s presence with them that divided their red sea, made manna fall from heaven and brought forth water from the rocks for them. It was God’s presence that gave them victories over all their enemies. It is only by God’s presence that we can win all the battles of life that stare us in the face everyday; battles in our families, work and business places, schools, health, finance and in all areas of our lives.

The one sure way of bringing down and carrying God’s presence at all times to our battle fields is through praises offered from a holy life. When we live holy lives and fill our lives with praises, we fill our lives with God’s presence which is greater and higher than all the battles and challenges of our lives. We fill our lives with God’s presence that is full of love, life, peace, healing, prosperity etc.

God uses the weak things of the world to confound the strong, and the foolish things, the wise. With the ordinary stone of David, Goliath’s head was brought down. The same is of praise. It looks foolish and stupid going to a battle field with musical instrument to sing and dance instead of going with ammunitions. But God’s ways are far higher than our ways and so also His thoughts. If He commands us to be foolish and stupid, then He will also gain glory on our behalf even through our foolishness and stupidity. If only we can let go of our human thinking, our fear, doubt and unbelief and trust God absolutely by taking up this foolish yet powerful weapon of praise through faith, then God will surely show up and fight all our battles giving us victory like He gave to Jehoshaphat. He will break the chains, grip and powers of darkness over our lives and set us free like He did for Paul and Silas in prison.

God ordained praise as a stronghold against His / your enemies, to silence them. But this weapon of praise has to be in use for us to achieve the desired result. Do you want your enemies silenced, do you want God to go before you, fight all your battles and make you a victor, then lay down your garment of complain, worry, fear, doubt and unbelief.


Scriptural Reference: 2Chronicles 20:21-30, Acts 16:25-26

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