
Summary: There are three types of peace which experience.

Precious Peace

Galatians 5:22

Introduction: Helen Keller said, “I don’t want peace that passes understanding, I want the understanding that brings peace.” What is peace? It has been described as a sense of security, a sense of a foundation underneath you, the assurance that God is in control. See Isa. 48:17-18, 22. It has been defined as an absence of conflict. Someone once said, “It is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading!” The word for peace is “Shalom”. It is used 80 times and at least once in all 39 N.T. books. The word means order or well-being. In your life may you have order and well-being. Peace is not avoiding a problem nor is it simply appeasing others, thus, possibly creating a false peace. Study closely Paul’s words in Phi. 4:6. Let’s look at scripture and try to understand this peace. There are three types of peace which experience.

I. Peace Eternal

This is the source of peace. This is peace with God. True peace comes from God. All enmity between God and you are gone. The Greek word means a harmonious relationship between God and man. Focus on three things here.

A. Rebellion. See Rom. 3:23. Isa. 53:6. I Cor. 6:9-10. There was a time of perfect peace. See Gen. 1-3. Perfect Adam lived in a perfect place with a perfect body doing perfect work eating perfect food and even had a perfect wife! There was perfect peace. Then came the rebellion. God’s word was distorted, doubted, denied and disobeyed. No longer was there any peace. They hid. No longer were they right with God or each other. They played the blame game.

B. Reconciliation. See Col. 1:19-20. Eph. 2:13, 16-19. God came in Christ to reconcile us to himself.

C. Redemption. See John 14:27. He was giving to them His peace. We can have that same peace today.

II. Peace Internal

This is the course of peace. This is the peace of God. What can be said about this peace?

A. Situations can’t suppress it. See Rom. 8:28. Everything that happens is for our ultimate good. Some things we will never understand or comprehend. We may not like or understand what is happening. It may be bringing plenty of pain, great grief and sever sorrow, but knowing that God is in control and has a great plan for our benefit we can have this peace.

B. Storms can’t subdue it. A submarine came into port. The crew was asked how they endured the horrible storm that had hit the night before. They replied, “What storm.” They had been anchored so deep they never realized there had even been a storm.

C. Society can’t steal it. See Phil 4:7. The word “guard” there is the picture of peace standing at the doorway, window or gate guarding us. You can have peace when the times are tough, and the days are dark. The world can’t take it away.

III.Peace External

This is the force of peace. This is peace with others. This can be the toughest kind. It’s hard to turn the other cheek, go the second mile. See Matt. 5:23-24. Ps. 34:14. Rest assured there will be conflict. How does one handle conflict and promote peace?

A. Attack the problem not the person. See Prov. 10:10. Eph. 4: 13, 29.

B. Cooperate as much as possible. See Rom. 12:18. Ps. 37-37. Be flexible.

C. Focus on reconciliation not resolution. Not every issue is going to be resolved, no matter how much you want it or work at it. You can work toward reconciliation. You can agree to disagree. See II Cor. 5:18. I Thess. 5:13. Heb. 12:14. John 16:33.

Conclusion: SHALOM!

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