Summary: Message on Christian character traits of conduct, unity and courage.

Phil 1:27 –2:4. “Living the life in 2007 ” .

We all make New Year resolutions: hopes – dreams – expectations – what are yours for 2007?

Lets be honest it doesn’t always work out – often the unexpected happens. Plans change - we may experience bereavement in 2007 – face ridicule in 2007 – our relationships may breakdown – suffer from ill health.

One thing is sure the Bible never promises an instant rose garden:

Job 14:1. Man born of a woman is of a few day and full of trouble.

Jesus said, “ in this world you shall have trouble – take up your cross and follow me - men will hate you and despise you because of me.

Paul tells us here V29 we are not only granted to believe in him but also to suffer for him.

It true that often our circumstances can often dictate who we are – who we become - the way we live. Psychologists will tell us we are products of our circumstances.

For the Christian God is saying to us in 2007 something different: Whatever happens – we are not to be shaped in the light of our circumstances but to rise above our circumstances and live in the light of the gospel of Christ. v27 whatever happens conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Have you heard the story about the army recruit who goes to boot camp and sees a card board cut out of the drill sergant with a caption above it“ We didn’t promise you a rose garden." After 8 weeks of hardcore training he noticed somebody had scribbled these words “Yes but you didn’t tell us about the fertiliser.”

Life can be tough just like an army boot camp - but one thing is sure just like the army boot camp life can mould and shape us into soldiers for Christ – life itself if embraced in Christ can serve as a benefit to our Christian character.

The purpose of letter: Paul had experienced much hardship - at this point he is in prison - V12 yet despite his circumstances. Paul wants them to know he is standing firm and is able to continue his effective ministry v12, his hearts desire that they will do the same.

Background Acts 16. After receiving the Macedonian call Paul goes into Europe it his 2nd Journey :

He set sail from Troas – Neapolis travelled NW along Egnatia way 10 miles to Philippi Roman Colony

Phiippi in the 2nd century BC was a Roman colony: political, social, architecturly all was a mini Rome.

When paul and Silas arrived a great work was done – effective conversions - Lydia- Demonic slave girl - The jailer and his family.

Yet he also knew much hardship beaten - flogged imprisoned – but a small NT Church was established.

In verse 1 – 26 He wants to assure them of his well being and that all the circumstances have taken place for his good and the advancement of the gospel. In v27 He begins to turn his attention upon the fellowship. He gives them three practical exhortations in living the Christian life.

1. Living the Christian life - involves appropriate conduct v27

Again and again the Bible calls us to live a life worthy of our calling: Eph 4:1.- Col.1:10- 1Thes 2:2- 2Thes.1:5.

God is calling us to conduct ourselves in a worthy manner – that our lives should be consistent with faith we profess to have – our lives should be living illustrations to all. Christ is changing us into his likeness. This is the principle of the gospel when Christ touches our lives our conduct begins to change.

Conduct yourselves:

Paul is literally saying here ‘live as a citizen’;(Roman citizenship) later he tells us 3:20 our citizenship is in heaven. We are visitors we don’t belong here, as such we should be living heavenly lives.

I would just like to say if you are a Christian today we all need to sign the visitors book because we are just visiting this planet.

When Queen Victoria was a child she didn’t no she was in line for the throne – Here instructors, trying to prepare her for the future, were frustrated because they couldn’t motivate her. He just didn’t take her studies seriously. Finally her teachers decided to tell her that one day she would become the queen of England. Upon hearing this Victoria quietly said, “Then I will be good.” The realization that she had inherited - high calling gave her a sense of responsibility that profoundly effected her conduct from then on.

In this we too are being prepared for greatness we have a great inheritance awaiting us – as such we have a responsibility to conduct ourselves appropriately in our speech, habits and lifestyles should be different to those around us. Peter:2:11-12 read.

Our conduct – People are watching you?:Here is little poem - I am my neighbours Bible – He reads me when we meet; Today he reads me in my home- Tomorrow in my street. He may be a relative or a friend, or slight acquaintance be: He may not even know my name, Yet he is reading me.

What is our bench mark for our conduct? well it needs to be in accordance with the gospel of Christ: (its expected)

You see these guys don’t you driving the delivery trucks with the sticker on the back which says How’s my driving telephone 0800 0999. – report if goiong to fast, driving to reckless – to slow etc . The driver is representing that particular company – it looks bad on them.

The application is simple: How is my Christian living – people are watching us – we are representing someone far greater, “ Jesus the King “ does our conduct befit the calling we profess?

What ever happens :

Of course we all fail and have our moments but that shouldn’t excuse our conduct – as Christians we need to be aware that in every situation in all our circumstances we are called to act in an appropriate manner. Lets be honest with one another and our failings - we need to seek forgiveness – and strive to change.

1. Living the Christian life 2007 - involves being united in Unity v27b

We have seen that Paul has exhorted the believers in Phillipi, to conduct himself or herself in manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. He now focuses their attention upon living a life of Christian unity:

Peanut cartoon: Lucy demands that Linus changes the channel- threatening him with her fist if he didn’t comply- Linus asks, “what makes you think you can walk over here and take over?” “Take these five fingers” says Lucy “Individually there nothing but when I curl them up together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon which is terrible to behold.” ” Which channel do you want?” Linus replies as he turns away , he looks at his fingers and says, “Why cant you guys get together like that?”

Now lets not go that far and have a fight but a Christian is not to live out their life in isolation to the Church community – but in communion with it. We need each other to function, as we ought. Paul knows Christian unity will not just fall into place, because he calls them to v27b to stand firm in one spirit – to contend ( like in the gladiator arena) as one man in the faith.

Eph 4:1-6. But we are one: Children of one family – (with one father). We are disciples in one school – (one teacher) We are sheep in one flock – (with one shepherd) we are members of one body – (with one head) we are stones in one building - (with one foundation).

There is no doubt, Paul wants them to grow together in spiritual unity it will be tough but not impossible. Paul turns the spotlight further upon the fellowship @ Phillipi – in the gentlest possible way he has hinted at tensions among them. There appears to be some problems, which Paul names later on in the epistle 4: 2.Not doctrinal, but relational.

Jesus Prays for unity: Unity within any fellowship is an essential pre-requisite to its own growth and witness to the wider community. Jesus himself prays to that end: John 17:23. “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me.”

Two issues come to light, where there is disunity within a fellowship

1. The Gospel is a message of reconciliation. How can we convey that to non-Christians if we are not reconciled one to another.

German Philosopher Schopenhauer: compared the human race to a buch of porcupines huddling together on a cold winters night. He said “The colder it gets outside the more we huddle together for warmth; but the closer we get to one another, the more we hurt one another with our sharp quills. And in the lonely night of earths winter eventually we begin to drift apart and wander out on our own and freeze to death in our loneliness

It’s a contradiction to say we love God - yet not reconciled to others. 1Jhn 4:21 whoever loves God must love his brother. Christ has given us an alternative to disunity – to forgive each other for the pokes we receive. That will allow us to stay together

2. Disunity also causes a fellowship to focus in on itself - wasting energy. To the extent we have little energy left to do what Jesus called us to do in the first place: Matt 5:16 let your light shine. @ 28: 18 To go and make

A newspaper once ran an article on the superstar tenors Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti who were performing together in LA. A reporter tried to press the issue of competitiveness between the three men. Placido Domingo replied “You have to put all of your concentration into opening your heart to the music, you cant be rivals when you’re together making music.”

Isn’t it true also of the Church we often get sidetracked seeking our own needs - being introspective - when God has called us to look out to the harvest fields to work together in unity reaching a lost world for Christ.

The motivation for unity - its Jesus of course.2:1 with “4 ifs” “Don’t you know?”

Paul reveals to us that a fellowship manifesting unity together will be a fellowship demonstrating true humility towards each other v3 a fellowship imitating the magnificent source and model of true humility being Christ Himself v5 .

The human tendency when we see failure in a fellowship - to be critical or demand improvement.

Paul’s response is wiser and deeper, he points to graces received. He doesn’t doubt their experience - in the context “If” really means “since” He wants to motivate - invigorate – inspire – encourage this fellowship to unity v2 through the graces they have received - Unity is there in so many ways.

1.United with Christ –To have gained all the blessing that Christ has gained for us - to have become a Christian - to be dead to sin and reigning in Christ – becoming and sharing in the new creation united to Christ We are one in unity here.

2.Comfort from His love – His love should motivate us to unity, look what his love has done - he died for you he laid his life down for you. “Its Christ love that compels us.” We are convinced that one died for all 2 Cor5:14. We are one in Unity here.

3.Fellowship with the Spirit: Holy Spirit who fell upon the Lord - upon those first disciples is the same Holy Spirit that dwells in us. We are one in Unity here.

4. Tenderness and compassion: this is a reference to our Lord who was gentle and humble – who possessed meekness and gentleness and a Savior who didn’t break a bruised reeds Matt12:20 or snuff out a smoldering wick. His family should share his characteristics? Paul’s appeal to those who questioned His Authority 2Cor.10: 1 By the meekness and gentleness of Christ. Lets look to Christ

In 2007 let’s live a life standing firm together - contending together as one for the faith based on the graces received – motivated by having the same attitude as Christ v5.

3. Living the Christian life 2007 – involves being full of courage

One thing is sure in 2007 we will face opposition and suffering and we need the full measure of unwavering courage to face all these difficulties that come our way.

Notice: Paul assures them that he knows there are those that oppose them v28 without being frightened by those who opposing you. Jesus made it clear that we would face opposition Jhn 15:18 If the world hates you keep in mind it hated me first.

V27 Whatever happens:

In 2007 God wants us to live the Christian life: Every day – involved spiritual warfare:

With those who oppose us v28. Without being frightened by those who oppose you.

The world itself: 1 John2: 15-16 Do not love the world or anything in the world.

Even the Devil: 1Pet 5:8. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

We need to be courageous - suffering and opposition is written into the life of a Christian.

Paul after his conversion that he would suffer:

Acts 9:16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.

And Paul knows its granted not only to him but to the believers at Phillipi also v29 For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe but also to suffer for him.

"When it comes to the crunch we all want to believe in Christ - but we so often don’t want to suffer for Christ."

But no matter how gracious our conduct - no matter how unified we become there will always be opposition and suffering notice this too has been granted to us.

The real question is how will we respond to it?

Paul calls them not to be frightened (startled horse) It a picture of how we sometimes react surprised by opposition or suffering why does it happen? Not to be surprised

1peter. 4:12 . Dear friends do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you paarticipate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed . If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.

How can we cope? By recognising that opposition and suffering is a two fold sign:

1) V28 A sign of their destruction – not of their greatness.

2) V28 A sign that we belong to Christ.

So rather than opposition and suffering being a discouragement it becomes an assurance that we truly belong to Him – it’s a struggle as Christians but we share together v30. Opposition and suffering for the sake of Christ.

So in 2007 lets live the Christian life with appropriate Christian conduct - Christian unity based in humility and Christian courage not being frightened by those who oppose us. God is at work!