Summary: From the Faith Heroes of Heb 11: What Got into Abraham, What Did Abraham go through, and what happened as a result of his faith? Outline at end

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November 26, 2006 Jay Robison HEBREWS 11:8-10, 13, 16

This Thursday Thanksgiving is A Celebration of Pilgrims . .

At Harvest in 1621 over 100 people gathered to thank God

Pilgrim Edward Winslow described it this way

Our harvest gotten in, our governor sent 4 men hunting so that after a special manner we might gather & rejoice in the fruit

of our labors. Great Indian King Massasoit with 90 men killed

5 deer and celebrated with us for three days.

By the goodness of God we are far from want.


Journey undertaken w\an end in view, a purpose, not just a tourist.

We have been considering portraits of faith

Last week, Enoch who walked with God

Before that Abel reminder to give our best to God

Today from Hebrews 11 Abraham who was a pilgrim

With similar qualities to pilgrims who came here 300 + yrs ago

Journeying toward a future, living for tomorrow

Tomorrow is filled with promise and potential

Chance to better ourselves, brims with opportunity

Tomorrow also filled with mystery and pitfalls

We want to know the future only if good but

Maybe things will not work out as we wish tomorrow

Certainly the same hope and anxiety lived in our

Faith portrait today Abraham Let’s look at his experiences

So that we might gain a model of how to live life


Abraham went out from his own surroundings

To a country he never had seen or knew anything about

He followed an inner calling to tomorrow

Believing things for which he had no proof,

Listen to Vs 8NLT It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God

called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give

him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going

Abraham was moved by a call to the “land of promise”

He left his homeland and family never to return home

Imagine Abraham and God talking. “Abraham, this is God.”

I want you to leave everything and go to the land I will show you.”

“Where’s that?” “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Try me.” “It’s 1500 miles from here in a place called Canaan.”

“Never heard of it.” “I know, and guess what else?” “What?” “

I’m going to make you the father of a great nation.”

“That’s impossible. I don’t have any children Sarah & I in AARP.” “Don’t worry.” “What do you mean, don’t worry?” “Just trust me.” “Let me see if I’ve got it straight. You want me to leave everything,

travel across the desert to someplace I’ve never heard of, & become the father of a great nation.” “Right.” “Is this some kind of joke?” “No.” “What am I supposed to tell my wife?” “That’s your problem.”

Abraham was called out on the limb and then to jump off it

We can make ourselves comfortable by world’s standards

Or we can listen to an inward voice calling us to Move Out

God always sees ALL OUR POTENTIAL

Few of us live up to our potential, think we do

May even feel that we cannot do any more

I am asking are you being in touch with God’s inner call

on your life, following as God leads us God has a call for all of us

Society is full of people who have lost all strength and hope

Have never moved to focus on one thing energized by that

Faith for Abraham was not a static settled issue

He was willing to boldly go where no one had ever gone before

This was a few millennia before Star Trek

He had to go on his own vision not with large contingent

Tribe did not move with him only immediate family

There was risk involved in living life of faith

If faith is so great why do so few people live it out?

Most people would rather do anything than take a risk.

Taking risks, means being vulnerable. And that may affect our

finances, our friends, our future, our feelings, our occupation,

where we live, and a host of other considerations.

Human tendency is to want to be safe and secure, to hedge our bets,

to insure ourselves against loss. Basically, we fail at faith because

we fear to risk.” [Charles Swindoll. A Study of Hebrews 10-12.]

But faith w\out risk is not faith God called Abraham from comfort


Since Abraham faithful to God everything should be smooth sailing

Right, after all if we are faithful doesn’t God owe us

Abraham and company traveled from Ur of Chaldees West

Through the desert to the promised land

By faith he made his home in the Promised Land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents Vs 9a NIV

When Abraham arrived in promised land Canaanites already there

They were not looking for house guests, did not want to give up land

Any more than you would or I would

Abraham Nomad had his flocks & possessions but also in many ways

Start all over in promised land but still looking toward tomorrow

He certainly hadn’t bettered himself $$ by following God

He lived as a stranger in a foreign country,

New culture and customs, had to be lonely

There are always CHALLENGES, & OBSTACLES w\our DREAMS

Bruce Barton, Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by

those who dared believe that something inside them

was superior to circumstance.

Great men and women are such because they overcome adversity

They choose to look beyond adversity toward tomorrow

God’s dreams for us always include challenges and obstacles

Will we be willing to work through those in faith

Remember When all you have is God, God is enough

Takes great patience to go on in the midst of trial

Abraham’s patience was maintained by the promise of God

And a voice within him that called him to live for tomorrow


What came of all Abraham’s traveling

What were the results, if we to follow in faith

What can we expect looking at Abraham’s life

Reality is that Abraham’s call from God not a sure thing

Describing Abraham and other portraits of faith

Vs 13 NIV All these people were still living by faith when they died.

They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and

welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were

aliens and strangers on earth

From Abraham’s faithfulness came a family

From that family came tribes, From those tribes came prophets,

And from those prophets one day came a savior

Following in faith always LEAVES A BLESSING FOR THE


We benefit from Abraham’s faithfulness

He never realized all of what came of his following

Just as you will not see all the blessings and neither will I

If you are faithful in giving to TBC lives touched you never see

Baptisms happen here long after you are gone

In your family if you pray and serve God a heritage of faith

Your kids and grandkids will see, God honors that

The greatest roads in life are those we cannot see the end of at first

God is still trying to reach in to each one of us

We may have to go it alone, we will encounter obstacles

Others may think we are crazy for following God

God calls us to be builders in the kingdom

Traveling to places we do not know

Listen to Vs 16 NLT summary of faithful

But they were looking forward to a better home in heaven.

That’s why God wasn’t ashamed for them to call him their God.

He even built a city for them.

St Teresa “All the way to heaven is heaven For J said I am the way.”

Christian life starts not only in word but also in deed as we sense

The impulse of God experience walk w\God & reach the goal

Are you living today in faith for tomorrow?

Ellis Island, NYk. One of biggest immigration centers in U.S.

processed 1000s of immigrants a day.

All of these immigrants left their homelands w\whatever difficulties

to come to “the land of promise.” Believed they could make themselves a new & better life here.

At time, a trip to America was over a month by boat.

Ellis Island had dormitory rooms where people could stay while

being processed. Not much to look at from 21st century standpoint,

to 19th century immigrants aft months on a boat looked promising Maybe it was grandest room they had ever seen. Imagine one person

so overwhelmed w\greatness of room decides to stay here forever. When they try to finish processing him, he stalls it.

Hangs up pictures above bunk. Unpacks all clothes moves right in. You would want to just grab this guy tell him how foolish he’s being.

Would want to explain to him this is nothing compared to what America has to offer him. Want to tell him he’s wasting new freedom by imprisoning himself in these sub par conditions.

We’re pilgrims passing through this life on the way to next.

Not that this life has no significance at all for us, it’s this life that

Determines where we will spend next. However, we not true citizens of this world. Do not really belong to this world. Like Abraham, moving to God’s land of promise.



November 26, 2006 Jay Robison HEBREWS 11:8-10, 13, 16

A Celebration of Pilgrims . .

Pilgrim =

1. What

It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going Vs 8 NLT

God always sees

If faith is so great why do so few people live it out?

2. What

By faith he made his home in the Promised Land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents

Vs 9a NIV

There are always with our

When all you have is God, God is enough

3. What

All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth Vs 13 NIV

Following in faith always

The greatest roads in life are those we cannot see the end of at first

But they were looking forward to a better home in heaven. That’s why God wasn’t ashamed for them to call him their God. He even built a city for them. Vs 16 NLT

Are you living today in faith for tomorrow?