Summary: Looking at discipleship as a way of life...

Today’s Gospel reading from Luke chapter 6, verse 17 to 26 is about Christian discipleship

The dictionary says a disciple is somebody who strongly believes in the teachings of a leader, a philosophy or religion and tries to live according to them

But as Christians there is something more important that tells us what discipleship is about.

God’s Word, His Holy Scriptures

One of the most commonly quotes passages of scripture comes from Matthew 28 verse 19

and it tells us to go and make disciples of all nations.

Every Christian is a disciple.

Is called to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ

This means believing in the teachings of Jesus and His way of life above everything.

It means having our lives orientated around Jesus and his way of life as found in the scriptures

Jesus is not just part of our lives

But our aim is for Jesus to be the reason for our lives,

is the reason for why we do the things we do 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

So think about the Psalm we heard earlier, Psalm 1

Blessed is the one who obeys the law of the Lord.

He doesn’t follow the advice of evil people.

He doesn’t make a habit of doing what sinners do.

He doesn’t join those who make fun of the Lord and his law.

Instead, he takes delight in the law of the Lord.

He thinks about God’s law day and night..

Now remember when you hear the word law in the Old Testament we should not confine this to simply a set of rules that we must follow

But rather when you hear law in the Old Testament think of it as teachings of God

This is the way of a disciple of Jesus Christ to think about God’s law day and night

His teachings day and night

And the Gospel reading today highlights the absolute importance of relying on God

Of listening to God as a priority in your life over other things and people in our life

Today’s Gospel reading reminds us to regularly open up scripture and be exposed to God’s wisdom


Well 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 21 says the world does not know God’s wisdom.

And today’s gospel reading highlights this

It appears to turn everything upside down and inside out.

For many people it does not make sense

They would rather live the life that the world suggests to live

Than the life God suggests to live

To give you an insight into this

Over the last 2 weeks there has been a debate arising from some church’s displaying a sign that says Jesus loves Osama

John Howard the Prime Minister has even got involved and suggested that the church’s have got their prayer priorities wrong.

But think about it isn’t John Howard’s response simply limiting God’s love to how he or we see things, what is the popular belief of where God should love and not love?

God loving Osama bin laden does not take away from the love he has for you or those who have been hurt by his actions

In fact scripture is quite clear….

In Romans 3 verse 23 we are reminded that everyone is a sinner and falls short of God’s expectations

And in John chapter 3 verse 17 we are told that Jesus came to save the entire world and that is why Jesus died

So God does love Osama and he loves You

He has reached out his hand to save both of you

And how does God turn everything upside down

In today’s Gospel reading we see that what is considered important for many people in the world


having plenty of food,

being happy

and looking good and being liked is dismissed by God as unimportant

Infact God indicates that if these are your goals in life

If this is what is important to you

then you are living a dangerous life

A life that could very well affect your salvation

and the salvation of those close to you

And a bit later we will discover why???

Also what many people consider unimportant and unworthy

not worth asociating with

God considers special and important

God indicates if you are poor,



or being spoken poorly of because you speak the truth then you are blessed by God

But before we explore these two aspects of discipleship

lets consider what comes before these words of Jesus and how this affects our view of discipleship

Discipleship involves Jesus meeting people at their level

Listen to verse 17

He went down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples were there and a great number of people from all over Judea, from Jerusalem, and from the coastal region around Tyre and Sidon..

The people we Jesus came to were from two types of regions

One region was renowned for its dedication to God, the other was not so renowned

Jesus shows no favours he comes to both, even today

Jesus does not discriminate,

He comes to everyone’s level

Where does Jesus meet you?

When bible translators, translated the bible into languages people could read and understand, this was Jesus coming down to our level

When you share Jesus’ love through your life at work, amongst your family and friends, to people you know

This is Jesus coming down to their level

When any member of the congregation comes visiting you, bringing you support and encouragement,

whether they indicate they are from the church or not

This is Jesus coming to your level

There are many things that come into our life

So as a disciple of Jesus Christ we need to be focussed on Jesus

Discipleship involves being focussed on Jesus

above anything else

And being focussed on Jesus means listening to Jesus

And being healed by Jesus

Listen again to verses 18 and 19

They had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by evil spirits were cured, and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.

People whether they go to church or not recognise there is power in Jesus

Not an oppressive power, but a caring loving helpful power

Isn’t it interesting that when people are trouble or in need

That one of the first places they turn to is the church.


Because as one person seeking help one day said to me

I believe that God is a God of love and that the church is God’s agency where this love is available?

Think about that for a moment.

How do you react when you see someone asking for help?

Or when someone asks you for help?

Remember the people who cross your path

Are the people God has put in your life so they can experience His love through you!!

Let me tell you the story of a person who came seeking help

We will call this person Tim

Tim wasn’t the most attractive guy

He didn’t have much to offer

And had so many problems that he could probably write not one book but three about his problems

From time to time he occasionally would come to the church seeking help

Depending on who he met,

depended on the help he received

Some people would try to ignore him

Others would suggest he go here or there for help, believing that it was someone else’s responsibility to help out, that specific agencies existed to help the homeless and needy

And some would listen to him and help him out where they could

Tim then got sick and had a lengthy stay in hospital

Some people from the church who helped him out visited him

One day one of them said,

Tim, God loves you!!

Tim, said I know

and I experienced some of his love through our congregation

When I first started coming for help i was simply after a handout

But some of the people at your church,

Showed me that God truly did love me despite my appearances

and despite who I was

They listened, they gave me some food and occasionally some money

They treated me with respect, like no one else

And over time I began to be fed with more than material things,

What these people said about God loving me started to make sense through their actions

I could see that God’s love is genuine

That he truly unconditionally loves me despite my flaws

And you know what this interaction from Tim changed the perspective of some of the members of that congregation

No longer did they see people seeking help as problems or people attempting to rip off the church

Rather they saw them as people needing Jesus love

And they saw their interactions with those seeking help

as an opportunity to share God’s love in the same way he loves us

So as disciples of Jesus Christ we should not be concerned about people’s motives for coming to Jesus or the church

If we are honest with ourselves we probably have a few motives for seeing Jesus that are a bit selfish or skew whiff too

Rather we should remain focussed on Jesus

On the unconditional love he wants people, especially undeserving people to experience

And remember what the scriptures tell us what anyone intends for evil, God can use for good

because it is God’s love that brings healing to people in many different ways

So part of the responsibility of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, is to receive God’s love and to share his love

This week I give you the challenge to share God’s love with someone you think does not really deserve it

And now to answer the question

Why does God bless the poor, hungry, the weeping and people who are hated or spoken ill of, and says woe to those who are rich, satisfied, laughing and are well liked and spoken well of?

Well think of it this way?

Who do you think realises they need God’s love

Those who Jesus says are blessed, the poor, hungry, crying and hated

Or those in the woed group

Those who Jesus says are rich, satisfied, happy and loved?

it is not a case that God does help one group and not the other

But it is a case that one group realises it is God helping them

and the other is easily led to believing they don’t really need God

And God blesses those in need because

Helps them in more than they need

Like Tim, he came for material things because he was down on his luck, and ended up receiving something that would outlast any material thing he was given….

He received the way to eternal life

But people who are focused on

Being rich, by the way do you realise that if you earn more than $200 a week you are in the top 15% of the wealthiest people in the world

Being satisfied

Being happy

And being well liked and spoken well of

Will do whatever it takes to make sure these things happen?

Even tone down their relationship with God and other Christians

Even look for excuses why they should avoid difficulties in their relationship with God

One retired pastor said to me

Of all the reasons he has heard why people miss a Sunday worship service

Or put off sharing God’s Good News

They fall into one of the following

So a person can

Earn more money

Have their stomachs satisfied

Be happy

Or be well liked and spoken well of

And yet the life of the disciple of Jesus Christ will involve

Being poorer than you could be and being around the poor

Being hungry and being around the hungry

Crying and weeping and being around those who are sad

And being spoken poorly about and not being liked because you speak the truth and being around those who are not like

During these occasions God will blesses those who are struggling


because God’s love and blessing are clearer when we need to rely on him more

When we fill our lives with our own importance

With what we have and can achieve

Then it is too easy to push God aside and out of the picture

And trick ourselves into believing how good we are.

But the reality is what we are capable of is very little

Even what we achieve on this earth

Is because of the gifts and the opportunities God has given us?

And even if we think we have achieved something,

how long will it last,

what affect does it have on our eternal future?

Not only will you experience difficulties as a disciple of Jesus Christ

But other disciples will too,

And if we are truly focussed on bringing the Good News to people

Then our values and way of life formed by Jesus will at times conflict with the values and way of life that the world attempts to form us into adopting

And so when you see someone who is poor, hungry, crying or having their named drag through the mud then get beside them

Show them God’s love

be God’s light in their life

This is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus
