Summary: Using Rick Warren’s SHAPE acronym to discover how God has created each of us with unique personalities to be used together in serving in the church.

If you haven’t been with us in the last couple weeks let me get you up to date. We are in a series called “Created to be God’s Masterpiece.” This comes from Ephesians 2:10 of the NLT, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

This means each one of us is God’s Masterpiece, his work of art. He has created you and I in a special way. Our Scripture passage this morning reinforced this message, even in the womb God was molding us and shaping us in a special unique way. When we become Christians, God has done another work in recreating us, or as the Scripture share “creating us anew in Christ Jesus.” Through faith in Christ, God does a work in our hearts and lives shaping us to be more like Jesus Christ. From the time we were conceived until we put our faith in Christ and even to this day God has been molding you, shaping you to do good things he has planned from long ago.

With each week we have been exploring the unique S.H.A.P.E. in which God has created you. The “S” stands for Spiritual gifts. God has given each Christian believer special abilities called spiritual gifts. They are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit used to serve God. There is a list of some of the gifts in 1 Corinthian 12 and Romans 12. The “H” stands for Heart or passion. God has ignited a flame within each of us, something we feel strongly about, it usually includes a desire to help someone or some cause within our church, community, or the world. One caution we noted is to make sure our passion comes from God and not our own selfish desire. When we serve in the area where we are passionate, we are more effective in ministry and it becomes enjoyable. The “A” for Abilities or natural skills. God has equipped each of us with natural abilities from birth. There are some things we are better at than others. Some are better at music, others at math and science, others at construction, cooking. However we must continue to grow and learn if we are maximize our natural abilities. The raw potential is there but we must grow and learn to put it to use. The “P” stands for Personality, which we will learn about today. The “E” stands for Experiences.

I have to warn you that this sermon won’t be like my usual because the Bible does not directly teach on personality, although as we will see, people in the Bible had different personalities which God used to serve in different ways. You may ask, why I am teaching on personality then. Because it is a part of who God created us to be and I have found it very helpful in determining how we will serve God. Our spiritual gifts, abilities and passion show where we should serve but our personality tells us how we will serve. Two people could have the same ministry, but serve in very different ways because they have different personalities. I also find the knowledge of personalities helpful in showing us why God some people operate differently than us. So I am asking for a little grace in this message because it is different than my typical sermon. But by the end of the message I hope you will realize how God has blessed you with your personality to serve him, and to appreciate how God has blessed others with different personalities to think and act in ways you cannot so we can complement each other.

Before we get into talking about personality I want you to do me a favor. Get out your sermon outline from your bulletin and write your name on the first blank. [Pause]. Below that write your name again only this time with your other hand. [Pause] It’s a little more challenging isn’t it? It doesn’t feel natural writing with your opposite hand, although you are able to do it. Just as some are more natural writing with your right hand while others with your left hand, we know that God has given all of us different personalities. Your personality or temperament is your inborn traits which controls the way you react to circumstances and act the way you do. It doesn’t mean you can’t act differently it is just more natural. Personalities aren’t right or wrong just different for different individuals.

To give you an example of different personalities let me ask you a question. Does it matter which way the toilet paper comes off the roll? Those of you who say yes it does matter, raise your hand (I’m with you, you’ll notice I have my hand up). Those of you who don’t really care which way it goes, raise your hand. Your response to that question demonstrates we have different personalities. There is a reason why some of us care which way the toilet paper is rolled while others do not. It is because of the personality God has given you.

Let’s begin to explore your personality by looking at three different scales which are in your sermon outline. Outgoing vs. shy, task oriented vs. people oriented, and variety vs. routine. Each of us tends to lean toward one side or the other, and I will have you score yourself as we go along.

1. Outgoing vs. Shy (introverted)

The first personality scale is outgoing vs. shy. When you walk into a room full of strangers, is your natural tendency to introduce yourself and meet as many new people as you can, or is your tendency to hide in the corner talking with the one person you came in with, or perhaps never go to the party in the first place? If you enjoy meeting as many new people as you can you are likely outgoing, while the person who is shy likes to hang back with just a couple people.

Outgoing vs. shy also identifies where you build up your energy. Outgoing people are energized by being around others, while shy, reserved people, although they may enjoy being around others, are recharged when they are able to be by themselves.

Biblical example (Peter):

Let’s look at a Biblical example. Would you say Jesus’ disciple Simon Peter was more outgoing or shy? I think he was definitely outgoing. He was the first to step out of the boat when he saw Jesus walking on water. He was the first to declare Jesus was the Christ the Son of the living God. On Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples it was Peter who stood up to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to the thousands of people who had gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of booths.

Would you say I am more outgoing or shy? Some of you may have said outgoing, and you would be incorrect. The reason you thought that was because you see me as a pastor and my job is to be outgoing. Many of you know one of the first things I do after getting home on Sunday afternoon. I take a nap. I am exhausted because I am operating outside my natural tendency. Remember it’s not that we can’t do the opposite it’s just not as natural, like writing with the opposite hand. I can be outgoing, it just drains me.

[Have them fill out the outgoing vs. shy scale]

2. Task oriented vs. People oriented (Projects vs. People)

The second scale is task oriented versus people oriented. The task oriented person enjoys completing projects. Just give them a project to do and they will sink their teeth in to get ‘er done. Don’t waste time talking about it, let’s do it. This personality may enjoy being around people and talking with them but the main focus is on getting the project done.

People oriented personalities on the other hand obviously enjoy being more with people than getting particular project done. It’s not that they don’t want to get a task done, they do, it’s just that they are more concerned over the relationship than about getting the project done.

When I take a mission team I find it helpful to bring people along who are both task and people oriented because the task oriented people will work continually until they finish whatever project they are working on, like building a handicap accessible porch for FEMA trailers in Louisiana. Meanwhile the people oriented group will talk with the locals and build relationship with them, listen to them, share with them, care for the person. It isn’t that one is wrong and the other right, they are both necessary. Sometimes it is frustrating for the task oriented people because they feel the people oriented group aren’t carrying their weight in getting the job done, while the people oriented group gets frustrated with the task oriented people because they are so focused on project that they overlook the people who we’ve gone to serve. We have to remind ourselves that both are needed when you are serving others in the name of Jesus.

Biblical example (Martha and Mary):

A perfect Biblical example of this comparison was Jesus’ friends, sisters Martha and Mary. Let me remind you of the story in Luke 10:

Luke 10:38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" 41 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Which sister was more likely a task oriented person…Martha. Which sister was more likely a people oriented person…Mary. In this story it seems as though Jesus is saying it is better to be a people oriented Mary than a task oriented Martha, however the point Jesus was making was it is better to be a Jesus oriented person than to be distracted and worry about the task of serving him. Martha lost her focus on the joy of serving Jesus.

This is also a good place to point out that we cannot make people fit our personalities. Mary’s personality and Martha’s were very different. Martha wanted her sister to be a task-oriented person like her, and she was bothered by the fact that Mary wanted to sit at the feet of Jesus. You can’t make people fit your mold when you want them to, whether it is ministry in the church, marriage, or parenting.

Which direction do you think I fall on this scale?

[Have them fill out the task oriented vs. routine scale]

3. Variety vs. Routine

The last scale is variety vs. routine. The person who enjoys variety loves new challenges and doing something different everyday. They love to be spontaneous and leave their options open.

The person who loves routine on the other hand loves to do the same thing every day, predictable, certain. They like to have a plan, and checklists and follow it to the “T”.

Biblical example (Paul)

Let’s use the Apostle Paul as an example. Would you say the Apostle Paul enjoyed variety or routine? I think he enjoyed variety. Paul became the missionary to the Gentiles. He went from town to town in the Roman Empire preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ building a group of believers, establishing a church, and then move on to the next town. Even though Paul would present the good news of Jesus Christ his presentation would change too, depending on where he was located.

Which direction do you think I fall on this scale?

[Have them fill out their variety vs. routine scale]

You will see three lines below your variety vs. routine scale. I want you to mark on the three spaces the three letters which are most dominant for you. For example if you are outgoing place an “O” down below in the first space, if you are task oriented place a “T”, if you enjoy variety place a “V”.

Summarize four major personality types:

Since the 4th century BC, a guy named Hippocrates determined there were four different personality types, and we still use these four to this day. To make it easy on us we will associate these temperaments with animals, they are: otter (sanguine), beaver (melancholic), lion (choleric), and the golden retriever (phlegmatic). Many of us will find that one personality does not describe us completely because we are actually a combination of two or more of these personality types, although one will probably be dominant. I don’t want you to feel boxed in. These are simply a means of helping us understand ourselves and others better.

If your letters were OPV you are probably more like an otter. Listen to these descriptions to see if they fit you.


Life of the party

Good sense of humor

Memory for color


Cheerful and bubbling over


Make friends easily

Love people

Thrive on compliments

Don’t hold grudges

Like spontaneous activities

If your letters were OTV or maybe OTR you are probably more like a lion. Some of these descriptions may fit you:

Born leader

Compulsive need for change

Must correct wrongs

Strong willed and decisive


Independent and self-sufficient

Goal oriented

Exudes confidence

Not easily discouraged

Seeks practical solutions

Moves quickly to action

Stimulates activity

Is usually right

If your letters were STR you are like a beaver, and you may find these characteristics to be true for you:

Deep and thoughtful


Serious and purposeful

Talented and creative

Sensitive to others


Orderly and organized

Detail conscious

Persistent and thorough

Good problem solver

Make friends cautiously

Content to stay in background

If your letters were SPR or SPV you are probably more like a golden retriever.

Low-key personality

Easygoing and relaxed

Calm, cool, and collected

Patient, well balanced

Quiet but witty

Avoids conflict

Sympathetic and kind

Good listener

Keeps emotions hidden

Mediates problems

Enjoys watching people

Has compassion and concern

Did you see yourself in any of the qualities? Now you’re going to go home calling your spouse and family by animal nicknames aren’t you? I want to remind you that our personalities are God given gifts to help you serve Christ. They are not meant to box you in, because you are able to work outside of your natural tendency. But your regular area of ministry should be in our personality strength.

Examples of Ministries Based on Personality Types

Let’s use an example to see how these personalities work together even in the same ministry. Suppose you feel called to help with hospitality in the church, the desire to help others feel welcomed. If you are an otter what do you think would be a good position for you? Greeter. An otter would love to greet every person coming in the door, especially new people. Who would you pick to coordinate hospitality to make sure everything gets done? A lion. Who could keep meticulate track of attendance making sure every person was accounted for? A beaver. Who would most enjoy making desserts for fellowship time, and cleaning up afterward, or perhaps sending a card to a visitor? A golden retriever.

Do you see how God uses our personalities to work together in the body of Christ serving one another? Our tendency is to want everyone to act like me, and we get frustrated when people don’t see things our way or act the way we do, but God has created us with different personalities to work together.

NLT 1 Corinthians 12:27 Now all of you together are Christ’s body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.

NLT Rom 12:4 Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, 5 so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of his one body, and each of us has different work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others.

I want to encourage you to be who God has created you to be, and serve God in the way he has shaped you to serve. I also want to remind you that it is okay that others have different personalities than us. Don’t make them fit your mold because it is the way God made them. Perhaps this is why Paul, after writing about our spiritual gifts (Rom 12 and 1 Cor. 12) and using them in the body of Christ follows it immediately by talking about loving one another.

NLT Romans 12:10 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.

In other words when we are serving together we need to love each other, and extend grace when needed.