Summary: The world has a difficult time understanding what a Christian is supposed to be. Simply saying, One who imitates Christ in every way.

What is a Christian?

Acts 26:28-31


A) Meeting with some fellas from the church for our monthly fellowship & prayer breakfast

1) This was early on a Saturday morning and we all genuinely like and enjoy being with each other

We were having so much fun, laughing so hard & a little loud a lot of people began staring at us.

At that point I looked at the guys and said something like, Maybe we ought to tone it down a little. I don’t think Christians are supposed to have this much fun.

2) When I made that statement there was a little bit of discussion, because you know as well as we do – most people do not envision Christians being able to really enjoy themselves.

B) It seems as though the world really has a difficult time defining what a Christian is?

1) Think about that for a moment.

If someone were to ask you – point blank – without any chance to prepare your thoughts – just all of a sudden out of the clear blue – “What is a Christian?” – what would you say?

2) Trying to answer that question may not be as easy as you might think!

I mean , it’s not like asking, “What is a teacher?” – “What is a farmer?” – “What is an athlete?” – “What is a musician?” – “What is a preacher?”

When asked to define the concept of being a Christian, you may find out it’s not as easy as you first thought.

Part of the problem stems from the world’s view of commitment, i.e., commitment to Christ and commitment to church do not run parallel

Part of the problem stems from all the denominations – confusing the issue with a bunch of man made creeds and doctrines – instead of just looking at the Bible as the authority.

Part of it is our fault. We often stress one point over another – instead of looking at the complete picture.

C) Think about it!

1) What are some of the answers that are frequently given in trying to describe a Christian?

2) Let me give you what I think are the 4 most common answers.

Let’s look at each one briefly and see why these answers in themselves do not describe God’s idea of a Christians as seen in the early church!

#1 – we often hear – A Christian is someone who believes in God.

Yet, that’s not always true.

See Mark 1:21-24; Mark 5:1-13; Acts 19:15; James 2:19

#2 – a 2nd common answer – A Christian is someone who has been baptized.

Often I run across people who think that being baptized is all that is needed to make someone a

Christian! Once you’re baptized everything else is secondary.

But there is so much more to being a Christian than the simple act of baptism!

Hitler – Mussolini – Stalin – David Koresh – Son of Sam – were all baptized at one point in their life!

But baptism alone does not make a Christian1!

#3 – A Christian is someone who is member of a church.

Being a member of a church does not automatically qualify a person as a Christian!

So often people cling to the idea of Church membership, as if that is all that is needed.

Having your name on a role book somewhere does not necessarily qualify you as a Christian!

#4 – The other answer I hear a lot is – A Christian is someone who goes to church.

Going to Church does not make you a Christian – anymore than going to school make you a teacher or a student; or going to the hospital makes you a doctor; or sleeping in a garage makes you a car!

It’s sad, but for some folk, going to Church is just something that they have always done on


D) With those ideas out of the way, we still have the question, What is a Christian? – before us!

1) Someone: “A Christian is anyone in who Christ lives!”

2) Billy Graham is credited with making the statement, “A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip!”

3) Few of us could speak with as much confidence as Paul did with King Agrippa, when he said what he did here in Acts 26,

In verse 28 – Agrippa asks, 28Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?”

And Paul’s answer is classic – 29… I pray God that not only you – Agrippa – but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.

4) Few of us could say, use my life as an example or watch how I live to catch an illustration as a

means of learning, “What is a Christian.”

5) I want to offer 3 definitions or descriptions that I have used over the years when answering the question, What is a Christian?

These are things I see in the life of the Apostle Paul.

Things that should be seen in our lives each and every day, if others are to find out what a Christian is!


A) Turn to Philippians 4:8-9 – 8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,

whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into


1) Paul tells us that we should not allow anything to enter into our minds that would not bring praise to Christ and His Church!

2) As a Christian our mind is that through which Christ thinks!

Therefore – our thoughts should be thoughts that are pure – honest – just.

Our minds should meditate or communicate with Christ on a continuous basis!

B) Time and time again – the one thing Christ had on His mind was to do the will of His Father!

1) We see that from the time that He was a boy of 12 in Luke chapter 2.

2) Question: Are our minds set upon the thoughts of Christ – doing the will of our Heavenly Father?

We can sum up the will of God with John 3:16-17 – 16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one

and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send

his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

C) Ask yourself:

Do I allow Christ and the Holy Spirit full control of my mind?

Do I allow Him full control of my thoughts?

The thoughts of my mind – are they pure – honest – just?

Do they bring glory – honor and praise to Jesus Christ and His Church?

The thoughts I have for my brother’s & sisters in Christ – are they thoughts that I can express openly, honestly?

Are they thoughts I would like for others to use as an example to follow?


A) What about our speech, are the words we use, the type of words Jesus would use?

1) Almost immediately, most of you think I am going to say something about that familiar verse from the 10 commandments, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain” – the 3rd commandment, which is found in Exodus 20:7.

2) Most of us, whether we are real familiar with the Bible or not, know what kind of language is the

taking of God’s name in vain!

3) Sadly enough, we can become painfully aware of the frequent use of words that are not pleasing to God!

It seems that the language we hear on TV or the radio or see at the theater has become commonplace.

It’s no longer profanity – it’s adult language.

And what really bothers me, this “adult language”, because of it’s frequency and because it seems to be so commonplace in our society – Christians don’t seem to get as upset about it as they once did!

B) There’s another thing that bothers me about our speech today, and that is that we don’t take advantage

of opportunities to speak to others about the love of Christ!

1) If a Christian is the voice through which Christ speaks, we need to be using our voice to tell others

about the good things Jesus can do for them!

2) A little fellow, about 4 or 5 years old was in the hospital to have a piece of deformed bone removed

from his arm.

When he was ready to be discharged from the hospital, he asked to see his doctor before he left.

The doctor walked into Billy’s room, sat down on his bed and said, “You wanted to see me Billy?”

Then the little Billy, reached over, put his hand in the hand of the surgeon and said, “I ain’t never gonna quit telling people bout what you did for me!”

3) Folks – I think if we would take a minute to realize what Jesus Christ has done for each of us –

Freed us from sin

Given us the hope of eternal life in heaven

Provided us with a book to instruct us

Holy Spirit to guide, challenge and comfort us

Church family to encourage us

4) One of the best definitions of evangelism I ever heard is, “One beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.”


A) The heart is the very center of life – the scriptures point that out – as does medical science.

1) Listen to the words of Solomon in Proverbs 4:23 –“23Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

2) It’s not unusual for us to hear or say, “If you want to do this, you’ll have to put all your heart into


Or as a compliment to someone, we’ve used the phrase, “He has a lot of heart.”

3) The heart has been referred to as “The spiritual mind”.

It’s the source of renewal or regeneration!

4) The scriptures tell us to give our whole heart to God – that is seen as a sign of love.

Deuteronomy 6:5 says, 5Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all

your strength.

That type of love is a sign of devotion.

It’s also a sign of obedience as we seek to do His will with all our heart.

5) The beautiful hymn “He Lives” Stanza 1 and chorus

Do others see a risen Christ living within your heart?

Do they see His hand of mercy?

Do they hear His voice of cheer?

B) The story is told of a minister of a church in a small community, retiring after 40 years of service to

the church and that community.

1) It was a big day, grand celebration, as an expression of gratitude for all he had done.

A young man from the community who had made it big in the theater came home to add to the celebration.

A part of the program that day called for the actor to recite the 23rd Psalm, as a tribute to this respected shepherd of the community.

The young man, in a performance fit for Broadway, gave a flawless dramatic recitation of that great passage of scripture.

The audience cheered, and clapped and called for an encore.

He declined, saying it was time to hear from the guest of honor.

Just then, the aged veteran of the faith stepped to the podium, made a few remarks and then leaning heavily on his cane in a shaky voice he began, “The Lord is my Shepherd – I shall not want ...”

When he finished, there was a hush over the crowd, heads were bowed as if in prayer.

Some in the audience however, did not understand.

“Why the difference?” they asked.

Then the young man stepped to the podium once again and said, “Let me explain. For me you clapped and

cheered and called for an encore.

But when Pastor Smith was done your were reverently quiet.”

What’s the difference you ask? It’s really rather simple. I know the Psalm, but he knows the shepherd.”

2) Folks, people need to see Jesus Christ in the life that we live.


A) Someone: “A Christian should not be a question mark for God, but an exclamation point!”

1) When people see you, in your everyday life, do they see without a doubt someone who thinks, speaks and lives for Jesus Christ?

Or do they come away scratching their head, wondering what a Christian is?

2) There’s more to being a Christian than just believing in God, more than being baptized, more than

going to Church or being a member of a Church!

Being a Christian is allowing the will of Christ to take control of your life!

Allowing Jesus Christ to be more than Savior.

Being a Christian the way Christ wants us to be, means making Him Master of your life.

It’s an attitude of complete surrender.