Summary: Don’t be a middle of the road christian

The middle of the road

Revelation 3: 14-16

When you hear the term, “middle of the road”, what do you think of?

If you are thinking politics you would say the “middle of the road” means someone who is neither liberal nor conservative.

If you are thinking religion you would say the “middle of the road” means someone who is neither radical nor passive.

Or, if you’re here this morning with a neck brace, back brace, both arms and both legs in casts, with your jaw wired shut; you might say the “middle of the road” is where you met a 620 horsepower Mack truck!

To others, the term the “middle of the road” means half way. “I’m meet you in the middle of the road, or half way.”

This phrase is similar to that of ’sitting on the fence’, i.e. portraying something that is not sure enough of itself to go one way or the other.

It is like the politician who wanted the people with him. He kept in the middle of the road, and he kept his party there; thinking that would be the safest place to be.

But is that true? It is truly a place of compromise. And for a politician that may be a safe place.

But it’s not a safe place for a Christian!

Some people want to be a “middle of the road” Christian.

A “middle of the road” Christian is someone who is not extreme about their relationship with Jesus Christ; neither are they completely insipid in their Christianity.

They take the middle road. In taking the middle road they don’t have to give their all to God.

They don’t have to be committed; they don’t have to be faithful.

They are not totally unresponsive to Christianity, but neither are they excited in their relationship with God.

The church of the Laodiceans was that way. Jesus told them they were neither cold nor hot.

They were too good to go to hell, too bad to go to heaven.

The Laodiceans were in spiritual things cold comparatively, but not cold as the world outside, and as those who had never belonged to the Church.

They were not acting hostile toward Christ; and they were not being zealous for Him.

God would rather that men would oppose Him than be formal, apathetic professors of Him.

These people of Laodicea took the middle of the road approach toward living for God.

They had an apathetic attitude when it came to standing up for Jesus.

Jesus told them they were lukewarm; showing or having little enthusiasm, interest, support, or conviction.

There are a lot of people like that in the church today!

They come to church once in awhile but they aren’t enthusiastic about.

They come to worship but they have little conviction.

They come to church but they aren’t interested in the church’s programs or projects.

They come to church but they give little or no support in finances or any other way.

They are middle of the road Christians!

They are not completely out, but they are not completely in!

Jesus told the church of Laodicea that because they were neither cold nor hot; he would spew them out of his mouth!

A lukewarm Christian is offensive to God!

Let’s take for example a person who draws welfare money from the government, but is able to work as much as you and I. They draw their check, get all the benefits, all their doctor bills and hospital bills are paid for, they get free groceries, and then lay back and enjoy it.

Is that offensive to you? Does that make you sick?

Or, let’s look at another example; let’s say you are working on your job; you work hard every day, you give your full eight hours, you deserve every dollar you make.

But there’s an old boy who is employed with you, and he goofs off, he shuns his work, he is passive concerning his job, he sits down all day long and watches you work, but at the end of the week he gets a paycheck for the same amount as you do! Would you be offended by his actions?

So is God when we are neither cold nor hot!

Concerning that ole boy who goofed off all day, we would rather he get to work, nor quit and let someone else do his job.

Listen church; when it comes to serving God, He wants you to be fervent, eager, enthusiastic, passionate, zealous, fanatical, impassioned, burning, and intense!

There is too many who are sitting on the fence in the church today!

Too many who are taking the middle of the road in their relationship with God!

They don’t want to be completely out of the church because their conscience would bother them.

They don’t want to quit going to services once in awhile or they will lose their active membership.

They don’t want to backslide because they don’t want to go to hell!

So they take the middle of the road.

They don’t want to become active because it will take too much of their time and efforts.

It would cost them something! They may have to turn loose of their habits, or little sins, or turn loose of things they want to do, so they take the middle of the road approach!

They don’t want to be enthusiastic because that would mean commitment!

They don’t want to be supportive because that would mean giving of themselves!

They don’t want to worship because they would have to dedicate themselves!

So they take the middle of the road!

Folks I know this message seems a little harsh or unpleasant to some of you but do you want the truth or do you want me to tiptoe through the tulips and say everything is fine and dandy?

I’m trying to help us this morning! I’m trying to put a fire underneath us today! Whether we want to agree or not, the truth is God is sick of people who walk the middle of the road and will not become excited about doing something for Him.

God hates apathy! God hates lethargy and indifference! He didn’t call us to sit down and do nothing!

If God has truly saved you and brought you up out the miry pit of sin, He deserves for us to be grateful enough to work fervently for Him!

If this message makes you mad this morning it is because you are walking in the middle of the road.

There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for an able-bodied Christian to sit on the seat of do-nothing.

There is no excuse for a Christian to show no or little enthusiasm, interest, support, or conviction.

Brothers and Sisters, its time we get in! Its time we become enthused!

It’s time we get hot for God! Its time we become passionate about our relationship with God!

I don’t want God to spew me out of His mouth!

God warned the early church of Laodicea that He would do exactly that!

The image is intensely strong, and denotes deep disgust and loathing at the indifference which prevailed in the church at Laodicea.

The idea is; that they would be utterly rejected and cast off as a church!

Listen church; a church cannot reach its full potential with a lukewarm congregation!

If we have only a small interest in the church, the church cannot go forward as it should.

Do you remember the church on the day of Pentecost? They were fervent, zealous, impassioned, intense and on fire!

Peter stood up and preached a simple, straightforward sermon and 3000 souls were saved!

The church went forward with souls being added to the church daily!

The Gifts of the Spirit were added to enable the church to function successfully and effectively.

Everyone received operational gifts to edify, up-lift, and strengthen the church.

1Co 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

1Co 14:12 Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church.

Then, I want to take the phrase in a slightly different direction;

The middle of the road can also mean taking a neutral approach to the standards of God and Christianity.

There is no middle road when it comes to God’s standards and principles.

Either we stand up for God’s Word or we do not!

Too many take the middle road concerning the issues that face us today.

They don’t want to be considered un-cool, or weird, or old-fashioned, or out-of-date, so they take the middle road.

They don’t want to be called fanatical or extreme so they take the middle road.

The road of little commitment, little liability, little responsibility!

When a Christian doesn’t stand up for what he or she believes in, he or she loses their testimony!

There’s an old hymnal written by George Duffield that says;

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross;

Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss:

From victory unto victory, His army shall be lead,

Till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.

The last verse says;

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long,

This day the noise of battle, the next, the victor’s song:

To him that over-cometh, a crown of life shall be:

He with the King of glory shall reign eternally.

Are you going to stand up for Jesus, or are you going to take the middle of the road?

Are you going to be one of those who aren’t enthusiastic about God?

Are you going to be one of those who have little interest in the things of God?

Are you going to be one of those who have little or no support for the church?

You don’t have to be lukewarm? You can repent! You can turn around! You can make a fresh start!