Summary: Committing to be a good witness not just as a new year approaches, but for life!

I Will Be…A Good Witness


All across the world people have set all sorts of resolutions for the New Year. People have resolved to be better people and to live better lives and have better habits. What type of year can we expect to have in 2007? A lot of that depends on what we as individuals will decide and resolve to do. Throughout New Years you hear a lot o talk about resolutions, but we do not need a change in the year in order to have resolutions. I want to ask you, what type of person are you going to be in 2007 and beyond? Over the next several weeks I want to commit with you to different goals of how we will live our lives. Most of these goals are really not even options that we have, but are reinforced in Scriptures by commands from God. This week, I want us to commit not only 2007, but the rest of our lives to being a good witness. We all have been called to be witnesses for Christ. Jesus told the disciples, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea, and in Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth.” That duty as Christ’s witnesses is handed down for us. A witness is someone who speaks up or testifies on behalf of another. We are called to do that for Jesus, aren’t we? We are called to speak up for Jesus among people who reject him? We are called to tell of Jesus to those who do not know or are misguided. We are called to be his witnesses. Can we commit to being a good witness for Jesus this year and for our lives?

When I was in elementary school I used to love the time we called show and tell. During that appointed day the kids would bring in something to show the rest of the class and have the opportunity to tell them about it. People would bring their pets, their favorite toys, movies, games, or clothes.

That is kind of what we do on a daily basis with our faith. We show through our lives and then we tell people about Jesus.

One time when I was in North Carolina we decided to split up on Sunday Evening into classes. One class was on stewardship and the other was on personal evangelism. I was curious to see the turn out in the various classes and thought they would show sometimes of people’s interests and passions. I overheard a conversation in the hallway of two ladies talking about which one they would attend. One lady said, “I am going to the stewardship class.” That was fine, and nothing wrong with that, but what followed bothered me. Then she said, “Evangelism just isn’t for me.” I thought then Heaven probably isn’t for you either.

I believe there are a lot of Christians than think evangelism just isn’t for them, so they leave it up to someone else to do, failing to accept any personal responsibility in reaching the lost.

If I was to ask you today if you were a good witness or a bad witness I would suspect that the answers would either be people claiming to be a good witness, or people stating that they may not be a good witness, but they are not a bad witness either. The reality is we only have two options. Either we are good witnessed for Jesus or we are bad witnesses. The reason that some people do not see themselves as a bad witness is because they see a bad witness as someone who lives a totally immoral life. I believe that you can be a bad witness in two different ways…

1. Does not accurately portray Jesus

This is almost obvious. Someone who claims to be a Christian, but does not accurately portray Jesus and the way we should live our lives is a bad witness to the world and to non-Christian people. How does your life portray Jesus? Are you giving a good representation of how a Christ follower should act and live? This is not always easy and we will make mistakes at times, but a bad witness does not portray Jesus accurately or more simply they could be labeled as hypocrites.

2. Does not actively speak of Jesus

A bad witness is also someone who fails to do their job as a witness. If you were hired for a specific job and were given specific instructions for that job you would be considered a bad employee if you did not do it right and well. Suppose with me though, your boss comes in and questions you as to why you have not done what he said for you to do. He then calls you a bad employee. You question why he called you a bad employee and the answer is obvious you haven’t done your job. If that is true, and it has to be because I said it, then many who do not see themselves as a bad witness may in fact be a bad witness because they are not doing any witnessing.

Let us strive to be good witnesses in every sense as we live our lives for Him.

Text: I Peter 2:11-12; 3:13-16

I. A Good Witness Does Good Deeds

A good witness is naturally going to do good deeds. Those goods deeds can be used as an opportunity to tell people about Jesus. Jesus was the master at this. He would often do some deed and then use it as an opportunity to teach the people. He multiplied the bread and the fish in order to feeds the 5,000 and then preached Jesus to them. He would heal the sick, the blind, cast out demons or even raise the dead and use it as an opportunity to instruct people in how the should live their lives. No, we may not be able to raise the dead or heal the sick but we can do good deeds for other people that will serve an opportunity to share our faith with people.

II. A Good Witness Is A Good Example of Jesus

Maybe you have heard it said, “to preach the word constantly and use words when necessary.” That emphasizes the reality of the importance of the example of our lives. What type of example are you showing forth to the world? Are you showing a Christ like example to others? A good witness is a good example of Jesus to other people.

A. A Lifestyle that Convicts Others of Sin

A good witness lives a lifestyle that convicts others of sin. Jesus had this amazing thing about him that whenever people came into his presence his mere presence brought about conviction of sin. People were always aware and repentant over their sin when they were around Jesus. You should live such a life that people are aware of your stance and of your character. People should be ashamed of their sin in your presence. Are there people in the world that you would be embarrassed for them to know certain things about you? As a kid I idolized my grandfather. I looked up to him and I wanted him to think highly of me. The way my parents would always punish me when I did something I shouldn’t have was threaten to tell my grandfather what I had done. They knew that I did not want my grandfather to know certain things about me. I don’t believe we should bring about the idea in people’s minds that we are unapproachable and that they cannot confide their struggles in us. I don’t believe we should look down upon people or give the impression that we are better than others, but your character should convict people of their sin by being in your presence. People should know through your example that certain things are not okay to say and do around you.

B. A Lifestyle that Makes Sin Not So Appealing

I look at the world and I see that they are in desperate need of help. People are so captivated by things that we know are sin. People are enamored with that which is wrong. Many of them think that their lives are great and will be even greater the more they indulge into that sin, but we know that is not the Truth. Our lives, however, should give the world something to see that is different. Sometimes I am saddened because I see that the world is without hope and the whole time I know that real hope can only be found in Jesus. Even sadder to me is that sometimes I watch Christians who have no evidence of that hope in their lives. They in no way display to non-Christians that their lives are great not living in slavery to sin. Sometimes I wonder, why would a non-Christian person want to change and become a Christian? With the way that many of us act I cannot give an answer. I cannot honestly expect for people in this world to look at the hypocrisy in the church of today and expect them to think that their lives will be better and full of hope and joy if they come to Jesus. I cannot honestly expect them to make the sacrifices and give up things to follow Jesus unless we are showing them that we are different that we have something to offer. The reality is they are not going to believe and live our message until we first believe it enough to live it ourselves. We should be carving out a life that makes sin not look so good to non-Christian people. What does your life show to non-Christians? Does it show that you are miserable? Does it show that you are distinct and different? Does it show the hope that you have? Did you notice what it said in our text? It says, “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.” Now, did you notice it? It says that we need to be ready to given an answer to those who ask about the hope that we have. Why are people going to ask us about our hope? They are going to ask because we live a life of hope. Are you living a life that may cause people to ask you about the hope that you have? Are you showing in your actions and lifestyle that sin is no that good? Are you showing them that Jesus is more appealing than this world?

C. A Lifestyle that Shows Commitment to God

Colossians 4:5-6

I heard a story about two men that worked together and they were good friends, and one Sunday they saw each other at church. One said, “Hey, I didn’t know you were a Christian.” The other responded, “Yea, I am, but I didn’t know that you were a Christian either.”

Would it be a surprise for some people to learn that you are a Christian or does your lifestyle make that clear? If people would be shocked, perhaps there is something wrong with how you are living you life.

The truth is that people follow people of commitment. Right or wrong, people follow people who are committed to what they believe. Does your lifestyle show commitment to God? I know that we may verbally acknowledge that we believe God and that He is number one in our lives, but sometimes our actions show something different about our levels of commitment. The things that you are really committed to in this life you will be willing to make sacrifices for. For instance if you are committed to your family you may have to at times sacrifice personal time and other freedoms to be with your family. Being a good witness means that our actions show our commitment to God. People should see clearly where we stand and know plainly that we will not waver.

III. A Good Witness Speaks The Truth

A. Boldly

Acts 4:31

A good witness is willing to be a bold witness. A person cannot be a witness for Jesus without being willing to speak up for Him. Sometimes people are intimidated to share their faith with others, because they lack boldness, but sometimes we have to be willing to be bold in sharing our faith. Sometimes we are afraid of that because maybe we are afraid of other people’s response. We need to remember that regardless we have a duty and a command and it is not us they are rejecting it is Christ they reject. It is a matter of Heaven and Hell and merits our boldness and a sense of urgency.

B. In Love

Ephesians 4:15

When we speak the truth to people we need to ensure that we do it with a loving Spirit. I have heard many people say things that are true, but say it in an unloving way and they ruin their witness. If people know you love them you can get by with saying a whole lot. We need to speak the truth, but if we do not do it in love we do it in vain. We do not speak the truth out of pride or a sense that we are better than others, but we do it because we love people and want people with us in Heaven with our Lord. It really does matter how you say things. Let us speak the Truth and do it in love.

C. With Gentleness and Respect

I Peter 3:15-16