Summary: A man is brought to Jesus who cannot hear nor speak and Jesus begins a healing process, which serves as a type of sinners needing a Divine touch of the Master’s hands

MARK 7:31, 32



A. Sources.

B. Stymied.

C. Sustained.


A. Selective.

B. Surety.

C. Supplications.


A. Separation.

B. Solitude.

C. Speechless.

It seems like Jesus was never really able to rest or to catch His breath. There were so many needs, so many people with infirmities, that He was constantly beset for help. However, I never read in the sacred Scriptures where He was disturbed by the people calling out for help. In fact, it seems that the Holy Word portrays just the opposite. His heart was broken due to the effects of sin on and in people and He tried to heal, help, and convert as many as He could while here on this earth.

This text is just one of many in which it seems like He was beset by a needy person as He ventured on His journey. As He was traveling with His disciples, He was suddenly confronted by a group of people who brought to Him one who was both deaf and dumb These twin maladies often go hand in hand due to the fact that it takes hearing to be able to speak properly. As we grow from an infant into the early years of childhood, we begin to mimic the sounds that we hear.

Often, the parents of a youngster who is beginning to speak will find that each child has its own name for certain things such as a bottle, a pacifier, a blanket, shoes, etc. The child forms the words for these items according to what it hears. Over time, the hearing improves and the child begins to slowly change its speaking words to conform to the sounds it is hearing in a better, clearer means of articulation. Without hearing, the child is unable to form the words properly-if at all-and the end result is that the child is both deaf and dumb. This often marks the person for life and the results are not always the best. Such was the instance here.

As I read these two verses, I see three things which arrest my attention. The first one is THE SUFFERER, himself. The next part of verse 31 which speak to me has to do with THE SYMPATHIZERS-his friends, of this man. Then, I notice the man as a type of we who are THE SINNERS who are deaf and dumb in the sight of God.

* THE SUFFERER: We do not know how old the man was, we do not know his name, we do not know if he was married, nor do we know how long he had these afflictions. What we do know is that this nameless man could not hear and he could not speak and he was brought to Jesus. This is the best place to bring anyone, regardless of the afflictions-bring them to Jesus.

As the man was brought forward to the Master, his friends announced that their friend could not hear nor could he speak fluently. We are not told the Sources of this man’s problems. We do not know if he was born with these impediments, nor do we know if at one time he could hear but due to various circumstances, he lost his hearing and this hampered his speaking development. The history of these curses is hidden and we are never told the reasons why this man was in the straights he was. Yet, the same thing is true to every one of us who comes to Jesus in our blighted estate. The history of all of us is not important when we meet Christ. Just as the Master never questioned the man nor his friends regarding the past-He never questions us about our past-it is the present and the future which matter to Him.

With such hardships as the man endured we do know that his growth and development, both as a person and as a thinking rational person, was Stymied. Ever since he lost his hearing, he was never able to hear the glad songs of the lowly birds as they sang to wake up the morning sunshine. Since his difficulties, he was never able to hear the sweet voices of those who loved him so much. One wonders when it was the last time he heard-if he ever heard-the sweet voice of his mother tell him that she loved him. One has to wonder if he ever heard the melodious voice of his wife, if he was married, tell him that she loved him. If he had children, did he hear them giggle with delight over a silly story, or hear then laughed when he tickled them and, if he was a daddy did, he ever hear the tender cries of his child who fell and scraped his/her knee?

When was the last time he heard the chants in the Temple or in the local Synagogue, if he was Jewish? Did he ever hear the sea lap at the shore? Did he ever hear the voices of the vendors in the market places as they called out their wares and their prices to passersby? He was Stymied because he did not, maybe never heard anything which we take for granted. Such is the plight of those who are deaf in their sins-they cannot hear the sweet melody of Heaven’s sounds and music.

Not only could he not hear, he was Stymied because he had a speech impediment. Some translations have this word to mean a “stammering” type of a voice while others have it to mean a hallow, hoarse or even a thick-voice. Whatever the choice of words used by the experts, the end results are the same-this man did not posses a pleasant voice with which to speak clearly and in an articulate manner. Depending on what his voice really sounded like, his voice was not the type to allure children and adults to him. If he had this affliction growing up, did he have youthful friends who would play all day with him or did they run away from him in terror and with laughter? With such a handicap, it probably could be assumed that he probably lived alone and with sadness much of his life. When, if ever, did he tell someone that he loved that one? When was the last time he was able to go to the market and buy his wares without bringing attention to him by the manner of his speaking? He was Stymied with both curses and he dwelt alone even though he had friends such as the ones who brought him to Jesus. The sinner is likewise afflicted as the voice of one without God is hallow, hoarse, stammering because the sinner has not had his speech improved by Jesus.,

To suffer these heartbreaking occurrences for such a short time is one thing, but it is probably certain that he endured these hurts for much of his life; they were a part of his life, they were Sustained through out his life could not rid himself from them. Try as he might have tried to live a normal life without them, he could not. They were not necessary for his existence, yet to rid him of them was impossible. Is not this the way of sin? Sin attaches itself to the soul, it is not needed, we can survive without it, yet we cannot get rid of it. The only hope for us to rid ourselves of these sins, is to do what this man did-come to Jesus.

** THE SYMPATHIZERS: Where would we be without friends in this life to help us when we needed help? The answer is, “We would be in worse straights than which we are in at the present.” This man of our text is fortunate, he had friends that really cared for him. They were his friends in spite of the fact that he could not hear them talking to him. They were his friends even though his voice might have been hallow, hoarse, thick-voiced or even of a stammering quality. They were his friends in spite of every drawback he had and they wanted him to meet Jesus. Oh, may we be that type of a friend to those who need to meet Jesus. The best friend in the world for anyone is if that person, that friend wants you and I to meet Jesus.

These friends, these SYMPATHIZERS, were not just the run of the mill, good time Charlie friends, they really cared for this man who was isolated from society in more than one way. According to verse 31, these friends were faceless, they had no names, and they were more than just one. We do not know how many there were, but there was strength in numbers that day as they all brought their friend to Jesus. We know nothing about them but they were a Selective group of people who really cared for the welfare of this man. We do not know how they heard about Jesus but they did hear about Him and they decided if any one could help their friend-it would be the Christ of every Crisis.

Next, I notice the faith of these friends: they were sure that Jesus could and would help their friend. The Surety of their faith, was remarkable. We do not know if they had to plead with this man or to beg him to come with them to meet Jesus, but we do know that their faith was unsurpassed. They just knew that if Jesus and their friend could meet just one time, their friend would never be the same following an encounter. Their faith, their assurance, and their Surety in the face of such great obstacles are remarkable. Oh, that I had their faith! If we are ever going to see our friends healed both physically and spiritually, we have to bring them to Jesus.

I also notice that even though their names are not recorded by Mark, even though they were not the ones who were healed, even though they did not share the spotlight, they were the very instruments used by God to bring their friend to Jesus. We need to remember this in a day when there is so much emphasis on “Me, me, me…” So often people seek to do things that are self-promoting and fail to realize that just doing our jobs is all that God needs to work His many miracles. Just as Andrew in the New Testament was always seen as bringing someone or something to Jesus, we need to do the same. Andrew never received much glory, but he was the one that brought Peter to Jesus, and we know what happened from that time on to the end of the New Testament. Andrew was the one that brought the lad with the few loaves and the two fishes to Jesus and Christ fed the multitude from the lunch of that lad. Here in this verse, we have some “Andrews” and they brought this man to Christ. If I can just be an Andrew for Jesus-that is fine with me.

Then, I notice one other thing about these SYMPATHIZERS, it is in regard to their Supplications as they “beseeched” Christ for His help. Not only were these Sympathizers good friends to the man, but they were good Intercessors for him. They were the ones who asked for help, and not the one who needed help and healing. We do not know if the afflicted man was embarrassed to speak or was not able to speak or was afraid to speak, but he did not ask for help-his friends did. We need good intercessors today in our churches. Again, if I can be an Andrew, I will be pleased. Whether I can bring someone to Christ is one thing, but I know I can bow my knees and intercede for my lost brother who is not calling on Jesus for help-I can be his voice. I can intercede for that one who cannot or will not pray; I can intercede for that one who is too ill, too weak, too far spent in ill health to call on Jesus-I can “beseech” Christ for His help on those who need Him now. Their Supplications reached the heart of Jesus and He acted-not on the request of the tormented man-He acted on behalf of those who interceded for him. Thank God for good sympathetic, faith filled friends who can interceded for us when we need it. If you have never needed one to bring you before Christ and to intercede for you, the chances are you will someday-we all need to bring our friends to Jesus and to intercede for them.

*** THE SINNERS: Just as sure as this man was a real human being who needed help from Jesus, he also serves as a type for The Sinners of the world today.

Just as this man was separated from his society, THE SINNERS of the world are separated from the Society of the Redeemed. THE SINNERS who cannot hear are Separated from God’s graces and His voice of tender mercy. If THE SINNERS never comes for a touch of the Master’s healing and saving hand, they will never hear the words from the mouth of God, “Well done my good and faithful servant; enter into the rest I have prepared for you.” If THE SINNERS do not come for healing, if no one ever brings them to Jesus, that wayward person will never hear the angelic voices sing the rapturous choruses on Heaven’s hills. If THE SINNERS never have their ears touched by God through the Redeeming Blood of Jesus, they will never hear the songs of the saints as we gather over in the Celestial City singing the songs of the Redeemed. If the reprobates never have their deafness cured at the altar of God’s forgiveness, they will hear the screams of the dammed as they curse God in a Devil’s Hell. If the malefactors never have their ears healed by the mercy of a just God, they will hear the filth of the eternally lost men and women; they will hear the screams of the fallen demons, and will hear the true voice of the Fallen Angel-Satan himself. Oh, may we do our best to bring the deaf THE SINNERS to Jesus and intercede for him when we can.

Not only do these wayward people suffer Separation from all that is good due to their deafness, but they will also suffer Solitude as they sits alone, apart from the saving graces of God. The quietness that a deaf/mute endures must be terrible. Unable to speak or to hear must be terribly confining. Such is the case with those who cannot hear the message of God or who have turned their ears away from the all saving grace of a just God-they sit in Solitude and continue on in life alone. For many people who have rejected God’s call, they may boast of their many friends, but sooner or later each one will be left to one’s own devices and with no word from the Celestial City and from Him who inhabits eternity, the life of THE SINNER gradually turns inward and becomes one of unbearable silence

Not only does the wayward ones suffer Solitude, but they are left Speechless. Their tongues are tied and they cannot adequately praise God for His bountiful blessings. If one continues on in sin, he will never be able to sing the song of the Redeemed or to give audible praises to God in Heaven’s glorious environs. That person will be mute who has turned his back on Jesus in this life and will not be able to ask for forgiveness of his sins at the Judgment Bar of God. Nor will that person be able to ask for forgiveness from the depths of a Devil’s hell. The story of the Rich Man in Luke 16 portrays a man suffering and asking for water and a plea to Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers about Hell, but no where do we find that man asking for forgiveness for his sins. His tongue is tied, he is mute, he is unable to call out to God for help. The Bible says “Today is the day of Salvation.“ It also says that, “All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” It carefully explains that with the mouth salvation is asked for and received. In another place the Scriptures reveal that by hearing we are saved and by the mouth confession is made. However, in Hell, the Sinner is mute but not deaf. He will hear the cry of the lost but he will never be able to call out to God for salvation-his fate has been sealed.

The man in our text, was a deaf mute. How he came to be in this situation, we do not know. What we do know is that he had good friends who had mercy on him and they brought him to Jesus. We also know that the symbolism here is striking. There are sinners who have not heard of Jesus nor about His saving Love. And, we know there are many who have heard and have turned their back on Him. These people need intercessors who can bring them to Jesus to be healed. If they are not healed, they will be lost and their hearing will be of such that they will hear everything that goes on in the Prison of the Universe-Hell while they remain mute, unable to call to God for His saving grace because that day has come and gone. May we be like Andrew and bring our friends to Jesus and intercede for them when we can in order to save them from themselves and a Devil’s Hell of eternal damnation.