Summary: This is from a series on Attitudes I did. I got a lot of ideas from a book by James MacDonald. The sermon can be heard at our web site,


Out With The Doubt

Sunday March 4, 2007

Scripture Reference: Romans 12:2, Numbers 13:1-3, 17-33, 14:1-11


A. Have you ever said things like; “I just don’t believe it.” Or “That can’t be true.” or “It will never happen.” Or “I could never do anything like that.” If you have ever used these expressions or some like them then you know a little bit of today’s topic.

1. When we first began this series I told you that one of the reasons I wanted to preach this series is because I knew I needed help with my attitudes. Some times I think my attitudes really stink and I believe that my attitudes are often times the greatest hindrance to my personal growth and my ability to help you as the church God has called me to serve to grow and become all that you can be. So I knew going in that these waters would be a little turbulent for me and probably for some of you as well. I guess I didn’t realize just how turbulent the water would get, at least for me personally. Each week I keep thinking I will be a little more in the clear and then as I read and make preparations I get hit in the face again with another problem area for me.

2. Today’s sermon is for me, its for your pastor and if you want to listen in and maybe find some help for yourself you are most certainly welcome, but I am going to preach a lot to myself here today and I hope you don’t mind.

Trans. Well let’s do what we have done every week so far and give ourselves a working definition of the attitude at hand. What is doubt? Here is the definition I want to work from.


In a nutshell doubt is the absence or the lack of faith. Now let me just tell you today we will talk a little bit about faith today but that will be the attitude we will explore next week as the one that needs to replace this attitude of doubt. Now we all have doubts, but does that mean we all have an attitude of doubt? I do not believe this to be true. Based on the definition we gave at the beginning of this series we have decided that the word attitude as we are using in this series means a consistent and persistent way of thinking or behaving. We are not talking about something that happens on rare occasions but something that is a basic pattern in our lives. Something that is leaving us as the children of Israel, wandering in the desert. Something hat is leaving our spiritual lives very parched and dry. Something that is depriving us of the joy and abundance God promises.

A. Doubt involves a persistent choice to live our lives with uncertainty.

1. Here again we find what helps us understand the difference between and occasional doubt and an attitude of doubt. The attitude of doubt involves a choice and decision. It is not a slip up, it is a head first dive in. I said a moment ago this is not something that is happening to me occasionally it is a consistent pattern in my life. It happens to us time after time, day after day. We are making a decision to live our lives in constant uncertainly and I am not talking here about not being sure where to have lunch or not being sure about what pants or dress to wear. I am talking about the uncertainly that God can or will bring blessing and goodness in to my life or that God could possibly use you to do a great thing.

2. Here is something I will bet that few of us have really considered before but did you now that doubt is a dangerous thing? Doubt can be detrimental and destructive to your life. Doubt will hold us back from entering into all that God has for us. [] When Sue and I went of to Bible College it was probably the worst thing and the best thing to happen to our marriage. It was the worst because it caused a tension in our lives that almost divided us, but it was the best thing for us because it ended up drawing closer than we had ever been. One of the things that came out of that difficult period while we were there was that Sue told me she didn’t trust that I would stay with her. She had four different dads (obviously not biological dads) and each of them eventually left her. She grew up with the doubt that any man would ever be faithful to her and that doubt in her life hurt our marriage until she really believed that I was not going to leave her no matter what. Divorce was not an option in this relationship.

Trans. Here is what doubt says:

B. Doubt says, “God won’t keep His word.”

1. The whole attitude of doubt really makes no sense when you think about it. I mean imagine me telling the God who created the heavens and the earth that I don’t think He can take care of my needs. Oh I know He created the oceans and all the living creatures. I know that he created the heavens and stars so numerous they can’t be counted, but He really isn’t capable of helping me tell my friend about Jesus. He really isn’t capable of helping me make that car payment. He isn’t capable of helping free my son or daughter from drugs or alcohol.

2. Listen a promise is a promise or it’s not, do you know what I mean? If I say to my wife, “Sue I will never leave you for another woman.” That is either a promise or a lie but it can’t be both. [] Maybe use video clip from Lord of the Rings where Sam tells Frodo that he made a promise to go with him and a promise is s promise.

3. God has made promises to us. Someone has calculated them and come up with over 3000 promises God made through out the bible. I don’t know how that calculation was made but it still means God has made a lot of promises. Let’s consider just a few.

a) The Promise of Salvation. Acts 2:21 NIV And everyone who calls

on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

b) The Promise of Heaven. John 14:3 CEV There are many rooms in my Father’s house. I wouldn’t tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you.

c) The Promise of God’s provision. Philippians 4:19 NIV And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

d) The promise of God’s protection. Isaiah 54:17 CEV Weapons made to attack you won’t be successful; words spoken against you won’t hurt at all.

My servants, Jerusalem is yours! I, the Lord, promise to bless you with victory. What this verse means is that you and I cannot be beaten!

Now my friends these are God’s promises to us. So now we have this decision to make, will we chose to believe them or will we not? Either God has promised this to us or He has lied to us, once again the decision is yours and mine to make.

Trans. Now let’s take about what doubt is. What are some to the things we can know about Doubt?


Since I have already admitted to a struggle with doubt I thought I ought to add that amended title. Let me share with you what I believe are five things we can know about doubt that can also help us to combat the attitude.

A. God Regularly Tests The Faith Of His Children.

1. We have all been in school. We have all taken tests. Can anyone tell me the purpose of a test? (Ask for an answer) Do you mean to tell me that the purpose of a test is not to assist me in failing the class? I always thought this was what teachers were up to. They didn’t want anyone to pass their class so they gave us tests so that we would fail and be held back. In school a test is designed to see if you know the information the teacher has been teaching. When God gives us a test it isn’t so much to see if we know the information because most of us do. The test is to see if we believe what he has said. The test is not designed for our failure it is designed for our success. It is designed so that we can experience the blessing and abundance of God. Listen to how Moses tells this same story we read in Numbers 13 in Deuteronomy 1:21-26 NIV See, the LORD your God has given you the land. Go up and take possession of it as the LORD, the God of your fathers, told you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." 22 Then all of you came to me and said, "Let us send men ahead to spy out the land for us and bring back a report about the route we are to take and the towns we will come to." 23 The idea seemed good to me; so I selected twelve of you, one man from each tribe. 24 They left and went up into the hill country, and came to the Valley of Eshcol and explored it. 25 Taking with them some of the fruit of the land, they brought it down to us and reported, "It is a good land that the LORD our God is giving us." 26 But you were unwilling to go up; you rebelled against the command of the LORD your God. There was the bottom line; they were not willing to trust God. They were not willing to enter into the land God said was theirs. I think this is even clearer in Numbers 13:27-28, 31 They gave Moses this account: "We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. 28 But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. But the men who had gone up with him said, "We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are." What they were clearly saying was that “I know God promised us this land and it is just like He said it would be but we do not believe that he will give it to us even though everything so far that God has said has been true.”

2. Think about how often this is true in our lives, where we are put in the place where we will either believe God or we won’t. How many times have we had an opportunity to tell someone about our faith in Jesus, but we have been guilty of saying, “I can’t do that.” “They won’t believe me.” “I won’t do it right.” How many ministries get left undone and how many lives are diminished by that choice all because we doubted God’s gift to us. Oh yes, that gift may to be fully developed, but it can never be developed if it is never used.

3. Here is a principle we all need to get settled in our minds and hearts. Here it is; “Faith is not a part of your Christian life it IS your life.” Did you get that? I know that faith is on the bible’s list of spiritual gifts but it is not something that a few have and the rest of us do not. Yes, some will have this gift of faith in greater measure but we all must have faith. Nothing is possible for you without faith. You cannot even enter into this relationship with Jesus Christ without faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. Now here is the question, how much faith do you have? That is what God wants to know when He gives you this test. Allow me to illustrate. [] Let’s pretend I am carrying a bucket full of water. Now let’s say that as I walk along carrying this bucket and you bump into me. What is going to come out of that bucket when you bump into me? Whatever it is that is in that bucket right? Here is my point, (in case you were wondering) life is full of “bumps” or tests. When I hit one of those bumps whatever is in me is what will spill out. If I have been trusting God with my finances and trying to live within my means but then I encounter one of those unexpected financial bumps what comes out of me? Am I filled with worry, do I fret, do I accuse God of being unfair? Or do I say, “This is not going to be easy but somehow I believe God will take care of me.” Whatever comes out of me will reveal what is inside of me, faith or doubt.

4. Let me say one more thing about these test God gives us. The design of God’s tests are to reveal to us the faith or lack of faith we have and then they are to refine that faith or lack thereof. Just as a test in school reveals what we know so that we can work on the things we don’t know, God’s test reveal the level of our faith so that we can allow Him to work in us to refine and build that faith so that in turn He can pour more of his blessing into our lives.

Trans. I don’t know if I will finish this sermon in one part or not but let’s look at the second fact about doubt.

B. Your Circumstances Will Either Shrink Or Stretch Your Faith.

1. V.1718 says, When Moses sent them to explore Canaan, he said, "Go up through the Negev and on into the hill country. 18 See what the land is like... Now remember that Moses had selected 12 men, one from each of the 12 tribes of Israel to spy out the land and bring back a report of what they found. Here is a very important principle in understanding the attitude of doubt. It is not WHAT we see but HOW we see that matters. Did you get that? That is SO important. Here were 12 men, they all traveled together, they didn’t split up and go different directions, and they all traveled together through out the land of Canaan. So here is what they saw, V.18-20 See what the land is like and whether the people who live there are strong or weak, few or many. 19 What kind of land do they live in? Is it good or bad? What kind of towns do they live in? Are they unwalled or fortified? 20 How is the soil? Is it fertile or poor? Are there trees on it or not? Do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land." So that is what they did, they explored the land, they brought back the report that it was a land just like God promised but then something else happened. Ten of the twelve spies said the obstacles that stand between us and God’s promises are too great for us to overcome. Ten saw with eyes of doubt and only two saw with eyes of faith. [] It reminds me of that old story I sure you have heard before about these two shoe salesman who go to this Island. The first one after arriving wrote back to the main office and said no one here wears shoes so there are no sales to be made here. The second salesman went to the island and then wrote back to the main office, “Send me hundreds of pairs of shoes, no one here has any shoes to wear.” They both saw the same thing but how they saw it made all the difference in the world.

2. Let me ask you a very important question, “What is it in your life right now that is either shrinking or stretching your faith?” It may be something at home, at work, at school, even at church. Whether it is shrinking or stretching your faith is all dependent on HOW you are looking at it. In this story we are looking at both Joshua and Caleb realizes that the land was filled with giants, but they also saw that God was with them so they were confident that they could conquer those giants.

3. Listen carefully to me. In critical moments we will make critical choices. [] Let me share one of my own. Back in 2000 I went through a time of deep depression. That was the year we lost a lot of ground numerically as a church. I lot of families left the church that year and some of them were families I had put a lot of my faith in (sort of tells you something right there doesn’t it?). As I came to end of that year I was ready to throw it all away. Not my spiritual life but most definitely my ministry. I was at a place of shrinking or stretching. I didn’t want to shrink so I called for both the Church Board and School Board to meet with me down here one night where I told them I was on the verge of quitting. I felt like a total and complete ministry failure and I didn’t know if I had it in me to carry on. I still remember that night when those leaders gathered around me and put their hands on me and prayed for me. I heard some people pray for me that I had never audibly heard pray for me before. That was a turning point for me, now I have still had my share of doubts and struggles since then but that moment moved me forward instead of setting me back. You may be in one of those places right now and you might need to do as I did and call on some people you trust and believe in to gather around you and pray for you so that you will stretch and not shrink.

Trans. Well let me give you fact number three.

C. Doubt Sees Obstacles, Faith Sees Opportunities.

1. Look at V.26 They came back to Moses and Aaron and the whole Israelite community at Kadesh in the Desert of Paran. There they reported to them and to the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land. We know the story but have you ever thought about what it must have been like in the camp as the whole community waited to hear what the spies found? I believe there was great anticipation. I believe there was great excitement among the people. I sincerely doubt (sorry but doubt is OK here) that the people in the camp were saying to themselves, “You know I bet they don’t find any grapes at all. I bet the land is very bit as dry and barren as this desert we have been traveling through. “I bet Moses has just led us on a wild goose chase.” I don’t think any of that happened, I think they were full of anticipation and ready to move right in to their new homes.

2. Here is something else I wonder about, what was the discussion like among the spies as they journeyed home? Did Joshua and Caleb have any idea that the rest of the leaders were going to give this bad report? Look at V.13:26-29 and then 14:5-9 (read). Ten of the spies only saw obstacles but Joshua and Caleb saw opportunity. They saw the opportunity for God to do something that they could never do themselves. Look at 14:8-9 again If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. 9 Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them." Notice in those verses that the one who was going to do this was God, yes he would use them but it was not their might or there power but God’s! If we look at only what we can do we will always be looking though eyes of doubt.

Trans. Here is fact number four.

D. We Will Become Like The Company We Keep.

1. Just like it was with complainers and critics it is much easier to do in a group. Look at 14:1-3 (read). Why is it that most of us seem to find it so hard to trust God? Could it be that part of the reason is because we spend more time taking about our doubts than about our faith? We spend more time talking about what God HASN”T done than what God HAS done. This is why back when we talked about the attitude of Thankfulness I encouraged you to join me in daily writing down the things we are thankful for. That is why we had that night of gratitude; because most of our lives seem to be focused on what we don’t have or what we want rather than on how God has already so graciously taken care of us.

2. ATTENTION MOMS AND DADS and probably grandpas and grandmas too. I have shared with you before that my mom was a clever lady. She made my brothers and I attend church until we were 14. After that we could go or not go. I don’t know if my mom realized it at the time but she was doing a powerful thing. She was keeping her children in a spiritual environment where we would have to opportunity to know God and experience His life in us. Some parents are fortunate enough to afford to bring their kids to Cornerstone Christian School, but many are not. Here is what I want all parents in this sanctuary to hear loud and clear. If what I am telling you is true today, and you will become like the company you keep, what is the environment you are keeping your kids in? How much of a biblical environment are you raising your children in? It’s fine to have our kids in sports but if your kids are getting more time with kids who have no relationship with God why are we surprised when we see attitudes in them that surprise us? Why are we surprised when they fail to respect our authority in their lives when they spend the majority of their time with kids who think what mom and dad say is a joke? We make decisions fro our kids in what they eat. We make decisions for them about going to school. We make decisions for them about when they go to bed at night. Why is it that we seem afraid or unable to make decisions about who their friends are or what music they listen to or what their extracurricular activities will be? Why is it that we seem afraid to say, “Its time for church, we are going to church.” “No I don’t care what the rest of your friends are doing we have made the worship of God a priority in our family and this comes first before anything and every thing else.” Remember this as well, it is not just about biblical content it is about the relationships your kids are establishing. In other words it’s not about whether or not the activity going on is a bible study or not it is about getting our kids hooked up with other kids who headed in the right direction. ** Let me share one pet peeve I have always had. I have never understood why parents when they are punishing their kids for something they did make as part of the punishment that they can’t come to the church activity. I have seen this mostly with teens, but with children as well. What does your child need? To sit home and watch the Simpson’s or some other horrible show that further degrades their minds? Or would it be better to put them in an environment where faith and trust in Christ is proclaimed. Where they learn about honoring their fathers and mothers?

Trans. I was going to give you five facts about doubt but I just don’t have the time so I will leave off the last one.

