Summary: I received the outline for this message from a local Nazarene colleague. It draws a comparison between the grace Christ extended to the lady caught in adultery and the grace shown by the elements of the communion table.


John 8:2-11

When I was in Grade 1, I was almost caught throwing rocks. It was during the lunchtime recess when my cousin and I decided the most productive thing to do was to throw rocks. We were not throwing rocks at the school. We were not trying to smash out windows. We were just throwing rocks into the open courtyard to see who could throw rocks the farthest. That’s when disaster struck.

I had just picked a rock that more than filled my first-grade sized hand. I heaved it for all I was worth and watched helplessly as the stone flew through the air and nailed a little girl square in the stomach. I froze as I saw her bend over in pain, crying her little eyes out. My cousin told me to hide, which I did. From our hiding spot, I could see the teacher comforting the girl, while scanning the playground for the guilty party. I stayed hidden until I saw the teacher walk the girl into the school.

I learned a couple of things that day. The first, and most obvious, was to NEVER throw rocks aimlessly at school. I also learned something else. Rocks can carry a lot of weight, and when used without discretion, bad things can happen.

I would have never picked up that rock if I knew it was going to hurt someone. I feel the same way when I think about the price that Jesus paid for my sins. There are times I wish I could take back some of the deceitful, sinful, hurtful that I have done in my life when compared to the grace Christ had shown to me by His death of the cross.

Each one of you are holding stones today. Each one of those stones are a symbol of your life. The rock it self may not be very big, but under certain circumstances, it can be a very destructive force. There may be issues in your life today that are as destructive as the stone you hold. What will you do with it?

John 8:2-11 NIV:

“At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" "No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

Jesus faces a religious “NO-WIN” situation. The Pharisees have come with an adulterous woman, and they planned to trap Jesus. The Law of Moses clearly stated that a woman caught in adultery had to be stoned to death. On the other hand, Roman law stated that only Roman authorities had the power to enforce capital punishment. Thus the trap was set.

If Jesus sided with the Law of Moses, then the Pharisees and scribes could appeal to Roman rulers (i.e. Pilate) and state that Jesus was a part of some political upheaval that undermined the laws of Rome. On the hand, if Jesus were to side with Rome, then how could this man even consider Himself to be a man of God and teacher?

At the point Jesus is confronted with two expressions of sin:

*outward sin of visible lifestyle - the lady was clearly caught in the act of adultery

*inward sin of concealed attitude - the sinful motives of the mob

The question that remains to be asked is which sin is greater, the adultery or deception? Take a look at the stone you hold in your hand. Does that stone represent attitudes that you harbour against someone else? Perhaps it is unconfessed sin or sins in your life?

In the midst of the conflict around Him, Jesus began writing in the sand. Perhaps He was weighing the outcomes of either decision? Maybe He was just running His finger through the sand? Some have even suggested that He may have even writing the Ten Commandments. What He wrote is not the key thing here. Today, the greatest thing about this encounter was not what He said or wrote, but what He did.

The grace He imparted on this woman’s life is symbolized by the table spread before this morning. The “Table of the Lord” speaks of two great marks of God’s GRACE:

1. SOVEREIGNTY --- the undeniable mark of His LORDSHIP

I believe the crowd came to Jesus that days with stones in hand. One way or the other, somebody was about to be beaten down with rocks. If the crowd did not like the answer Jesus gave them, perhaps they had plans to toss the stones at Him. Despite the Pharisees understanding of the Law, the only One who had the true authority to cast judgement upon this woman was Jesus Himself. Only God is sovereign enough to impart that type of absolute condemnation upon a person.

Sovereign authority implies judgment. In the monarchies of the past, the king or queen was the person who passed the judgement. Sometimes they did so rightly, and other times they abused that power.

Jesus was the only one worthy enough to cast the stones. “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” Jesus knew the hearts of people around. Instead of being caught up in the she did/ what will you do? game, Jesus laid it on the line... If you are perfect... If you are so holy... If you are SINLESS, then step up and take the place of God in this.

There are times when we as Christians are willing to roast a person because of an error in judgement. Like the mob, we’ll drag somebody in with our stones in our hands. Perhaps the stones are raised over our shoulders, and that is when, in His sovereign mercy Christ steps in. “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone...”

The sovereign judgement of God is upon all of our idolatries, upon all competing and conflicting loves, upon everything and anything that rivals His Sovereign Lordship over my life.

The stones these “righteous” people had were to be used for the sole purpose of destroying the sinner. There purpose was to destroy the lady, but the Lord questioned their hearts. He was making them draw the comparison between their sins and the judgement.

They came to destroy the sinner, but Christ came to forgive and destroy the sin. He did that by dying on the cross. Today we reflect on that occasion. His Sovereign Lordship that flows from His Table demands my absolute self (heart)-examination.

Again, take a look at the stone in your hand. The attitudes of the crowd was wrapped into each stone. Their own sins were wrapped in their stone. What does your stone represent today? At His Table, I must exchange my “stone” for a piece of bread.

2. ACCEPTANCE--- The EMBRACE of grace at is best!

In my mind, I see the scene unfolding this way: The mob had circled Jesus and the woman. As each member, after hearing the words of the Master, begins to take account of their own lives. As each person realizes their own sinful state, all that can be heard is the soft “thud” of stones falling into the sand as each person leaves. Before to long, all that remains is Jesus, who is still kneeling, and the lady surrounded by discarded stones.

I imagine the lady would still be quite frightened, as Jesus looks at her at ask where her accusers have gone. “Has no one condemned you?” No knowing what to say, perhaps wondering what Jesus might do, she barely sqeaks, “No one, sir.” Perhaps she even grows more tense as Jesus dusts Himself off, and begins to stand. That tension quickly fades as He looks her in the eyes and says, “Neither do I condemn you…….Go now, and leave your life of sin”

Have you experienced that sweet release from your sins, you stone? Jesus was the only sinless person there, He was God Himself. Instead of killing the woman, she deserved death, Jesus took her sins upon Himself. He sent her away forgiven. That points to the grace of LIBERATING ACCEPTANCE!

The Table proclaims……Our sin, guilt and shame (past, present and future) is no longer ours….but HIS, because of Calvary.


1. Far dearer than all that the world can impart

Was the message came to my heart.

How that Jesus alone for my sin did atone,

And Calvary covers it all.

2. The stripes that He bore and the thorns that He wore

Told His mercy and lover evermore

And my heart bowed in shame as I called on His name,

And Calvary covers it all.

3. How matchless the grace, when I looked in the face

Of this Jesus, my crucified Lord;

My redemption complete I then found at His feet,

And Calvary covers it all

4. How blessed the thought, that my soul by Him bought,

Shall be His in the glory on high;

Where with gladness and song, I’ll be one of the throng

And Calvary covers it all.

Calvary covers it all,

My past with its sin and stain;

My guilt and despair

Jesus took on Him there,

And Calvary covers it all.

This Table bears the marks of GRACE… God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense

Where do YOU stand in the drama of John 8? What is the “STONE” you hold in your hand today? What will YOU do with that stone?