Summary: A "behind-the-scenes" look at the cosmic battle over planet earth, and how we can be sure to overcome in the end.

I’m sure you all remember how, just a couple of weeks ago, the world watched with anxious attention, awaiting news of the fates of 15 members of the British Royal Navy who were captured after supposedly entering Iranian waters. The crew of the HMS Cornwall were taken into Iranian custody and held for nearly 3 weeks, when they were finally released by the president of Iran.

Beyond the obvious human interest story generated by the 15 captured Brits, however, are the questions that remain unanswered as to what prompted their release. You see, what prolonged the sailors’ detainment were the political discussions between the two countries involved. Iran, who insisted that the crew had strayed into Iranian waters, and extracted confessions from several of the sailors to that effect, insisted that Britain give a formal apology for their actions. The UK, on the other hand, insisted that the ship was in fact in Iraqi – not Iranian – territory, and that the Iranians were holding the British crew illegally. Furthermore, it was declared that the British Parliament would not negotiate with the Iranian government for the release of the captives. In light of all of the political intrigue, then, you can imagine how surprising it was to hear that out of nowhere all 15 of the British crew were released from Iranian custody and flown back to England. And so amid the celebrations of the families being reunited with their loved ones, the commentators were debating – what happened that caused their release, and (perhaps more specifically) who should get the credit? For you see, while some strategists are seeing this event as a diplomatic triumph for the UK, others are seeing it as a public relations coup for the President of Iran, who both showed the country’s political capabilities as well as dominated the world stage as a power not to be taken lightly.

As I’ve watched the news and heard the reports about the numerous conflicts going on around the world, I’ve paid attention from time to time as well to the political pundits as they’ve analysed the events and made their speculations about what’s going on “behind the scenes” in the various wars of this day and age. Of course, for all of their discussion, the truth is that we may never really know the background events of these terrible conflicts. We may never know what actually goes on behind the scenes of war and terror – about what prompted the leaders of this world to go to war in the first place, or who did what to gain victory in the end. But the fact remains that so long as there is a war going on somewhere in the world, there is a “war behind the war” that few every get the chance to see, much less to understand. And I’m not just talking about the ones watching the events from a distance; oh no, I’m talking about even those in the midst of the battle not always being entirely sure of what they’re doing or why they’re doing it.


Friends, I don’t know if you realise it, but you and I are in a war, too. It’s not a war over oil or land; it’s not a war over political freedom or social justice for an oppressed minority; it’s not even a war over ideologies. It’s not a war going on in some foreign land, but it’s being fought right here, right now. You won’t read about it in the papers; you won’t hear about it on CNN or the BBC; you won’t hear political commentators expound their theories as to its cause or speculate as to its outcome. But don’t let that fool you: the war I’m talking about is the war to end all wars – the real war behind every war that’s ever gone on in earth’s history. And unlike the wars of this world, we have been given special access to a “behind the scenes” look at what’s really going on, as well as a sure and certain guarantee about who’s going to win in the end.

We find this war talked about in the book of Revelation, chapter 12. If you’ll turn with me there, we’ll get an insider’s look at what’s really going on in this world today. Now, we’re going to jump around a bit, but we’ll be putting the picture together as we do so.

Look first with me at verse 12 of chapter 12 of the book of Revelation. Here at Revelation 12:12 we read (read v. 12…). You know, I found this verse particularly interesting in light of the Iran-UK skirmish which began in open sea; for even those at sea, we are told right here, have had woe pronounced against them. And why? Not because of some international boundary placed on the waters which had been crossed; not because of the sabre-rattling between some earthly political entities; but because an enemy – the devil – has come down to earth, and has unleashed his wrath against our planet. Friends, we have here a “behind-the-scenes” look at what’s really going on in the world today. Every war in the history of war on earth – be it by land, by air or by sea – has had at its source, not the clash of earthly heads of state, not the battling between earthly armies and powers, but has had its source in the wrath of one who has set up his headquarters here on our planet, and is (quite literally) hell-bent on seeing its destruction.

A parallel passage to our text here in Revelation is found in Ephesians chapter 6. Keep your finger at Revelation, and turn back several pages to the 6th chapter of Ephesians, and read with me at verse 12. “For we wrestle”, we are told, “not against flesh and blood, but against” – what? – “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against” – what kind of wickedness? – “spiritual wickedness in high places”. Oh friends, make no mistake about it: at their core the wars of this world have nothing to do with missiles or mortars or machine guns. The battle can’t be won just with gunfire and grenades. No; behind every soldier in battle there is a stronger foe to be fought; behind every army of the world there is a greater battalion to be wrestled. We could win every battle against every army on earth and still lose the war; for the real enemy, we are told, is not found in the face of a Saddam Hussein, or an Osama bin Laden, or an Adolf Hitler, or a Joseph Stalin. The real enemy, we are told, is working behind the scenes; and if we only fight what we can see, even if we win, we may just end up losing in the end.

So the picture becomes a little clearer now, as we go back to Revelation 12: because we live on planet earth, we are engaged in a conflict – we are, in fact, soldiers at war, caught in a battle over our very existence. The devil has taken hold of this planet, and has been waging war against it ever since his arrival. Ah, but the story goes back even further, we are told. Notice at verse 12 that while the earth is suffering woe because of this enemy invasion, the heavens and all who inhabit them are rejoicing. Why is that? Why is it that Heaven would rejoice while Earth suffers the ravages of a destructive tyrant? Well, if we go back just a few verses earlier, we find that the war we’re waging on Earth actually started much, much earlier. Notice at verse 7, that (read vs. 7-10).

I don’t know how many of you have watched the Star Wars films, but let me tell you, Star Wars has nothing on this intergalactic battle! Notice what we read: the war which is being waged by the devil here on Earth actually started in Heaven. The devil and his army launched a campaign against the Sovereign of the Universe, in an attempted coup that none on earth could ever match. Notice how the old Hebrew prophet describes it in Isaiah 14, verses 12 to 14: “How you are fallen from Heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you said in your heart, I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.” In a bold attempt to usurp the throne of God in Heaven, the devil, we are told, assembled an army of angels (one-third of them, in fact, according to Revelation 12, verse 4) and incited a rebellion in the heavenly courts. We’re not told how long the battle lasted; but we are told that at the end, it was the devil who was defeated and cast out. A victory was won in Heaven; hence, the rejoicing of all who dwell in its courts.

Having lost the battle in Heaven, however, did not mean that the devil ended his campaign of terror. Being cast out of Heaven, Revelation 12:9 tells us that “that old serpent, called the devil and Satan”, with his vast army, came down to the earth. But why? Why here? Why us? Why would God allow such a dangerous enemy to invade, of all the places he could go, this third rock from the sun which humanity calls home? Was it an arbitrary act on God’s part? Did He capriciously decide to pick our planet to be the penal colony for Heaven’s public enemy number one? Or is there, again, more going on behind the scenes than we may at first realise?

The answers to our questions can be found by looking at the book of Genesis, chapter 3. From the last book of the Bible, turn with me to the first, where we find a few more pieces to the picture we’re putting together here. Right at the very first verse of Genesis 3 we are told of a “serpent” who was more cunning than any other creature which God had made. Now, do you remember where else we saw the imagery of a serpent? Back in Revelation 12, which tells us that the “serpent” is really who? The devil. Masking his true identity, this enemy of God now makes his way over to God’s crowning creation – the first man and woman. Read with me what happens as he weaves his web of lies: (read vs. 1-5).

Hit the pause button right there. What did the devil just promise here? “You will be like gods”. And have we heard that ambition expressed before? Absolutely – it was what started the war in Heaven: the devil wanted to be like God. He failed in Heaven, but did that stop him? No, no, no; now, he’s using the same campaign he used in Heaven to entice our first earthly parents. With the promise of divinity, Satan tempts Adam and Eve to reach out and take of the fruit which God had forbidden them to eat.

Well, we read going on in Genesis 3 that the ploy worked. And as Adam and Eve crossed the boundary into hostile territory, they were taken captive by the enemy, who now claimed for his own the planet over which they just moments before had had dominion. Having failed to overthrow God in Heaven, the devil settled for the next best thing: dominion over God’s creation here on planet earth. And since he couldn’t destroy God’s heavenly kingdom, he’s now turned his attention to destroying everything he possibly can of the kingdoms of this world.

Friends, for about six thousand years humankind has been involved – whether we want to be or not – in an intergalactic battle for control of the universe. And every war that’s waged here on earth is just another play in the devil’s plan to destroy everything God created on this planet.


But what of it, then? What happens now? We are POW’s – prisoners of war, victims of a hostile takeover. So what do we do about it? Do we just give in? Do we, like those 15 British sailors – from the country known for its “stiff upper lip” – break down and do whatever we have to do to minimise the suffering and make ourselves as comfortable as we can in our condition? (BEAT) Go back with me to Revelation 12, and take a look with me at verse 10… (read vv. 10, 11)

Make no mistake about it – we are in a war – we are all engaged in a life-and-death struggle with him whom Scripture calls “the prince of the power of the air”. As long as we’re on this earth, we are told, we will be subject to his wrath and his accusations, and the object of every evil weapon that he can possibly conceive. Ah, but the promise is given: “they overcame!” Oh, hallelujah, there can be victory; there is victory; and we can be a part of it! Despite being held captive against their will on enemy territory, the Bible describes here in Revelation 12 a group of people – soldiers in a mighty army – who will see victory in the midst of the battle. And they overcome, we are told, “by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony”.

Flip back with me one more time to Genesis 3 – if we’re going to make sense of how to overcome in the end, we’ve got to go back to the beginning. We’ve seen the horrific and tragic events that came as a consequence of one couple’s crossing onto hostile ground; but we need to look at what happened next. Verse 15 – God speaking; notice what He says to the serpent… (read v. 15)

God looks the serpent in the eye – this one-time usurper in heaven and would-be pretender to Earth’s throne – and lays out a battle plan that foresees, not only the exposure of Satan for the charlatan that he is, not only his overthrow as the impostor king of a hijacked planet, but by extension the deliverance of those under his oppressive reign.

This promise found partial fulfillment, believe it or not, as early as the book of Exodus. You know the story of the book of Exodus, right? God’s people subtly overtaken by a tyrannical king that considers himself a god, who through a program of enslavement and torture would have wiped them out completely – sound familiar? And yet God – the true God – steps in to save his people from their bondage. In a series of plagues incomparable to any Hollywood special effects, the proud king of Egypt, whose question, “who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice”, comes to see and know who the Lord is, yet refuses to release the Hebrews from his iron grip. And so, in a final move, God does something unprecedented. I want us to read about it; Exodus chapter 12, look with me there…. (read vv. 3-6), and now notice in verse 7… (read v. 7). Now notice what God says in verse… (read vv. 12, 13).

The blood of a slain lamb, placed on the doorposts and lintel, was the only source of deliverance. We need to understand this: in all the other plagues, we read that while the plagues fell on the Egyptians, the Hebrews were spared. But in this last act of God which would result in the deliverance of His people, it would not be enough to be a Jew, or to be on the right side of the land of Goshen. No, in this last act by which God’s people would finally be delivered, only those who were under the blood of the lamb would come out victorious. And friends, Revelation 12:11 indicates that the victors in the war of this world – those who are delivered from the POW camp of planet earth – will first and foremost be victorious because of the blood of the lamb. For you see, the lambs that were killed, and whose blood was painted across the doorways of Goshen, only partially fulfilled God’s promise in Genesis 3. The ultimate fulfillment would not come until nearly four thousand years later, where the promise of Genesis 3 finds its echo in John chapter 3, verses 16 and 17: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world” we are told “to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved”. Jesus Christ – the One called “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” – came down from Heaven and invaded this captive planet. Laying down His life and letting His blood be spilled, He perfectly executed the battle plan laid, we are told, from the foundations of the earth. His death – prophesied in the Garden of Eden as the bruising of the man-child’s heel – resulted in the crushing blow to the serpent’s head and the overthrow of his despotic reign. And like the children of ancient Israel, all who place themselves under the protection of His blood are given the promise of not only deliverance, but a part in the final victory in this great and cosmic war to end all wars.

Friends, the way out has already been provided; the war is already won! We may remain confined in this life to the battlefield of earth; we may remain prisoners of war – subject to the attacks of enemy forces – but by the blood of the Lamb, our victory is assured. Amen? Amen.

Ah, but Scripture does not leave it there. There’s more to conquest than being under the blood. Those who are on the winning side in the end will also, going back to Revelation 12:11, overcome “by the word of their testimony”. You see, there’s more to it than being under the blood. Though our deliverance is achieved by the blood of the Lamb, something more is needed – a testimony, we are told, is necessary as well. Going back to the story of the Exodus, we find that not long after their deliverance from Egypt, there were those in the camp of Israel – those who just months before had placed themselves under the protection of the lamb’s blood and saw the deliverance of the Lord – who were destroyed in the wilderness. Why? Because though they had placed themselves under the blood back in Egypt, once freed from their oppressors they lost sight of their deliverance. In fact, some of them had become so blind to what God had done for them that they actually wanted to go back to Egypt – have mercy!

There is a similar risk for those who have placed themselves under the blood of Jesus Christ. It can best be summarised by the song “I’ve been redeemed”:

I’ve been redeemed by the blood of the lamb (3x)

Filled with the Holy Ghost I am

All my sins are washed away - I’ve been redeemed.

My God and I, we got so close (3x)

He filled me up with the Holy Ghost

All my sins are washed away - I’ve been redeemed.

Now, I don’t have a problem with the song per se. But did you notice something about the message it’s sending? I’ve been redeemed… my God and I we got so close He filled me up with the Holy Ghost…. It’s talking about everything that happened in the past! For too many, salvation is spoken of as a past event, described with a nostalgia befitting something that has only sentimental value today. But friends, I need to ask you something: what is the purpose of a testimony? The purpose of a testimony is to bear witness to something you are a part of. In courts of law, witnesses are called upon to give sworn testimony because they have an experience to relate about a certain event. You can’t call somebody to testify to something they’ve got nothing to do with – what would they have to say that’s of any relevance? Also, it’s a known fact that a witness’s testimony tends to fade with time – important details are forgotten, and uncertainties creep in, so that the credibility of the witness comes into question. No, for a testimony to have any power to it, it must be recent and it must be real. In the same way, those who overcome will have a testimony – not only of some bygone event in their past – but of an experience that is current and real in their lives. In ancient Israel, God’s people were called on, not only to recite the events of God’s deliverance in the past, but also to “sing a new song to the Lord" telling of His marvellous deeds of salvation in their present situation.

Friends, to have a testimony means to have a faith walk with Jesus that’s as real today as it was when you were first saved. It means maintaining a daily walk with Jesus, knowing Him more and more each day, and letting Him change you, so that if someone were to call upon you for your witness, you could answer without a shadow of doubt about the power of your redeemer.

More than that, however, we read these words concerning our testimony in 1st Peter 2:9 and 10… (read vv. 9, 10). Friends, our testimony isn’t just for us: it’s for those who are still under the dictator’s rule – those who are still under the enemy’s power. Our testimonies, we are told, are like lights to the world, pointing them to the One – the only One – who can set them free.

By placing ourselves under the blood of Calvary’s Lamb, we are freed from the tyranny of the enemy’s control. And by the word of our testimony – fostered by a daily walk with Jesus in which we grow in our trust and obedience to Him – we not only continue to ensure our victory, but by our witness we help others find their victory as well. And when the day comes for us to be finally and fully freed from the battle, we’ll get more than a cheap suit from our captors to wear home – we’ll get a white robe from our Commander-In-Chief Himself, who will usher us into His home to live with Him forever.


-If you’ve never placed yourself under the blood of the lamb – never accepted Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf to free you from the control of the one who only wants to destroy you – and you want the victory today.

-If you’ve placed yourself under that blood, but you need to keep your testimony alive, and want to learn how to study the Bible and/or pray.

-If your testimony has faded, and you need it renewed today.

-If you want to learn how to share your testimony with someone else, and get involved in ministry to lead others to Jesus as well.