Summary: A Sermon on Communion

A Chiclet and a Thimble

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

You know, I don’t feel old. In fact, I consider myself to be quite young. But you really start to feel your age when some of the things and events you grew up with start showing up on the history channel. When I went back to college at 38, I took a few history courses and I had a distinct advantage over some of the 18 and 19 year old students because all they could do was read about the events of the 60s, 70s and 80s, but I lived through many of them. Maybe that’s why many of the other students wanted to study with me. Sometime around my 40th birthday, my sister in law sent me an e-mail that many of you may have seen regarding those who entered college in 2003 and will, hopefully, graduate next May. I received a similar e-mail before. I think it comes out every year just to remind us how old we’re getting. The message relays many of the things the class of 2007 could not remember or relate to because of their age. Here are a few of them:

-They were 6 when the Soviet Union broke apart and do not remember the Cold War.

-Tiananmen Square means nothing to them.

-Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic.

-They have no idea what a cloth baby diaper is.

-They may have never heard of an 8 track.

-They have always had an answering machine.

-There have always been VCRs but they have probably never heard of Beta

-Most have never a black and white TV.

-They have always had cable.

For the class of 2007

-Jay Leno has always been on the Tonight Show.

-Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.

-They have no idea when or why Jordache jeans were ever cool.

-They have no idea who J.R. was and do not care who shot him.

-To them, Kansas, Chicago, Boston, America, and Alabama are places, not bands...

-There has always been MTV.

This list may make a lot of us remember the past but it’s not the fault of the class of 2007 that they don’t know about these things. They weren’t around to experience them. But, they can read about these things; learn about them; try to understand what they mean. We were not around when Jesus gave us the Lord’s Supper but we can read about it; learn about it; try to understand what it means.

For many of us here today, we gather every week at the Lord’s Table to remember. We might remember the last few hours of freedom that Jesus had on this earth. We might remember a King who washed the feet of the people. We remember Jesus, who died in our place and who washes not just his disciple’s feet, but also their souls. Their feet he washed with water and a towel. Our souls took a lot more. To wash away our sins required his body and blood.

We remember that, after that Passover meal, there was a prayer; a prayer of fear; a prayer of agony. A prayer prayed so passionately that blood dripped from the forehead of our Lord. A prayer that took place while those who were supposed to be the most loyal to him, the ones who loved him the most, were sleeping. We remember a prayer that turned everything over to the will of God.

We remember that, after the prayer, there was a betrayal; a betrayal that had its origin when Jesus first chose this particular disciple to be one of the twelve. His feet, feet Jesus himself had washed, would carry Judas to the chief priests to betray the Messiah to betray his friend. We remember a betrayal that was sealed with a kiss when we all know that’s not what a kiss is for. We remember a betrayal that caused so much guilt and anguish that the betrayer thought that the only way to relieve himself of his inner turmoil was to hang himself.

And, after the betrayal, we remember Jesus being led off by the soldiers to face the accusations of the high priests; to face the indifference of the Romans; to face the whip; to face the cross; to face his death.

But, what I want us all to remember at this particular moment is a simple meal; a meal shared with those who Jesus loved. We remember the gift of a meal given to us by our Lord and Savior. But, why a meal? Why do we take a little piece of bread and a tiny sip of wine?

It is very likely that the early disciples took more than just a pinch of bread and a teaspoon of the wine when Jesus first handed them the elements and Jesus never specified the volume of bread and drink to take in this meal. Today, we receive the Lord’s Supper in small portions of bread and cup, but it is not the amount that we focus on, it’s the meaning behind the elements. The meaning behind these elements is probably different for each person here but, please indulge me as I tell you what they mean to me.

Communion is now my favorite part of worship but it didn’t always used to be that way. I used to wait for the trays to be passed down my row, take a little chiclet of bread and a thimble full of juice then pass the trays without a second thought. Then a few years ago I was at a worship service where communion was to be served. We did a lot of singing. The sermon was good. I was having a great time worshipping God. Then came time for communion which we took by intinction. It was a full house in a very large church and I was somewhere in the middle of the line and I slowly made my way up the people serving the elements. We were wearing nametags so they could call us by name when we accepted the bread and wine. The first servant gave me a small piece of bread and said, “Rusty, this is the body of Christ that was given for you.” She seemed nice and had a pleasant voice and she smiled as I accepted the bread. Then I came to the servant who was holding the cup. I didn’t know this man; I had never seen him in my life but I will never forget his face. He, too, was smiling and as I walked up to him ready to dip my bread in the cup, he looked me straight in the eye with a look that I had seldom seen before and he said, “Rusty, this is the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed especially for you.” I stopped and looked deep into his eyes and I recognized the look on his face was; his face was radiating with the love of Christ. That love came flooding over me as I dipped my bread in the cup and ate. I had never truly realized what this whole ritual meant. It is a ritual of hope. It is a ritual that shows that God would rather die than live without us. And at that moment, all the images, the foot washing, the anguished prayer, the betrayal, the crucifixion and the victory over death, came flooding over me. There was a prayer rail in this church and I walked to it, got down on my knees and talked to God like had never talked to God before. I had to thank God for this incredible gift. I had to ask for forgiveness for the times I turned my back on God. I had to beg God for the strength to persevere during the tough times. I had to thank God for doing everything/ especially for me. The servant was right. Jesus Christ went through everything especially for me. But the best, and most amazing, part is that Jesus went through everything he did especially for all of you as well; especially for you, ( ); especially for you, ( ); especially for everybody everywhere.

All this time, I have been calling this a meal. Well it is a meal, but it is more than that; it is a feast; a feast of bread and wine; bread and wine that represent the body and blood of Christ. But it is even more than that. It is a gift from God so that we may remember. It is a gift from God so that we may remember that Christ came to serve not to be served. It is a gift from God so that we may remember that God so love the world, and each and every person on it here and everywhere, that God gave us Jesus the Christ, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Again, let us remember the words of the apostle Paul; For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me." In the same way he took the cup also, after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. Proclaiming the Lord’s death means that you share the awesome gift of hope with the whole world. Let people know that God loves them and that these elements, and what they represent, are here for everyone.

In the Disciples of Christ church we hear these words every single week. And even though we hear them every week, they never get old and they never lose their meaning. We take a little chiclet of bread and a thimble full of juice/ and we remember. We remember the life. We remember the death. We remember the resurrection. But, mostly, I pray that we will always remember the hope.