Summary: As Christians we can have the victory in the race of life.


I guess you are wondering why this message is called” Nike”? right? You probably think I am referring to a brand of athletic wear or running shoes don’t you? I think that some people think that if you are wearing Nike shoes while running a race or playing a game that you are certain to win. Is there something extraordinary about that Nike swoosh as it is called?

Well I don’t know about Nike shoes or clothing but I do know one thing that will help us. We as Christians have something that will gain us victory in the race that we run. 1John 5:4 says” For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world -Our Faith”.

If we truly have faith in Jesus, then we will have the victory. Our message today is all about winning the race through Faith in Christ.

New Years is just around the corner, and some people go around making new years resolutions. New years resolutions tend to be a struggle for some people to keep. They are like running a marathon when you have never ran a mile in your entire life. Suppose that our resolutions to change something-whether they are to quit an addiction of some sort, or to try to become more faithful to the Lord-Are like running a race. What if we were wearing Nike gear while trying to keep our resolutions? Do you think we would succeed?

Did you know that Nike gear is mentioned in the Bible? Again look at 1Jn 5:4, What does our faith give us concerning this world? “victory”. The Greek word for victory in this verse is nike (pronounced) (Nee-Kay). Our Faith is NIKE! It is victory for us!

Now, with this understanding if faith in mind, we will begin looking at our text, and we will gain some helpful insight into keeping our resolutions to change,and keeping our Faith in Christ.

1. Run to Win.(v24)

When we look at v 24 it speaks of running in a race. This is a reference to athletic games much like our “Olympics”. Every 2 years outside of Corinth there were famous Olympic Games. They had all of the events that our games would have: Boxing, Wrestling, and all kinds of different foot races. The winners of these events were given a wreath or crown to wear on their heads it was woven of either pine boughs or olive branches. The value of the prize was not monetary but symbolic, and the prize For Paul was a sense of delight that he was being used by God in ministry, knowing that he had used all his energy’s talents, and gifts to Gods glory, for the good of the Kingdom. That’s what Paul lived for He described that Prize In Philippians 3:14 He said” I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”.

When we run our race in 2002, whatever it may be,let us pout on our faith or our Nike Gear, and strive for the prize. Let us run tio receive our Crown of rightouness; not a crown of riches, but a crown that will carry a message to all who see it. May our victory in Jesus be symbolic of the power of the cross in overcoming defeat, Mainly the defeat of sin and death.

2. Endure The Agony(25)

The NIV says “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. The Amplified says “Now every athlete who goes into training”. Paul makes it very clear that winning spiritual rewards….requires spiritual discipline on our part. The word compete that He uses is the Greek word for agony. It points to the great effort that was put forth to win.

Athletes today endure tremendous pain during training for the Olympics. They train for 4 long years, and for what? They do all this for a crown that will fade away. They seek glory in the eyes of men. Paul on the other hand, endured much agony in order to obtain an eternal crown.

This should be an encouragement for us in the New years. If we make a resolution for Christ this year and find it hard to keep, just remember that we are not experiencing agony for nothing. Our efforts will result in an everlasting prize, if we run the race until it is finished. We are not seeking Glory in the eyes of men, but in the eyes of God.

Isn’t strange though, how much people will do for the glory of man? Look at how many people are involved in a miriade of activites, and who attend all sorts of functions yet do not attend church. What profit is it to them to gain the glory of all men, and lose their own soul? Lets strive for Gods favor.

3.Set a goal(26)

This verse makes the point that we should not practice for an event with out a goal. Paul said he did not run without having a reason. Many people today run or Jog for fitness, which does have a goal, but in the eyes of a pro runner these people are just amateurs. Why run if you can’t get a prize ? Haven’t you noticed that many pro athletes give up running, biking or whatever, when they stop-being a pro athlete? They have no reason to continue in their sport if they can’t win a prize.

Paul asked why in the world would someone fight if they are just going to swing at the air? What’s the point of shadow boxing if you are never going to fight? Whatever sport we choose to participate in or what ever resolution we make, let us not just go through the motions. We need to set a goal b4 us. Any race that we run we should aim for the finish line. Do not enter an event;do not enter a resolution without having the goal of finishing.

Another thing to point out is that too many times we focus more on the task than the outcome.

ILL: there was a man who approached a work-man and asked him what are you doing?the workman said can’t you see I’m laying bricks? The man then walked over to another workman and asked what are you doing?and the workman answered with pride I’m building a cathederal. Both were physically doing the same thing, but the first workman was occupied with the present task, and the other was concerned about the ultimate goal.

If we forget the outcome of our task, we will become bogged down in what we are doing.let us keep our focus on the eternal crown

of glory.

4.The Strength Of Discipline(27).

Without discipline, one is sure to fail. An Athletes strength comes from discipline. Here is a story of the first Marathon runners, Which is where Nike Company gets its name.

The Battle of Marathon was fought around 490 Bc When King Darius launched an attack on Athens. Since the surrounding city-states would offer little support to the Athenians, the Athenians were out numbered by the Persians. Although the Athenians were out numbered they caught the Persians by suprize by running the full length of the plain and catching the Persians un-organized. The Athenians were able to defeat the Persians by not only striking from the front, but they also flanked the Persian army from the sides. Because of this sudden attack the Persian troops broke ranks and fled back to their ships. Since the Athenians won they wanted to send word back to Athens to tell of the victory, so the city could prepare for the Persian fleet attack from the sea. So Militades sent his best runner Pheidippdes to take word to Athens. He ran the who distance about 26 miles, and then when he arrived he was able to say 1 word…and then he died.

What was the one word the Pheideppedes was able to say before he died? It was NIKE! He Cried Victory. The Athenians ran the whole distance of the plain of Marathon, which is some 26 miles. This could not have been accomplished without hard training and discipline.


If you make a New Year’s resolution or if you make a commitment to follow Jesus more closely in 2002 are you going to focus on an eternal prize instead of the earthy benefits? Will you endure the agony of your trials? Will you keep your head above the clouds and not become bogged down in the day to day routine? Will you discipline yourself so that you will have the strength of endurance to reach the finish line? These are Keys to success if we uphold them.

1John 5:4”And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith”. The main key to success is our faith in Jesus. Faith will bring Victory. In Isa 40:31 he Said But thos who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary ,they shall walk and not faint Now that’s what you call Nike Air.

If you want to have Gods NIKE gear on then Have Faith In Jesus Christ. If you want to have victory in your resolutions then trust in Jesus. Better yet, if you want to cross over the finish line into heaven one day, and have victory over sin and death Trust in Jesus Christ.

Whether you already have accepted Christ ,or need to accept Him AS your Lord and Saviour, You need to have faith in Jesus in order to have victory. I invite anyone who has never had victory in Jesus to make a commitment to Him this very day.

He is the only way.