Summary: reminded Timothy that God was watching him, as was Jesus Christ who will judge all men. He further reminded him that Christ will return soon, and that he should carry out the command of ALL Christians to share the Gospel lovingly, boldly, intentionally, a

2 Timothy 4:1-5 (NASB)

¶ I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom:

2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,

4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

5 But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Short List

Remember the divine (deity/your maker) – 4:1

the duty – 4:2

the days – 4:3-5


 Probably written not long before the death of Paul at the hand of Nero, who died in 68 AD.

 Though it is a personal letter, its application is for all who will follow the Lord in all things.


1. Attention Grabber – Famous last words or famous last phrases before a big break

 I can pass this guy.

 What does this button do?

 "This ’telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.

 "The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" -- David Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s

 "We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." -- Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.

2. Relevancy / Transition – Last words can seal the fate and image of someone forever.

a. It is no wonder, then, that near the end of his life and what possibly was one of his last letters, the apostle Paul took time to make sure he gave his favorite pupil, Timothy, a last command.

b. In a world of fast-paced life and widely accessible knowledge, the time has never been greater to take the Gospel to the World.

c. Over 150,000 people die everyday according to the WHO, meaning that those we know or even don’t know may never be able to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

3. Credibility – As one who is currently preparing for a lifetime of ministry, this passage has often served as a stark reminder to the calling upon my life.

a. Even though Paul was writing to a young pastor in Timothy that would ultimately oversee many churches until his death, the lessons contained in the passage allow us to go forward.

b. The first-century world was a plethora of immoral and blasphemous living and ideas.

c. What Paul commanded Timothy to remember and do would make him effective in an effective world.

4. Thesis – To be effective in an ineffective world as Paul and Timothy were, we must remember three things: the divine, the duty, and the days.

5. Preview / Transition – As we will see later, the call to herald the Gospel is something that is equal for all Christians regardless of any factor, excuse, or methodology.


1. Remember the divine (deity/your maker) – 4:1

a.  - To testify against, to warn, to charge. In ancient world, it means to call the gods to witness an event or to testify against a heretic.

i. 1 Tim. 5:21 – A command given to Timothy on a previous occasion in the sight of God, Christ, and the elect angels.

ii. 2 Tim 2:14, vv. 14-19 – Warning against words and splitting hairs over non-essential truths. Stick to the basics of the faith. Discussion here about essentials (

b. “in the presence of God and of Jesus Christ” – The ultimate expression of witness and of accountability.

i. Literally, Before God and of Jesus Christ, as an apostle, I give you this charge.

ii. The God AND the Lord Jesus Christ – There is only one God (1 Tim. 2:5; 2 Tim. 1:9-10,

iii. 2 Tim. 1:12 – The Lord is able to protect you when you are in his presence and doing his work.

iv. 2 Tim. 2:8-10 – The Gospel is a divine action that is the truth and requires suffering for at times.

v. Illustration – Channel surfing – Do you channel surf, click the mouse a lot, turn the radio dial a lot?

1. We live in a world of selective hearing.

2. We cannot be spiritual channel surfers…are you listening?

3. The Lord is watching…who have you told about Jesus?

c. “Who is to judge the living and the dead” – He is the Lord of all because He has conquered death by His resurrection

i. John 8:26 – Jesus came to judge the world by the things the Father (God) told him to do.

ii. Acts 17:31 – Jesus has the authority to judge because, unlike any other religious leader, he rose from the dead and defeated death (cf. Eph. 2:1-5).

d. “and by His appearing and His kingdom” –

i. Appearing - Paul reminded Timothy that God was watching him, as was Jesus Christ who will judge all men. He further reminded him that Christ will return soon, and that he should carry out the command of ALL Christians (Mark 13:34-35).

1. When Emperor of Rome made entrance to a city, much like the president or other important figure would today, everything was put in perfect order.

a. Everything was up-to-date and clean to welcome the Emperor, or old Roman law dictated that just punishment would go forth.

b. Paul is saying to Timothy and subsequently all who read this text, “You know how the diligently the city works when expecting the Emperor, YOU are expecting the appearing of Jesus Christ. Do you work in such a way that all things will be ready whenever He appears.”

2. 1 Tim. 6:11-16 – Take hold of the eternal life given you and be blameless in keeping this command until the appearing of Jesus Christ, as you professed in the sight of many witnesses.

3. 2 Tim. 4:8 - All those who love the Lord will receive a crown and look forward to his appearing.

ii. Kingdom – The kingdom that surpasses all other earthly one and the one that every knee shall bow at one day.

1. Hebrews 12:28-29 – It impacts our worship and subsequently our witness for Jesus Christ.

2. 1 Thess 2:12 – Understanding the kingdom of Jesus Christ calls urges us to live a life worthy of the calling that we have received.

3. Acts 14:22 – We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.

e. Application – Knowing the charge we have to spread the Gospel intentionally, boldly, and lovingly through our words and actions, remembering the divine call, protection, and character of the triune God is foundational to be effective in an ineffective world.

2. Remember the duty – 4:2

a. Duty #1 - “Preach the word” –

i. The language in the original and English is that of a command to go and preach. You preach the Word. Preach the salvation of Jesus Christ, of whom you are a witness of (1 Peter 1:6-8) and that you know the truth about.

ii. Preaching in the original language refers to a herald, which is someone responsible for proclaiming an important message loudly in public.

1. The Gospel, then, is not something to be hidden.

2. In light of the appearing of Jesus Christ, the urgency to share the truth publicly with all boldness is apparent.

iii. Word – The word, outside of Jesus Christ, is that of the Gospel message (1 Cor. 15:1-4)

1. Used 31 times in the book of Acts to refer to the bold proclamation of the Gospel message

2. Acts 4:28-30 – The prayer we should adapt for ourselves.

iv. Illustration - During the days of the Protestant Reformation, someone asked Martin Luther to explain the amazing success of his message of justification by faith alone. It was a good question because his message spread like wildfire across Europe even though Luther himself spent time in prison. How could one man have changed the course of history? In one of his more famous comments, he replied something like this: “While I slept or drank beer in Wittenburg with my friends … the Word did the work.” Then he added: “I did nothing. The Word did it all.”

b. “Be ready in season and out of season” – Literally, the Greek says, “when it is convenient and when it is not”

i. Mark 14:9-12 – Only other time the word “opportune” is used is when Jesus is betrayed and they were looking for the right time.

ii. Satan would have you think that it takes days, week, and even months before it is a good time to share the Gospel. The most opportune time for satan is when you refuse to use the same fervency and outlook to proclaim the Gospel as he did when he tried to stop it.

iii. The Gospel is never more convenient to tell than right now—in love, in step with the Holy Spirit, and with all boldness.

iv. Illustration – How many of you prepare like this in the morning for work?

1. Preparing clean clothes

a. Shower/hygiene

b. Preparing breakfast

c. Prepare lunch (planning for hunger ahead of time)

d. Fuel car (HOPEFULLY) to avoid stress and worry later.

e. Listen to news to prepare for weather and road conditions.

v. We prepare so much for the physical, but rarely do we prepare for the spiritual.

vi. The command here is to be ready for any chance the Lord brings

vii. Illustration: Australian couple who didn’t know about Jesus

c. Duty #2 – “Reprove” – a call to the emotions To be effective in our duty in this world, we must bring to light, and point out sin by way of active “convincing,” as the Greek literally reads (Acts 18:4, 19:8, 26, 28:23-24, etc.) by way of the Word of God (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16-17).

i. The Gospel of Jesus Christ offensive (cf. 1 Cor. 1:18-2:5; John 3:16-20, etc.)

ii. Our call is to expose them (Eph. 5:11-13) with all authority (Titus 2:15 with Matthew 28:18, Mark 2:10) in Jesus name.

iii. Yes, even other brothers and sisters in the faith (Matthew 18:15; Gal. 6:1), but not the least of which are those outside of Jesus Christ.

d. Duty #3 – “Rebuke” – a call to the mind - For the Gospel to go forward effectively, sometimes we must say that a thing is wrong and administer a rebuke for it.

i. Luke 17:3 – A brother who sins must be brought to light, first in private, then with two and three witnesses and then with the congregation, and then finally out of the church if the sin persists.

ii. See also: 1 Cor. 5

e. Duty #4 – “Exhort” – a call to the will - One of Paul’s favorite words, it means “to call” upon other, to encourage them, and to urge them to live righteouslessly.

i. We must have the attitude of Barnabas and of others who have been a constant “spiritual cheerleader” to those who are hurting, comforting, and even those without the Gospel.

ii. We must urge folks to turn to the only One who can help them and save them.

f. “with great patience and instruction.” - In reference to each of the duties and the instruction contained with in, we must remember these elements of our charge by the divine Lord.

i. Proverbs 25:15 – A patient spirit allows us to persuade others, including those in authority.

ii. Gal. 5:22 – Patience is a fruit of the Spirit that must be exercised with all other giftings.

g. Application – Understanding that your salvation was bought with a price commands you to be a true and faithful witness with all leading of the Holy Spirit….WORDING

i. 2 Tim. 1:8, 2:3, 2:8-10, 3:12 – Suffering is part of the Gospel

ii. 2 Tim. 1:14 – Guard the deposit by the power of the Holy Spirit (cf. Eph. 6:10-12).

3. Remember the days – 4:3-5

a. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine” – That is, they will refuse to listen to the Word being preached, your reproving of their actions in the light of God’s holiness, your rebuking for the glory of God, and your exhortation of sound doctrine, even when you are patient and loving, for they want to hear what they want to hear.

i. The implication here is that of a sick teaching, or something that is causing them to be sick.

1. The Greek word comes from the word we get the word hygiene from.

2. The problem is that those who do not want to hear the truth of God’s Word do not realize they are making themselves even sicker.

3. As sin-filled, wrath-bearing children since birth, our natural condition is depraved to the point it cannot be cured except in Jesus Christ.

4. Ex – kid who just wants to eat candy

5. As heralds of the Gospel of the soul, we are likened to spiritual doctors in these verses who are to keep sharing the antitode—Jesus Christ—to the problem (sin).

6. A doctor does not stop practicing medicine just because a patient refuses treatment. He goes to those who are willing to listen and be healed.

ii. See also: 1 Tim. 1:10, 6:3; 2 Tim. 1:13

b. “but wanting to have their ears tickled” – Literally, “Don’t tell me I am sick, doctor, tell a joke!”

i. Part of the problem we have today, friends, is that we are afraid to tell the truth.

1. Listen, Jesus never told jokes, but he told real-life stories to make a point about eternity.

2. This is why he often spoke twice as much about hell than he did as heaven.

ii. The thought here is of an insatiable desire that can only be acquired by partaking in it.

iii. Modern examples: Ray Prichard

1. Make me happy.

2. Meet my needs.

3. Don’t talk about sin.

4. Tell me how to be successful.

5. Don’t be so negative.

6. Bible doctrine is boring.

7. Theology doesn’t matter.

8. Sermons are too long.

9. Make the gospel relevant.

10. Tell more stories.

11. Make me laugh.

12. Tell some jokes.

13. Help me feel good about myself.

14. Build up my self-esteem.

15. Don’t be divisive.

16. Don’t talk about hell.

17. Be positive.

18. I want a happy religion.

iv. See also: 2 Peter 2:1-3

v. Illustration - I heard of a teacher who was telling her students that they should not believe in God because they could not see Him.

1. “Can you see the sky?” “Yes,” they answered. “Can you see the trees?” “Yes,” they replied. “Can you see the grass?” “Yes,” they replied

2. “Can you see God?” “No,” they replied. So the teacher said, “Well since we can’t see God, there must not be one.”

3. One of the students lifted her hand, and requested to test that theory, and the teacher gave her permission.

4. “Can everyone here see the teacher?” “Yes,” they replied. “Can you see the teacher’s head?” “Yes,” they answered. “Can you see the teacher’s brain?” They answered, No.”

5. “Well, then according to what we’ve learned today, she must not have one.”

c. “they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,” – Really to find the new thing under the sun.

i. Acts 17:21 – The Atheians did this as a way to keep up with the latest gossip.

ii. 1 Cor. 2:1-4 – True preachers of God preach Christ crucified and nothing else.

d. “and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths” –

i. Perhaps similar to what happened to the first martyr of the Christian faith that we know of in Stephen. The Scripture records that they shut up their ears (Acts 7:57) and kept on with tradition over God’s truth.

ii. 2 Peter 1:16 – The Christian does not follow wise tales, but rather provable facts of history that uplift the truth of the Gospel.

iii. Titus 1:14 – Paul commanded Timothy not to pay attention to Jewish myths that were no longer true, but to the revelation of God in the man Jesus Christ.

iv. A good servant of Jesus Christ sticks to the word and allows to penetrate his life.

e. Application:

i. In a world of itching ears, preach the Word!

ii. To a generation gone astray, preach the Word!

iii. In a time of moral crisis, preach the Word!

iv. When people don’t want to hear you, preach the Word!

v. When false teachers abound, preach the Word!

vi. When money is upheld over God, preach the Word!

vii. When cultures switch and people change, preach the Word!

viii. When people listen and when they don’t listen, preach the Word!

4. Conclusion – “But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”

a. Be sober – Keep your mission and priority correct

i. Endure hardship – Suffer is a regular part of Gospel.

ii. Work of an evangelist – Stay true to the Gospel even during hard times.

iii. Fulfill your ministry –

b. With these nine imperative commands Paul calls on Timothy to proclaim and apply God’s Word with much patience and careful instruction, to be clearheaded in every situation, to bear whatever difficulties such a ministry may involve him in, to evangelize, and to do whatever is necessary to accomplish the ministry to which Christ has called him

c. 2 Tim. 2:17-19 – Two men, perhaps Judaziers, that were saying the resurrection already occurred.

d. 2 Tim. 4:14-17 – The metalworker Alexander who opposed the Gospel. The Lord stood by Paul